Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2061: Either die or leave Tianyu【big

In the void, Ling Tian sneered.

He has a lot of cards in his hand.

To be honest, he really didn't care too much about this golden sky forbidden.

Even since he became the Horned Dragon Transformation, Ling Tian hadn't really tried his best.

Even today's Golden Sky Ban is not worthy.

"You are laughing at me!?!"

Jin Tianjin's face was blushing to the extreme after being repulsed by a single blow.

In the presence of foreign races and human races, and even Su Jiu'er, he was shocked by Ling Tian.

He didn't expect that Ling Tian's combat power would be so tyrannical, and with his current fierceness, he couldn't suppress Ling Tian.

Now, being so condescendingly ridiculed by Ling Tian, ​​how can he bear it?

"Hehe, so what!?"

"Come on, do your best, don't let me down too much."

Ling Tian in the void is still indifferent.

"I am so angry, Ling Tian, ​​today I will let you see how strong I am Jin Tian Ban!"

Jin Tianjin roared, and there was a sudden shock at his feet, smashing into the void, a violent demonic energy swept the world, oppressing this space, he released the flaming golden brilliance, a golden lion roared, and the world was invisible. The will attack crazily collapsed, and the eardrums of many warriors below shook, and many warriors were shocked to vomit blood.

Under the full blood of the demon golden lion, Jin Tianban directly increased more than ten times, and it looked like a frenzied orc.

Yang Tian made another roar, Jin Tian banned, and once again hit Ling Tian with a punch.

This time, Jin Tianban was extremely powerful, even without a weapon, it was better than Zuo Xiaosheng Qiye!

A punch came straight out, traveled thousands of miles, and went away mightily.

"Hehe, violent, let you see what is the power of Wushuanglong clan!"

Ling Tian yelled coldly, a violent prestige rose from him to the sky.

In an instant, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and the black thunderclouds rolled incessantly. As a flash of lightning pierced the sky, Ling Tian's body was shocked, and the ancient horned dragon roar sounded in his body. The nine real dragons were turned on, and Ling Tian's body surface was exposed to green and red dragon scales. Under the blessing of the blood of the dragon clan, Ling Tian's body shape soared to more than ten feet!

Seeing Ling Tian suddenly turned into a dragon, the shadow of the true dragon, carrying the mighty dragon power, made his blood tremble.

The Dragon Race comes from the Monster Race, but it is higher than the Monster Race.

The pressure on the bloodline is far better than Wangtian Golden Lion.

How could this not make Jin Tianjin shocked?

I saw Ling Tian at this moment, stepping on thunder and fire, half-man and half-dragon, sacred and dazzling, and deep in the eyes, there was a dragon's shadow soaring.

The violent horned dragon turned him into a terrifying oppressive force.

That was the supreme body refining technique that had been cultivated to the first stage of the nine transformations of true dragons. Just the horned dragon transformation was enough to make these aliens frighten and dare not look directly at them.

In the roar of anger, Ling Tian's five fingers spread out, and the endless dragon power gathered on the palm of his hand, bursting out with extremely violent supreme coercion.

"Second trick!"

Ling Tian's voice fell, his five fingers clenched suddenly, and the violent dragon power directly urged the Hurricane Shengyin Fist to greet him.


In an instant, Ling Tian's fist burst, and in the terrifying storm, with terrifying dragon power. This fist blasted out, shocking the sky and dust, and the world changed color amidst the rumbling sound.


Jin Tianjin cursed, never expecting that Ling Tian's shot could be so fast, and the power was so powerful.

Moreover, this turned out to be purely physical power, Ling Tian's physical body is comparable to the top arrogant of the foreign race, and even surpasses it!

But everything is too late!

The horned dragon roared, fists, it had arrived.


Two terrifying craziness, once again shaking in the void,

This time, all the warriors retreated early.

Before the ancient ruins, the two fist fronts collided like a comet, engulfing them all in a hundred miles in a loud noise.


After three breaths, the sky full of brilliance collapsed, a muffled grunt sounded, and Jin Tianjin's huge figure was shaken out again.

It's a golden day forbidden!

From a distance, the warriors of Golden Lion City looked at the golden sky forbidden flying out, all dumbfounded.

The second shot.

Under the madness of the golden lion bloodline, the golden sky forbidden, or is it defeated?

All eyes are condensed on the sky above the sky, like a huge dragon figure that has never moved.

They all swallowed.

Is this a human race or a dragon race?

It is too tyrannical!

Sheng Qiye, who was still fighting with Zuo Xiao, was shocked when he saw this scene.

Ling Tian's strength is a bit scary.

"The second trick, you still can't."

"Is that enough?"

"If this is the case, take your Golden Lion City and get out."

Ling Tian's voice resounded in the void again, like a dragon warrior.

"To shut up!"

"I will never admit defeat!"

Jin Tianban rose up and suspended the void again, but this time, the golden sledgehammer in his hand suddenly soared the holy light, reaching a thousand feet.

The sledgehammer ran through the void hundreds of miles and came across.

Extremely domineering.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

At this time, Jin Tianban's huge body was running directly in the void, as if he was walking on the ground, the void trembles every time he steps.

As soon as it flew over Ling Tian, ​​the golden warhammer in his hand gave birth to a huge hammer shadow like a fairy mountain in an instant, hitting Ling Tian.

The Jintian ban, forced to be helpless, had to use weapons.

This warhammer is a holy artifact of the Wangtian Golden Lion clan. It was used by his father when he was in the realm of Heavenly Immortal. It swept the foreign race back then!

This hammer, although not as good as the Sky Thunder Warhammer, is absolutely the same.

There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and the golden warhammer was like an immortal mountain, crushing the dragon clan's coercion that was as high as the sky.

The Golden Sky Ban, blessed by the Weapon Blade, almost broke out into a strong state.

Looking at the golden warhammer that fell.

Ling Tian suddenly smiled.

This trick barely made him serious.

Ling Tian's eyes flickered, and in an instant, he raised his big hand.

"The sword is coming!"

In the distance, the long-awaited Canglan Mountain lifted into the sky and drew out the Long Yuan sword.

The fairy sword turned into a shock, and was held by Ling Tian in his hand.

The Boundary Sword Realm, transformed into a hundred thousand sword shadows, surrounded Ling Tian.

Then, at a rapid speed, it condensed into a sky-reaching fire sword.

Between this flame, bathed in golden thunder fire. It's like melting gold on the big day, terrifying to the extreme.

This time, Ling Tian finally drew his sword!

Thunder Dragon roared above the huge sword light of five thousand feet.

At the same time, the golden warhammer that wanted to smash the stars, with overwhelming coercion, was like a vast expanse of mountains and seas.


Two equally shocking powers, enough to easily slay the terrifying killer moves of Sheng Qiye and his like, collided in the air.

At the moment of the impact, the rumbling noise made the void tremble, and even the formation on the ancient ruins burst into a gap.

Thousands of insects and beasts within, still commotion.

The sword light shattered Jinshan, the golden light vision shattered, and the aftermath of horror swept out.

boom! boom! boom!

At the center of the confrontation, the two peerless powerhouses who are head-on regretting, each bear unparalleled counter-shock force. With a loud noise that shocked the sky, the two figures flew out like meteors.


Jin Tianban slammed into the formation of the ancient ruins, and another blood spurted out.

Even the warhammer in his hand couldn't hold it anymore.

Like gold-cast arms, they have been torn apart by tremendous force at this time.

The four directions were silent, and they looked at the slowly flying dragon Lingtian, and their expressions were a little dazed.

The third trick, Jin Tianban loses again!

And it was a fiasco, serious injury!

Ling Tian carried the Long Yuan sword and flew by with an invincible and powerful posture.

"Next sword, you must die!"

Jianfeng pointed directly at Jin Tianban.

The latter's face was tense, although unwilling in his heart.

But he also knew that what Ling Tian said was true.

With that sword just now, Jin Tianban has already experienced the horror of Ling Tian, ​​this guy is definitely a pervert!

"Golden Lion City, withdraw!"

Jin Tianjin roared unwillingly, turned into a golden light, fled back to the Golden Lion City, and then urged the city to leave the ancient ruins.

The retreat of the Golden Lion City shocked the other alien races, their dark eyes twirled, but in the end, they still didn't have the courage to fish in troubled waters, and left with the Blood Spirit City.

The alien retreat.

The warriors also shook the remaining two human cities.

Yutian City is too strong, Ling Tian is too terrible.

So far, Sheng Qiye and Situ Wuxin have not resolved Zuo Xiao and Li Wuyou, how can they make Ling Tian opponents?

"Situ, let's go!"

Sheng Qiye retreated Zuo Xiao with a sword, and was about to leave.

"Am I letting you go?"

However, a figure descended before Seven Nights City.

The boundless dragon is mighty, and the fairy sword swallows a terrifying flame and thunder.

It was Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​is it possible that you want to kill them all?"

Sheng Qiye frowned.

"Hehe, Sheng Qiye, your tone is different from yours just now!"

"Don't you want the Celestial Immortal Soldier of my Imperial City?"

"Come, give you a chance, take it!"

Ling Tian smiled.

"Ling Tian, ​​Xiu wants to cancel me and wait here. I admit that you are tyrannical, but you and I are both human races!"

Sheng Qiye said with shame.

"Haha, now, have you talked about kinship with me?!"

"If you want to survive, you can leave the Celestial Soldier!"

Ling Tian said coldly.

"Ling Tian, ​​you deceived so much!"

Situ was also ashamed.

"Either the Celestial Immortal Soldiers or their lives, you know, I have this ability!"

"Give you a face, don't want it."

"Xianyu immortal soldier, stay!"

Ling Tian shouted loudly, like a dragon roar.

Sheng Qiye and the two trembled all over, but in the end they threw the Celestial Celestial Soldier into the void, and immediately flew back to Qiye City and left in a hurry.

This time, they were completely defeated.

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