Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2071: Who are you! ?

"Ling, Ling Tian, ​​this guy, we, we can't afford it!"

"I'm going to pee."

Qing Xu exclaimed.

"Okay, I know."

Ling Tian glanced at that Qing Xu, and then looked at the gray robe, "Junior Human Race Ling Tian, ​​I have seen Senior."

"Dare to ask senior, what is sacred?"

"Haha, Human Race?" The gray robe Qingxiao uttered, and immediately raised his head.

Suddenly, in the gray robe, a gray-white flame suddenly burned.

The general trend of Tian Qi is directly pressing against Ling Tian.

In this general trend, the supreme flames are overwhelming.

Enough to burn the sky and the sea of ​​embers and destroy everything.

Even if it was just a general will, it was still terrifying to the extreme.

I am afraid that even the fairy king, at this moment, the sea of ​​Yi is enough to collapse.

But now, the goal of this will is Ling Tian!


But within Ling Tianhai, the mysterious figure sitting cross-legged on the roadbed suddenly opened his eyes.

An eternally strong aura, from within the Xinghai, instantly bloomed in Ling Tian's body.

The noble breath of will, in an instant, collided with the flame coercion of the gray robe.


A loud noise resounded in this space.

The terrifying sonic boom formed by the coercive breath swept away, wiping out hundreds of surrounding cities and turning them into rubble.

The tyrannical sound wave is enough to kill the Jinxian.

Ling Tian was frightened. He didn't expect that the mere confrontation of will would be so terrifying.


But at this time, another cauldron was manifested on top of Ling Tian's head.

The breath of the artifact swept away, blocking all the swallowed sound waves.

"Jin Mie, do you want to face even when dealing with a human junior like this?"

Liu Yao, sitting on the top of the **** cauldron with her legs upright, looked at the gray robe on the platform, and said coldly.

"Hahahaha, junior of the human race? I don't want to think that I am bullying him!"

"With the ancient space of creation, the will of the quasi-emperor in the body, and the guardian of your divine tool by your side, this descendant of the human race, isn't it ordinary?"

"I feel that you came to me because you wanted to bully me!"

"Don't deny it, at the moment when this kid descended, the technique in his body wanted to swallow me!"

The gray robe slowly stood up from the platform, the gray flames on his face faded, and he turned into a handsome boy with a white face.

"Human Lingtian, who are you?"

That Jin Mie suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​and his eyes were full of fierceness.

"Me? I am Human Lingtian, I don't know, what are you talking about!?"

Ling Tian shook his head.

If he knew who he was, he wouldn't have to search from the lower realm to the upper realm.

"You don't know what a magical tool?"

The gray robe looked at Liu Yao again.

"Haha, it's interesting? The space of this Ascending Immortal Road is huge, and your land of extinguishment is just a drop in the ocean. It just happened to be in front of our eyes. I want to ask you, what do you mean, don't you really know Ling? The identity of God?"

Liu Yao's beautiful face raised a mysterious smile.

"They are all tens of thousands of years old. Now, there is no need to test like this? You and I are not the same, but we are the same by different routes, don't we?"

"Even if I didn't make a move, you didn't dare to touch him."

"Don't be too confident, if I want to, he will die at any time, even if it's you, it won't be able to keep it!" Gray Robe said with a cold face.

"Hahahaha, then I want to see if you have the courage, come on, I won't make a move, you kill him." Liu Yao pointed at Ling Tian.


Ling Tian frowned underneath.

It's fun, haunted, don't make fun of his life.

However, the gray robe on the opposite side looked at Ling Tian and Liu Yao coldly, but in the end he licked his lips and didn't dare to do anything.

"Hehe, don't dare to move, even if you are the fire of Jinshiye, but after all, you are not the real Dahizhenyan. Unless you want to die, you dare to do it on him."

Liu Yao smiled knowingly, as if he knew the result a long time ago.

"Yes, I admit, I dare not touch him, I can't afford it."

The gray robe Chenmie waved his hand, and behind it, a gray-white palace appeared.


Ling Tian and Liu Yao looked at each other, and followed the gray robe into the hall.

"Senior, who am I?"

Sitting in the hall, Ling Tian watched the Jin in the throne of the hall die.

"Hehe, your Excellency was joking, but Liu Yao didn't dare to say it. Naturally, I didn't dare to say that I would kill the hero forever, but still not the strongest in the world, I am afraid..."

Jin Mie rubbed the ring in his hand and groaned: "However, what I can tell you is that I am indeed not the same with Liu Yao, but we are on the way, you should have seen it."

"Li Chunfeng? Tianzun?"

Ling Tian frowned and murmured.


Unexpectedly, Jin Mie's face changed drastically, his hands suddenly folded, and he bowed to the east. He immediately said coldly: "Li Chunfeng is just my generation, he is not worthy of the same fame as Tianzun, your remarks are jeopardizing his longevity! "

"Sorry, juniors don't know."

Ling Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead, repeatedly pleading guilty.

"Finally, those who don't know are not guilty, and Tianzun doesn't have time to talk to us if he wants to come."

The gray robe turned the ring in his hand, "Yes, I was destroyed, I did not accidentally bump into you, but have been waiting for you."

"I don't know Senior, what will I do?"

Ling Tian bowed his hand, his heart gradually rejoiced, is it possible that this is another chance?

"One is to help you, and the other is to let you take me out."

"I don't want to stay here for a lifetime, this horrible place really drives me crazy."

Jin Mie's face was full of irritability.

"Jin Mie, logically speaking, based on your rank, you shouldn't be arranged here, right? What's the situation?"

"And it looks like you are hurt?"

Liu Yao red lips lightly opened, and suddenly asked with a smile.

"Hahaha, I can't hide it from you."

Jin Mie looked up to the sky and smiled, and then his smile faded, his face grim, "Back then, I was supposed to be in China Xianzhou, waiting for Ling Tian, ​​but who would have thought that as soon as I arrived in the world of immortals, the seven immortals rioted, and the flames of war even spread. Huangquan."

"In the name of senior brother, I went to Huangquan and intercepted the candle dragon, but no matter what, I am not his opponent. In the end, I was seriously injured and fell into a crack in the space, and came to Shengxian Road."

"Simply, all of this is destiny. Here, I still met Ling Tian, ​​but it's too early."

Jin Mie suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​"I was angry just now, first because you wanted to swallow me, and second, because of the candle dragon breath in your body!"

"Why are you related to that old thing?"

Facing Jin Mie's stern gaze, Ling Tian's heart tightened.

"Uh, when the junior was in the lower realm, he once practiced a body-refining exercise to refine a drop of candle dragon blood."

"Six Yao, you'd better let him not release the breath of the candle dragon after entering the Seven Great Immortals. We are in the layout, and they are also not idle. We have already suffered heavy losses in the riot ten thousand years ago."

Jian Mie looked at Liu Yao.

"I know that, now, you have already told him." Liu Yao nodded, "Then how much combat power do you have now?"

"How much? Not one in a hundred, but it should be enough to deal with you, why should we communicate?" Jin Mie turned a handsome face, raising a wicked smile.

"Hey, you... be careful! Huh, let's talk to whom!" Qing Xu stepped forward from behind, said coldly even though he was frightened in his heart.

"You? Haha, do you know that even your main body town demon tower, no, no, no, even your master Yuxu never dared to talk to me like this." Jin Mie sneered, and immediately looked at Liu Yao: "Why, do you still want to get involved in Six Yao? I'm afraid, you are not qualified!"

"Jin Mie, I am better than you now. You'd better take your temper and take it away! You were severely injured by the candle dragon. Whether you can recover to the heyday is not certain. At that time, you are afraid that you will be worse than the sky Bao is amazing!" Liu Yao dragged Qing Xu behind him.

"Fine, okay, I didn't expect that your requirements are so low now." Jin Mie said no more.

"Senior Jhin Annihilation, you just said that it was to save Huang Quan that you were injured by the candle dragon. Is that candle dragon so powerful? You are the real fire!"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

He was really curious about Candle Dragon.

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