Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2031: Violent chrysanthemum

Moreover, it has not been transformed.

"This is a green rhino?"

Ling Tian murmured, and slowly approached.

At this moment, the big demon was lying on the ground sideways, purring loudly.

But facing Ling Tian was this guy's big ass.

The body of this demon is huge, occupying almost half of the space in the belly of the mountain.

From Ling Tian's perspective, he couldn't see this guy's head at all.

What can be seen is the cyan scale armor of this great demon, which looks extremely tough.

He was asleep, even Ling Tian had already reached under his ass, the big demon hadn't responded yet.

"What is this?"

Ling Tian frowned, raised the Wentian Qilin halberd, and stunned on the big demon's ass.

Did not reflect.

There was even no trace on the scales of the big demon's ass.

So tough?

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

The rank of Wentian Qilin War Halberd was an Immortal King Weapon, and there was no response at all. It can be seen how terrifying this great demon's defense is.

"Ling Tian, ​​why stab him, stab him chrysanthemum!"

In Taoyuan, Tao Yaoyao laughed.

"Makes sense!"

Ling Tian raised his eyes, looked at the chrysanthemum under the big demon's swaying tail, then lifted the Wentian halberd in his hand and threw it out.


And at the moment when Wentian Qilin halberd stabbed the big demon chrysanthemum, the unicorn spirit within the big halberd, and the sleeping big demon, screamed together, the sound wave shook, and the whole mountain shook.

"Ling Tian, ​​you actually used me to plug this guy's chrysanthemum! Want to disgust me?"

"Who disturbed the deity's sleep? Still stabbing my chrysanthemum and looking for death!"

With the sound of angry shouts, a huge figure in the belly of the mountain suddenly turned over and stood up.

"Damn, it's so big!"

Ling Tian's gaze continued to rise afterwards, and when he saw the big Pan Ran who turned around, he couldn't help but back out again and again.

At this time, he gradually saw clearly that this great demon was indeed a green bull!

It's just that this green bull has only one horn on its head, and its stature is extremely huge.

At the very least, it was much bigger than Xiaoqing's full victory.

The surging aura of the great monster on his body is even more comparable to the fairy king of the monster clan.

Even, it is not an ordinary fairy king!

Ling Tian clenched his fists.

He knew that when he came to the last inheritance of Wentian Xianzong, he finally encountered hardship.

"Who are you?"

"Poke me with this thing?"

The blue cow used his tail to pull out the Wentian unicorn halberd from the chrysanthemum, and a complex ecstasy flashed across his face.

"What kind of **** is this!"


After all, the Wentian Qilin Halberd was thrown aside by the Blue Bull with extreme disdain.

"Bah, Lao Tzu is an ancient unicorn, not something in your mouth. Do you think Lao Tzu is willing to **** your chrysanthemum? It's disgusting!"

Wentian Qilin Halberd was humiliated, hovering over Ling Tian's head and cursed.

"I!? Don't pretend these two words before me, because you are not worthy!"

Unexpectedly, the blue bull suddenly became angry, and a cyan divine light burst out of the single horn above his head, which turned into a terrifying light, and shot it towards the Wentian Qilin Halberd.

"I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Asked how proud the Qilin war halberd was, he immediately flared the body of the halberd and greeted him.


With a loud explosion, Cyan Light and Euphorbia shook each other.

However, what Ling Tian never thought was that after the explosion, the unicorn spear flew upside down, but the blue light did not disperse, and it directed towards him.

Ok! ?

Ling Tian gave a startled suspicion, grabbed the Qilin Grade that flew back, rounded round, and completely shattered the blue light.


The halberd hummed and trembled, and even Ling Tian needed to be crazily suppressed with the power of the blue dragon to dissolve the crazy strength in his arm.

This big green bull is really terrifying.

"Huh!? It broke my blue light, you have two things!"

The head of the blue cow hung down, and his huge pupils looked at Ling Tian, ​​and suddenly frowned, "You are a human race or a dragon race, why are your bloodlines so mixed!?"

"Human Race, Ling Tian!"

Ling Tianqing flew up with the halberd, floating in front of the blue bull's head.

"It turned out to be Human Race!?"

"If you are a Dragon Race, I will kill you directly, but even if you are a Human Race, inserting my chrysanthemum is a capital offense. I have slept soundly here for so long. No one has ever dared to provoke me like this!"

In the eyes of the blue bull, there was a sudden surging of fire, and it hit Ling Tian directly.

It's really not cumbersome to say that you just do it.

"Hehe, the temper is not small, but trying to kill me is not so easy!"

Ling Tian sneered, the power of the blue dragon surging all over, poured on the halberd, and swiped it again.


This time, Ling Tian didn't have much reservations. If this halberd was hit by an ordinary fairy king, it would definitely be blown.

However, the blue bull didn't know how to be afraid, and when he bumped into it, Ling Tian was shaken back again.


Shocked on the mountain wall, Ling Tian's face also flashed a trace of pain.

Grandma's, it's really evil.

The strength of this blue bull is so great that it will not even be able to even Wentian Qilin Halberd and Azure Dragon's power!

What is it! ?

"Huh!? Not dead yet!?"

"You guy, something interesting!"

"However, I would like to see, how many times can your kid endure!"

The green cow shoveled its hoofs in the air, and then bumped into it again.


Ling Tian shouted, the power of the blue dragon surging all over, and on the bone spurs behind, the light of the blue dragon suddenly intertwined, and then turned into a pair of dazzling pale fluorescent wings, suddenly blooming.

Canglong changed!

This is the first time Ling Tian has started the Canglong Transformation.

At this moment, Ling Tian was surrounded by dragon scales condensed by pale rays of light. He looked extremely heroic and incomparable!

Feeling the surging terrifying power in his body, Ling Tian's heart immediately boiled over, and the unicorn halberd in his hand roared towards the green bull, and he slashed out in anger!

He didn't believe it. Now that the Canglong Transformation has started, this blue bull is not dead! ?


However, what Ling Tian never expected was that when his halberd went down, he was directly blocked by the blue bull with its horns.

Although the difference between the two figures is huge, they are deadlocked in mid-air.

Between the green horns and the halberds, sparks burst out, with endless energy, fighting each other to eliminate them, but that is, no one can sleep.

"You junior human race, why is the power in your body so terrifying!?"

After a while, the strength in Ling Tian's body was still inexhaustible, and then Qing Niu said in surprise.

For the first time, he has seen a human race with such terrifying power.

"Hehe, when I accept you, it's not too late to tell you!"

Ling Tian held the Eucalyptus tightly with both hands, inside the sea of ​​qi, the Daoji revolved, and the phantom image on it suddenly opened his eyes under the surging of Ling Tian's spirit.

An extremely terrifying will erupted in Ling Tian's body, blessing Ling Tian's whole body's strength, and suddenly violent!

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