Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2100: Reforged Dragon Abyss Sword

The battle proceeded extremely fast, the Dugu Hanshan and other golden immortals were powerful and large in number, and millions of people were left in the wind. In less than a day, all the Zerg army brought by Yin Chong was wiped out.

A large number of Ascension Golden Pills once again made the warriors who came from the chaotic battlefield ecstatic.

They have never seen so many top-level training resources.

Moreover, in the deep space, the time flow rate of the giant tower recovered, and it was 30 times the training time at every turn, which made them dare not even imagine.

But for a group of golden immortals, these are nothing.

More importantly, the family reunited with the family after a long absence.

The elders of the Huangfu family, Zuo family, Zhang family, Murong family, and the major families have all found their own descendants. Seeing all the younger generations not only Enron, but also their cultivation base has skyrocketed, even like that of Murong Ziyan and Ouyang Yuner. , They all achieved Golden Immortal, so that City Lord Murong and the leader of the Feisheng Alliance felt very relieved.

As for Ling Tian, ​​he was even more surrounded by a dense crowd of people.

Most of them are women.

Needless to say, Zhao Min waited for Ling Tian for a year and a half, almost every day lived like a year. Seeing Ling Tian, ​​he couldn't hold it anymore, tears burst, and he didn't let go of Ling Tian.

As for Zuo Xianzhi, Murong Zining and others, although they also wanted to Ling Tian, ​​after all, they were reserved and endured.

"Okay, okay, didn't I come back well, you are not in danger, I am relieved."

Ling Tianhaosheng comforted the girls, and then returned to Yutian City with everyone.

Today's imperial city has reached a radius of eight hundred miles. Although it has not yet risen to the top city, it is completely enough for Zhao Min and others.

Inside the city hall.

A crowd of top powerhouses gathered.

Although they won the first battle.

But it has not yet reached the gate of rising immortals.

Everything is just the beginning.

"So, for more than a year, Fanjing has integrated all the Zerg races?"

Above the main seat, Ling Tian sat upright, frowning.

"Yes, those who wander outside are also a small part of the Zerg tribes. As far as we know, the left and right Zergs are now gathered near the Ascension Gate. Fanjing should know that you will come back, so just wait there. Up."

Zhao Min nodded.

"How many?" asked Dugu Hanshan.

"The Zerg army is conservatively estimated to exceed tens of millions. As for the Jinxian, it may be nearly a hundred."

Zhao Min pursed his mouth, the Zerg is the most powerful overlord on the way to Shengxian.

"Haha, it's not bad, the more the better, otherwise, it's not enough for me to wait!"

However, Dugu Hanshan smiled.

He was a former king, and spent his entire life in killings and wars.

Therefore, the stronger the enemy, the more excited he is.

"The Zerg should not be underestimated, but we have no choice but to devote ourselves to a battle. You guys, recharge your energy. We don't have much time. Starting today, the fleet will point to the gate of ascending immortality. It's the time for the final battle!"

Ling Tian stood up from the main position, his figure flashed before disappearing.

And Dugu Hanshan and others also faded away, waiting for the moment when they arrived at the gate of ascending immortals.

One month later.

After a long voyage, the fleet finally reached the fallen abyss near the Gate of Ascension.

When the fleet sailed here, it was already possible to see the gate of rising immortals rising from the sky, Wanli Shenghui.

And around the gate of ascending immortality, there are densely packed "stars".

These stars are actually zerg city nests.

Against the brilliance of the Gate of Ascension, it looked like stars.

All the warriors of all races in the chaotic battlefield stood on the city wall, looking at the almost suffocating scene in front of them, and they couldn't help feeling.

The power of the Zerg is really far beyond their imagination.

Just the city, there are thousands of opponents.

However, on Yutian City, Ling Tian's gaze fell on the abyss of degeneration.

But what made Ling Tian frowned was that he fell into the abyss, for unknown reasons, it seemed that he had collapsed.

The purple halo inside is no longer.

Even, no entrance can be found.

"Senior Star!?"

Ling Tian descended on the abyss and called.

But there was no response.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't shout, Xingchen, he is no longer there."

In Taoyuan, Liu Yao's face was lonely.

"What do you mean." Ling Tian frowned.

"He is the sword spirit of Star Sword. In order to help you recast the Dragon Abyss Sword, he used his own life to lock the fragments of the Dragon Abyss sword and the soul of the sword in the abyss, using his own sword spirit body. , To keep Xiao Lei's soul immortal."

"He can't answer you anymore."

"You can directly recall the Dragon Abyss Sword now."

When Ling Tian heard this, his brows furrowed even more, "You mean, Senior Star, has fallen?"


"No, it shouldn't be like this." Ling Tian shook his head, he still couldn't accept that the recasting of Long Yuanjian was accompanied by the death of the sword spirit of stars.

"Ling Tian, ​​you don't have to struggle. This is the fate of the stars. He is now integrated with Xiao Lei. He has not fallen, but continues to exist in Xiao Lei's body."

Liu Yao said with relief.


Ling Tian was helpless. Before that, he had no idea that Senior Xing Chen would do this.

So, the result is complete.

He can only accept it.

"However, I will not let Senior Stars sacrifice in vain."

"The Dragon Abyss sword after being recast will be even stronger!"

Ling Tian raised his eyes, and the stars near the gate of ascending immortals flickered and surged.

Fan Jing has found that the fleet is approaching.

"Haha, Fanjing, this time, you don't want to block me!"

A hideous color flashed across Ling Tian's face.

His unicorn arm was surging with divine light, holding half of the hilt of the Star God Sword, suddenly lifted it, and pointed directly at the gate of ascending immortality.

"Sword, come!"

With a loud shout, with a thunderous sound like a roaring dragon.

Shocked above the entire abyss of corruption.

As Ling Tian's sword sounded, the 100,000 sword shadows in the sea of ​​Qi in his body roared.

The god-level sword intent burst out in that instant.

Carrying a godlike spirit, the magnificence is within a space of tens of thousands of miles.

At this moment, all sword repairmen in the fleet were shocked to discover that the sword intent in their body was trembling uncontrollably, and even the sword in his hand was roaring, as if it was about to break out of its sheath!

"God-level sword shadow, this is a god-level sword intent!"

"Ling Tian's kendo attainments are really terrifying, even Jinxian, very few people understand the sword intent of the gods!"

"Ling Tian actually broke through the scope of the power of the sword world."

The golden celestial swordsmen were horrified and inexplicably horrified. They looked at Ling Tian as if they were looking at the evildoer.

And with the explosion of Lingtian God-level sword intent, deep in the fallen abyss, stern sounds of swords began to sound.

Faintly as if accompanied by Long Yin.

Immediately, everyone saw that there were countless points of light bursting out of the abyss.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a piece of sword body fragments, the soul of the sword that was already shining!

Ling Tian is really going to recast the Dragon Abyss sword before the battle!

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