Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2142: Give you the opportunity

The reason why Ling Tian wanted to hide his identity and join the Qingshui Immortal Sect's team was also because he didn't know how much information was sent back by the dead Luo Family Immortal Monarch before the colorful yin and yang flowers.

The location marked on the map is not trivial. It is definitely where all the strength of the Luo Family is now. If his body is there, he will naturally not be afraid, but now it is a clone after all.

Luo Yan was ranked second on the Wolong List, and Ling Tian never despised the granddaughter of the Taishi at the time.

Therefore, before there is any chance of winning, Ling Tian will never reveal his identity easily.

As for the team who joined the Qingshui Immortal Gate, Han Jingshuang and others were covering, it couldn't be more suitable.

Among the mountains and forests, the four people from the Qingshui Immortal Gate were walking leisurely.

After breaking through the encirclement of monsters in the basin, they were also temporarily safe.

However, the monsters here, I don't know why, suddenly become extremely numerous.


In the woods, a ray of green water sword light suddenly cut down, and the ten thousand zhang sword light, the god-level sword intent, beheaded the two top immortal beasts.

"Alas, Junior Sister, if I exert my full strength, it is possible to protect Miss Jingshuang. After all, he and I have known each other since childhood."

The captain of the Qingshui Immortal Gate sighed while holding the fairy sword.

"Brother, why are you still thinking about that sorrowful hoof!! Is it possible that there is really an old relationship between you!?"

The woman from the Qingshuixianmen frowned.

Although it looks beautiful, the appearance of the lunar calendar is inexplicable and annoying.

Zhang Chuan hesitated to say, "I, between us, of course it's blue and white!"

"Qingbai is fine, don't forget, you and I have a marriage contract, and for you, we Qingshuixianmen, but we have exhausted our resources to train, so that you can enter the Third Avenue Palace and get high-level inheritance!"

"As for what Han Jingshuang, let her join our team, it is already pitiful for her, now that she wants to come, she has also died in the basin, ha ha."

The woman hugged her shoulders and sneered.


Suddenly, that Zhang Chuan whispered, his expression condensed suddenly, and he suddenly turned around. Then I saw a familiar figure flying over the mountains behind him.

It's not Han Jingshuang, but who is it! ?

The eyes of the younger sister Zhang were also shocked.

"How can it be!?"

They couldn't believe their eyes, how many beasts were in the mountain basin, did she escape for her life?

However, everyone soon saw a figure behind Han Jingshuang.

A silver armor, carrying a long silver-blue halberd.

The face is also covered by the visor.

Where did this guy come from?

Soon, Han Jingshuang fell from midair with Ling Tian.

"Everyone, I am late, sorry."

Han Jingshuang leaned slightly and looked guilty, but Zhang Chuan's faces blushed.

I should be sorry, it looks like I should, is it them?

After all, as teammates, they abandoned Han Jingshuang without doing their best.

"Jingshuang, you can come back safely."

"But, I don't know what method you used to escape? And, who is this guy!?"

That Zhang Chuan looked at Ling Tian behind Han Jingshuang,

"Oh, I used a chapter of Ten Thousand Miles of Magic Run Talisman to send it out, and then I came to see you, this is the Heavenly Spirit, the warrior of our West County."

"I was looking for you on my way, and I ran into him, so I came with him."

Han Jingshuang pulled Ling Tian in front of him and introduced him.

"This is Zhang Chuan, the disciple of the Qingshui Immortal Sect, and Zhang Ni, the daughter of the head..."

However, before Han Jingshuang finished the introduction, Zhang Ni raised his hand and interrupted, "Wait, don't rush to introduce, what do you mean!? You said this guy is your warrior in West County!?"

"But how do you rank on the Wolong List!?"

"Yes, our Qingshui Immortal Gate is not the fourth gate of your West County. Our captain Zhang Chuan Wolong is ranked 40th on the list. Senior Sister Zhang Ni is also ranked in the top 50. Although our two brothers are not strong, But it is also in the top 100 on the Wolong list."

"Take you, you are not the arrogant in the list. Now, this guy seems to be the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Peak, is it to be funny?"

The two disciples of the Qingshui Immortal Sect were unhappy.

"Jingshuang, please explain."

Zhang Chuan also pursed his lips.

"Uh, that's right, Tianling, he really doesn't try to rank in the top five, and he didn't make the list. Moreover, the cultivation base is only Jinxian Peak, but he is very strong and will not be dragged down."

Han Jingshuang said.

She didn't want to explain more to these people.

But no way, Ling Tian insisted on coming in.

"Hehe, you said he is very strong, so he is very strong!? A golden immortal peak, even if it has outstanding talents, how can there be any? Tianjiao who can come to the Third Avenue Palace, there are some who are weak in cultivation! , Or wait until the next Three Avenue Palace introductory ceremony, come again!"

Zhang Ni sneered.

"Yes, as far as I know, the only person who can enter the forefront of the Wolong list in the Golden Fairy realm is the little Houye Jiang Liuer of our East County Houfujiang family!"

"It's currently ranked fifth. Is it possible that this guy can compare with Jiang Liuer!?"

The warriors of the two Qingshui immortal gates sneered.

Jiang Liuer is the arrogant son of heaven, besides that, the other Jinxian peak realm martial artists are like cannon fodder in the Dao Palace.

"This... of course there is no way to compare with Jiang Xiaohouye."

Han Jingshuang shook his head, this was not so humble for Ling Tian.

Although he also knew that Ling Tian was tyrannical and might not even be under Liu Mubai, the name of Jiang Liu'er, the little demon king of the East County, was really too big.

Although he only had Jinxian cultivation base, even Wang Chen of West County had to give him three points.

Therefore, Ling Tian could never be Jiang Liuer's opponent, at least, currently.

"That's it!? Bringing you an oil bottle, we are already uncomfortable enough, and now you want us to bring one!? Don’t forget, we are the Immortal Gate of East County, and you are from West County. !"

Zhang Ni sneered: "Brother, you are the captain, what do you say?"


Zhang Chuan touched his nose. Although he was the captain, Zhang Ni was the daughter of the head of Qingshui. If he were not the son-in-law of the head, he would not be where he is today.

Therefore, everything is very difficult for him, contrary to Zhang Ni.


Zhang Chuan spoke, wanting to refuse, but Ling Tian suddenly said: "Let me join, I will give you a chance!"


Zhang Chuan and others smiled upon hearing the words, "What chance do you have, a little golden fairy!? Fuck us!?"

"It's not!"

Ling Tian flipped his palm, and a small pitch-black fruit appeared on it, "There are many treasures of heaven and earth in that place. I got this ink spirit fruit."

"The quasi-magic medicinal material Mo Lingguo!?’

Zhang Chuan and the others looked at each other, and a different color flashed in their eyes.

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