Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2077: Enemy Jinxian [four more]

The giant claws descended, mixed with the killing magic power, and rushed towards Ling Tian, ​​becoming more and more terrifying, just like the claws of a demon god.

Under the terrifying coercion, Ling Tian turned around, with a smile on his face, and looked towards the top of his head faintly.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

City Lord Wuzhou shot, Ling Tian can still laugh?

I don’t know, is it dead?"

"Kill me Wuzhou warrior, you **** it!"

In the high sky and darkness, accompanied by Jin Xian's anger, the devilish energy was tumbling above the devil's claws.

With a rumbling roar, came suddenly.

Seeing, Ling Tian was about to be swallowed by this heavenly demon claws.

Ling Tian remained motionless, allowing this terrifying claw to suppress it.

"What is this guy going to do?"

"Waiting to die?"

Everyone suddenly exclaimed in their hearts.

Is this Ling Tian stupid, or is it a big one?

Facing Jinxian, are all so confident?

But at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly burst into the gaze of all the warriors with dragon energy, the horned dragon turned on, Ling Tian Zhousen was covered with dragon scales, and the dragon blood burned, causing Ling Tian's figure to suddenly rise to ten feet. High.

A terrifying roar of dragon yin shook the entire battlefield.

Immediately, Ling Tian raised the arm of the dragon scales, without the power of the dragon, blessed it on the Xianyuan of the Thunder Celestial Fire, and also condensed into a blue-red giant claw, greeted him.

The green and red giant claws, like dragon hands, stretched over ten thousand feet across.

Although not as huge as the devil's claw, it was still shocking enough.


In an instant!

The power of the dragon skyrocketed, like the claws of a real dragon, rising from the sky.


Two completely different sharp claws collided in the darkest and deep air, bursting out with a loud noise, bursting apart in an instant.

The aftermath shocked, the green-red dragon claws and the pitch black claws collapsed, and Ling Tian, ​​floating above the battlefield, the dragon's energy billowed, standing still!

Ling Tian, ​​blocked it! ?

At this time, Jin Tianji, who had already returned to Qizhou City, waited for a group of generals. They all looked at the figure after the dragon turned, and their throats couldn't help but move.

After transforming the dragon, Ling Tian was able to block the blow of the Golden Immortal! ?

This is too incredible.

No matter how strong Ling Tian was, he was just a descendant of the human race.

"It makes no sense."

The younger generations such as Jin Tianjin and Sheng Qiye also shook their heads again and again.

Ling Tian's tyranny had already made them beyond reach.

On the battlefield, Ling Tian, ​​who was safe and sound after taking the claw of Wuzhou City Lord, was a little surprised.

He is naturally confident, with the help of the Horned Dragon Transformation, to take the claw of the Golden Immortal, but it will definitely not be so easy.

Although the magic claws look scary, their actual power is discounted.

Then there is only one possibility.

This Wuzhou City Lord was injured.

"City Lord Li Wen!"

But at this time, a group of warriors exclaimed in Qizhou City, and a stream of light crashed from the sky on the Qizhou City Wall.

The smoke and dust cleared, it was the city lord Li Wen.

But at this time, Li Wen was covered in blood, his clothes broke, and the tortoise shells exposed on his back were full of cracks.

Li Wen, lost.

Although he and Wuzhou City Lord are both in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, there is ultimately this difference in combat power.

Wuzhou is much stronger than Qizhou, and its city lord is also stronger than Li Wen.

After a fight, Li Wen was still seriously injured and was shaken into the void.

But at this time, a terrifying shadow filled the sky, covering a vast area.

It's like an ancient demon god.

The Qizhou warriors were shocked.

After a while, the magical shadow converged, and a black figure slowly descended.

One of his white hair, although it looks like an old man, is full of energy.

A pair of eyes is particularly intimidating.

But it looked at Ling Tian, ​​but it was full of killing intent.

Ling Tian frowned, looking at the city lord of Wuzhou who was slowly landing, with a cold snort in his heart.

Sure enough, although Li Wen was seriously injured, the Wuzhou City Lord was also not lightly injured.

At least, the combat power has been compromised by 30%.

"Haha, are you the City Lord of Wuzhou?"

"Come down, I have something to ask you!"

Before Wuzhou City Lord really arrived, Ling Tian, ​​who had transformed the dragon, smiled with his hand in the middle of the battlefield.

Ling Tian's voice reverberated like a thundering ear, causing the warriors around the battlefield to feel a great shock and shock.

Is Ling Tian crazy?

Dare to talk to Jinxian like this?

Who is that, that is one of the Kyushu giants on Shengxian Road, a genuine golden fairy!

Even, its combat power, among the nine giants, is enough to rank third!

It sits on the city of Wuzhou, has countless warriors under his command, and is still the supreme heritage of the hidden demons. With full combat power, it can even compete with the mid-term Jinxian existence.

But Ling Tian was treated like this.

Who can think of it?

Qizhou martial artists shook their heads again and again, they had never seen such an arrogant Tianjiao.

At this time, the city lord of Wuzhou in the deep sky, his face instantly gloomy.

He has been on Shengxian Road for so many years, even Li Wen would not dare to talk to him like this.

Why is this descendant of the human race so rampant?

"Human Race, are you really afraid of death?"

Wuzhou City Lord hovered, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Fear of death, but you can't do it if you want to kill me."

"I know, you are the Hidden Demons, or Yin Qitian's grandfather. He was killed by me. Today, I will give you a chance to take revenge. Let's do it!"

Ling Tian was holding the Long Yuan sword, and at this time, he took the initiative to ask for a fight.

"This guy is so mad that I'm scared."

Sheng Qiye trembled all over, he asked himself, he absolutely couldn't speak like this in front of Jin Xian.

At the very least, the pressure of Jinxian's spirit was enough to crush them.

Fortunately, Ling Tian was tyrannical and had a lot of alien spirits, so he was not suppressed.

But Ling Tian's frenzy made Wuzhou City Lord very angry.

"I, Yin Chong, have never been invited by a **** to fight."

"I just hope you don't die too early."

"Take one of my tricks, there is nothing to be crazy about."

After all, Yin Chong stepped out, and the entire void trembled violently.

The light and shadow behind Yin Chong trembled, and the spirit of war came out. There was no weapon in his hands, but he even connected the seal, even if Xuan condensed into a large black handprint, he suppressed it towards Ling Tian.

The **** handprint was different from the demon's claw that seemed to be so. At this time, there was a terrifying coercion on the handprint, and the magic sound rolled and descended across the sky.

It is a real supernatural power, its power is almost doubled.

"Haha, very strong."

Ling Tian's face was stern, but he did not back down.

This opportunity was hard-won.

After flying for so long, he has never played against a strong person at the Golden Immortal level.

This time, just give it a try, how is his combat power?

Thinking of this, the corner of Ling Tian's mouth raised slightly, the power of the horned dragon, the sea of ​​qi, the immortal fire and thunder intertwined in front of Ling Tian's body, and finally turned into a big palm covering the sky and patted it up.

This is the strongest state of Jun Lei Palm that Ling Tian can sacrifice now.


The palm prints shook violently, in the deep sky, like stars bursting apart.

The turbulent storm swept the entire battlefield.

Many warriors from the two states around were screaming and gushing blood in this clash.

It was too terrifying to fight against the powerhouses of the golden immortal level, so Yin Chong and Li Wen had chosen to be thousands of miles away before, in order not to affect others.

But as the martial artists of the two states flew back, they watched the palms and prints gradually neutralizing and disappearing on the battlefield, shocked, one after another.

Because, even though the space in the center of the battlefield was shattered, the Ling Tian transformed into a green dragon was still there.

Jinxian Yin Chong's second move, he blocked it again!

If it is said that Yin Chong's claw just now was a random shot, then this time, it can't be regarded as random.

No matter what you say, everyone has to admit that the human race at this time is Ling Tian, ​​and the combat power is comparable to the golden fairy!

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