Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2095: Cruel abuser

But if he wins, he will naturally have a long face.

In other directions, the golden immortals of the three immortal gates also watched calmly.

It is good to lose both sides.

In the center of the battle platform, Wei Chongxiao's spear was dancing, and there was ice flying around the spear. He was dressed in silver and his long hair was flowing.

Today, it was his first battle on the battlefield. In this battle, the warriors of West County must remember his name.


The spear pointed to the direction where it was. Behind it, the will of the immortal king diffused under the meaning of the spear, making the space around him getting colder and colder, and the spirit of water between the heavens and the earth turned into the meaning of ice. , As if resonating with his body, a frosty meaning covered the center of the battle platform.

I saw Mo Yu standing there quietly, without speaking, moving, and even not taking out a weapon, like a spectator, quietly watching Wei Chongxiao's performance on the opposite side.

"What is he doing?"

Chen Xing hugged the sword and frowned. Mo Yu is a warrior with long-range magical powers. Isn't he keeping a distance now?

Moreover, not even the weapon of the fairy king was taken out, it would be too big.

As a fairy king, Chen Xing has been practicing in the arena for three years.

The warrior of the bow and crossbow road, when fighting, the most important thing is to keep a distance, if once the opponent gets close and can't break free, all that is waiting is failure.

Everyone knows that warriors like Mo Yu are weaker than warriors of the same rank in physical body and strength.

"Just look at it."

Zhao Min said faintly beside him. Chen Xing was a little unhappy and glanced at Zhao Min, but he didn't say anything more. Facts will prove everything. Look at this battle.

When Mo Yu loses, look at these people, how else to pretend!

The battle platform was getting colder and colder, and Wei Chongxiao's meaning of cold ice gradually reached around Mo Yu, and even on Mo Yu's body, there was a layer of frost, which was gradually condensing.

However, Mo Yu still stood there and didn't understand a movement, a scarlet light surged in his pupils.

Even the corners of his mouth are smiling.

"Underestimate me?"

Wei Chongxiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Do not!"

"I can't see you."

Mo Yu said lightly.

"court death!"

When the words fell, Wei Chongxiao moved abruptly, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place. On the battle platform, there was only a sudden condensed spear light, bursting towards the Mo Yu.

The speed is reaching the extreme.

"I, Wei Chongxiao, will win this battle!"


An icy voice was uttered, and the moment the voice fell, the frosty aura surrounding Mo Yu was urged by the will of the top Immortal King to turn into solid ice and spread towards that Mo Yu.

Even Mo Yu's hands and feet were frozen.

This kind of will, even if it can't directly wound Mo Yu seriously, it is enough to slow down his figure.

When Wei Chongxiao got close, Mo Yu's odds of winning would have moved by less than 50%.

"Is this guy a fool?"

On the high platform in the distance, there are many immortal warriors who are waiting for the trial of the immortal monarch realm to watch the battle.

At this time, many people showed weird looks. This short man was too stupid.

Even if his combat power is strong, he can't let Wei Chongxiao display it like this, right?


Chen Xing finally felt calm after seeing this scene, and let out a cold voice. He had never seen such an ignorant martial arts practitioner standing there to let people use frost magical powers and control their bodies?

"Shut up." Feng Qixi suddenly looked at him coldly when he heard Chen Xing's insult.

"Mo Yu is tyrannical, you can't imagine it, wait for the fairy king realm to try, you captain, it's best not to stain my eyes!"

At this time, the Qixi Festival is like a little white lion about to explode.

All of this happened in a very short time, and on the other side of the battle platform, Wei Chongxiao, who had controlled Mo Yu, had already reached the top of Mo Yu's head. He danced with his spear, and directly began to condense the whole body.

The power of Frost was rolling, and the fairy king's will was urged, everyone could see that Wei Chongxiao was condensing tyrannical supernatural powers.

He thought, defeat Mo Yu with a single shot!

Let this first battle win clean and beautiful!

Junyi's body, heroic figure, dazzling fairy light, the spear in his hand shot out like a bolt of lightning, and went straight to Mo Yu, trying to cover him with a single blow, which was directly fatal.


Lu Wuxian, the number one Feibai team in the arena, spoke faintly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He thought how tyrannical Mo Yu could be, but now he thinks too much.

At this time, on the battlefield.

The huge ice-blue spear light was only a few steps away from Mo Yu's body. At this moment, everyone thought that the battle had ended prematurely.

However, just as the spear and spear light approached the sculptural body of ink and jade, it suddenly moved!

Under the terrifying ice condensed by Wei Chongxiao!

His whole body was fighting, and the tyrannical energy burst out in an instant.

The dark red fairy light surged on the battle platform, and the whole body of ice was blown apart almost instantly.

control! ?

Ha ha, no control!

Immediately, Mo Yu stepped back in a wrong step, raised his palm, and grabbed it toward the spear light in front.


At this moment, countless people's pupils contracted slightly, what's the matter?

The frost imprisonment magical power that Wei Chongxiao condensed with the will of the fairy king was easily broken in this way!

"No, he is not entrusting the big, but luring the enemy to go deeper!"

"He also wants to win with one blow!"

"Wei Chongxiao, we are in the game!"

At this moment, Lu Wuxian, the flying fairy gate in the distance, suddenly spoke again.

Lure the enemy?

Everyone hasn't waited for the reaction.

On the battle platform, the huge hand made of Mo Yu had already gripped Wei Chongxiao's spear light firmly.

That's right, just cling to it.

The frost spear light hovered over the battle platform as if imprisoned.

It just stopped abruptly in the void, very abrupt, but it seemed so natural.

On top of the spear's sharp edge, there was a pale Xianyuan big hand, firmly grasping the spear, this terrifying shot stopped in the air without any suspense, even with Wei Chongxiao's self-proclaimed handsome body, it also stopped. While in the air, he was still holding a long spear, with long flowing hair and extraordinary heroism.

But at this moment, there was no complacency on his face, only a icy chill.

He saw a pair of terrible eyes, a pair of dark red eyes like the abyss of a whirlpool.

These eyes made him extremely frightened!


A crisp sound came out, and the spear light condensed by Frost Celestial Yuan was directly shattered.

Not only the spear light, but even the power is so powerful that it surges along the spear light and oscillates on the weapon of the immortal monarch.

The next moment, Wei Chongxiao's fairy prince's spear also exploded with a bang.



With one move, Wei Chongxiao's weapon was destroyed by Mo Yu.

All this happened too suddenly.

Wei Chongxiao reacted and immediately stepped back.

However, there will be opportunities.

"You are wrong again, what you should do is to admit defeat!"

Mo Yu just took a step forward, and his palm swept across the broken spear, moving like clouds and flowing water, then raised his palm, and immediately, his big hand grabbed Wei Chongxiao directly.

At this moment, Wei Chongxiao only felt his body froze in the void, completely unable to move. He tried to pull out his arm forcefully, but found that he didn't move.

The power in Mo Yu's hand is really too strong.

"Hehe, do you think I only use crossbows?"

"Do you think that my physical body is very weak and my strength is very small!?"

The next moment, Wei Chongxiao's body flew up, was lifted by Mo Yu's big hand, his whole body stood upside down, and then slammed into another direction.


A loud sound came out, and it hit everyone's hearts fiercely. Because of the excessive force, Wei Chongxiao's body even bounced a little distance on the ground, and even the body guard, the immortal yuan, broke, and then Lying there twitching.

He fantasized about becoming famous in World War I, showing his peerless demeanor, and letting the warriors of West County remember him.

Now, the warriors of West County might really remember him.

It's just to witness the rise of another ruthless man.

Today's Wei Chongxiao, his weapon shattered and his body covered in blood, he was just thrown off and his body almost collapsed.

In the first battle, he lost all his combat power and couldn't afford to be seriously injured.

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