Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2085: Gamble, go to the ring

The little girl's face turned pale, she knelt directly on the ground and kept kowtowing, "Bi'er has eyes and no beads, and I didn't see that it was Xiao Hou's coming, and Bi'er would die!"

"Bai Er will die!"

However, the so-called Xiaohouye went straight to the top floor without even looking at it.

"Hmph, damn, your horrible life, don't dirty Master Xiaohou's face, get out of here!"

A figure came up from downstairs, dressed in blue and brocade, with a handsome face and extraordinary tolerance.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and he actually knew the clothes of the martial artist this year.

It is the Promise Immortal Gate, one of the four immortal gates.

Disciple of the Four Great Immortals?

However, before Ling Tian was surprised, the little girl was kicked out.

The warrior of the Promise Immortal Gate swept across his eyes, and no one dared to look directly at the place he passed, except for Ling Tian's table of course.


The warrior glanced at Ling Tian and the others, and immediately followed upstairs.

"Who is this guy, Bu Liuyun of Wuji Immortal Gate is not as arrogant as him!" Feng Qixi sneered.

"It's nothing more than looking for death!"

Mo Yu took a sip of wine and resisted his anger.

"Haha, everyone does not know that this is the Tianjiao disciple who has recently emerged from the Wuji Xianmen. A few months ago, I heard that Bu Liuyun, the head disciple of the Wuji Xianmen, returned from a serious injury. His combat power was not as good as before. He has now been deprived of it. The position of the head disciple, this person named Zhong Bufan took the position of the head disciple!"

"He is very talented, and I heard that he had a fight with Bu Liuyun seven days ago, ten moves, and he won."

"Yes, not only that, he has a very good personal relationship with the little Hou Master of the Hou Mansion, and now, no one dares to provoke him."

There are martial artists talking around.

"Bu Liuyun was abandoned?" Feng Qixi looked at Ling Tian in surprise.

This is definitely because Ling Tian beat Liuyun that step too hard.

"Haha, interesting."

Ling Tian shook his head, and didn't care much about the extraordinary clock.

No matter how strong it is, it is still not the enemy of one.

"You guys, all go out! Today, Master Xiaohou has booked the Guantianlou!"

However, at this moment, a warrior from the Promise Immortal Gate came down from the stairs and shouted.

Although the other warriors were not upset in their hearts, this was what Xiaohouye meant after all, and they didn't dare to defy, their faces were gloomy, and they all went down.

In the end, only Ling Tian was left at the table, no one moved anything.

"You guys, are you deaf? Now, get out immediately!"

Those warriors of the Promise Immortal Gate came forward and scolded angrily.

However, Ling Tian and others still drank and ate food on their own, and ignored them.


The warriors of the Promise Immortal Gate were furious, and Dang Even shot directly and grabbed the five Ling Tian people.


However, that Feng Qixi directly threw the chopsticks on the table, curled his little hand, and Xianjun's breath exploded, and he rolled out the few Xianmen disciples.

The immortal disciple screamed.

This also shocked the second person in Guantianlou.

Soon, a fat immortal warrior ran up and said with a smile: "The old man is the treasurer of Guantianlou, that, a few young masters and young ladies, I really can't help it today, Xiao Houye is here, and I invite you all. Let me give way!"

"Today's food, count me! A few, please make it easy, otherwise I really can't make it!"

"Free?" When I heard that Feng Qixi, my heart was moved.

"Let's go."

Ling Tian just got up now, but it was just a few dudes, and Ling Tian saw a lot.

If it is himself, he has no scruples.

But now, after all, he has agreed to Ran Qinghong to join the team, and it will cause trouble for Ran Qinghong, which is not good.

"Hold on, let you go?"

However, at this time, Zhong Bufan, the arrogant Promise Immortal disciple, walked down.

"Young Master Zhong, this is a misunderstanding, so I just let it go, right?"

The fat shopkeeper bowed.

"Treasurer Wu, you are just the rotating shopkeeper appointed by the Hou Mansion. Here, you don't have the right to speak, get out!"

That Zhong Bufan walked up to Ling Tian and the others, "Hurt me the Promise Immortal Sect disciple?"

"What do you want?"

Mo Yu got up and looked at that clock was extraordinary.

However, he was short in stature, and looked at each other with the tall Zhong Bufan, and bowed his head.

"The dwarf from there? Jinxian, you are not qualified to talk to me!"

Zhong Bufan frowned, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab that Mo Yu.

Here is the boundary of the Hou Mansion. Even if he shot to hurt people, there was nothing terrible about him. After all, Lord Hou was upstairs.

Mo Yu was embarrassed and clenched his fists in his sleeves. He was about to make a move. He was confident that he could defeat this so-called immortal master disciple with one punch.

"Hey, this young lady is not happy anymore. Why, you are Xianjun, so you can't make a bad ass?"

However, a figure stood in front of Mo Yu.

It is the Qixi Festival.

"Xianjun is me, and I am also Xianjun. I am qualified to scold you!? You stinks!"

The Qixi Festival of the Wind is so stubborn and scolds people, it is also extremely powerful.

"You girl, this is my business!"

Mo Yu said unhappy.

"Go short, don't grab the limelight with me!"

Feng Qixi pushed Mo Yu aside, holding his chest, proudly said: "Why, why is your face green? Want to do it? Come on!"

"Don't think you are a woman, I won't move you!"

Zhong Bufan angrily said.

"You are a woman, this lady is the eldest daughter of Huanghua, you are looking for a fight!"

Zhong Bufan didn't make a move, but Feng Qixi slammed directly up with a punch.


The distance was too close, and that Zhong Bufan did not expect that this Qixi Festival dared to do it directly, and was immediately shaken out.

"Damn it! You are looking for death!"

Zhong Bufan got up from the ground, his face turned black with anger, immediately the immortal king's might surged, he would stretch out his hand and grab the Qixi Festival.

"Uncommon, this is the boundary of the Hou Mansion, and the princess's car will be here soon! Go to the ring and teach them, if you don't dare, just forget it, there is no need to care about these little people."

However, at this time, the little Hou Ye upstairs sounded.


That Zhong Bufan looked towards Feng Qixi and Ling Tian with cold eyes, "Go to the ring, do you dare?"

"When you go to the ring, you go to the ring, but you can't fight for nothing. If you lose, do you pay for it?"

"Money?" Zhong Bufan frowned, and secretly asked what was going on at this time, this girl withdrawing money?

Ling Tian rubbed his forehead, also helpless.

This Qixi Festival is really losing money.

"Yes, this lady, you can't do it for nothing. It's okay to go to the ring. If you lose, you will pay me 50 million, and I will lose you 10 million!"

Feng Qixi held his chin up.

"Why is it five times worse?"

Zhong Bufan frowned.

"Because this young lady brought ten million immortal stones!"

Zhong Bufan: "..."

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