Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2176: Do not enter the fourth temple of Xianzang


Ling Tian gritted his teeth. Although this was in the state of Chu, the second prince covered the sky with only one hand, but it was impossible to insult him!

Mountains and rivers can be town, he is above the sky, can not be town!

Canglong change!

At this moment, Ling Tian directly started the Canglong Transformation. After transforming the dragon, Ling Tian shrouded the light of the Canglong, his body changed drastically, and his strength skyrocketed. Once again, he stood up.

At this time, looking at the power of the terrifying dragon clan surging around Ling Tian, ​​even the Lord of the Dao Palace and the Third Prince had a pupil!

Sure enough, the existence that can abuse Qu Shenyou is such a tyrannical one.

"Hehe, the power of the blue dragon!? Very good, very good, you really don't accept it!"

The face of the second prince suddenly became gloomy.

This person is really looking for death, dare to be in front of him, so I don't know how to advance or retreat!

How can he tolerate it! ?

Immediately, the second prince raised the immortal yuan forcefully, and the coercion increased by 30%!

"Kneel down!"

Today, he just wants to see how hard this person's bones are!


Ling Tian’s whole body bones are exploding. With the Azure Dragon Transformation turned on, his physical strength has reached its peak, but the second prince’s cultivation base is too far behind, absolutely equal to the third-order fairy king, and even higher. .

With Ling Tian's current combat power, there was no chance to compete.

Seeing that he was about to bend his waist and knees, on the foundation of Ling Tian's Qi Sea, the Supreme Phantom had already begun to rise with fierce anger.

Anxious, Ling Tian did not hesitate to die and break the net!

But just when we met, he hadn't even said a word to the so-called second prince. Why, just treat him like this! ?


Liu Zhaoer suddenly stopped drinking and raised his hand to raise a golden red light, blasting away the coercion of the second prince.

"Four sisters! What are you going to do!?"

The second prince was furious.

"Hehe, Ling Tianyijie Xianjun, what did you do wrong? It's worth letting you act like this!?"

Liu Zhaoer was also sullen.

"I am the second prince of the Chu Kingdom, but this one has never knelt down on me!!?"

The second prince said coldly.

Liu Zhaoer looked at Ling Tian, ​​then got up and shook his body, "Ling Tian, ​​kneel to heaven and earth, kneel to your parents, no one else will kneel!"


The second prince came up against the crime, and had to take action.

The Qu family is his right arm. Before he came, Qu Wentong had only used him and asked him to take care of the Qu family disciples. Now, Qu Shenyou and Qu Shenxuan are both seriously injured. If he does not punish Ling Tian, ​​what would it be? It's not that the Qu family's heart is cold! ?

What's more, this Ling Tian really doesn't know what's good or bad!

No one has ever dared to speak so wildly with him!

"Second emperor brother, you are afraid that you have forgotten what the emperor father said! I and others are all human races, except for the emperor father who is on the top, the princes below, and the citizens of Chu country, none of them should kneel!"

"Ling Tian, ​​why do you want to kneel?"

"In the past few years, have you forgotten what your father said!?"

Liu Zhaoer guarded Ling Tian behind her and looked at the master of the Taoist Palace, "Open the Xianzang Peak, let Ling Tian go in!"

"Princess, it's not that the old man can't open it, but the change in the Xianzang Peak. Now, it can't be opened!"

The master of Taoist Palace brushed his beard and said.

"What!? Xianzang Peak changed!? Do you think I would believe it?"

Liu Zhaoer looked sternly inside.

"Brother Sanhuang, don't you say a word of justice!?"

She looked at the third prince again.

"I...I, everything is up to my second brother."

The third prince shook his head.


Liu Zhaoer gritted his teeth and leeches angrily.

"Okay, Dao Gong Xian Zang Peak, that is the rule set by the father, today, you dare to violate it!"

"Very well, I want to see Liu Zhaoer, who dare to stop me today, if you don't drive, I will drive Xianzang Peak!"

When the voice fell, Liu Zhaoer was about to leave.


However, a pair of big hands suddenly pressed on Liu Zhaoer's fragrant shoulders.

"Fine, this Xianzang Peak, I'm Ling Tian, ​​no matter if I don't enter!"

After speaking, Ling Tian sneered and turned and walked out of the hall step by step.

"Ling Tian! This inheritance is what you deserve!"

Liu Zhaoer turned around and said anxiously.

"Haha, it's a mere inheritance of Taoism, I Ling Tian, ​​I haven't paid attention to it yet."

"I just don't know, apart from the princess, how many Tianjiao people have inherited from the Xianzang Peak? Is it enough? I killed Ling Tian!"

"It's a long time to come to Japan, we will meet later, there will be a period!"

Seeing that Ling Tian disappear in the Imperial Thunder Palace, Liu Zhaoer's chest rises and falls.

She felt the terrible anger from Ling Tian's voice.

That was unprecedented anger,

Ling Tian, ​​really angry!

"Master of Dao Palace! Second Prince, Third Prince, you are really too much today!"

"Wait and see!"

Having said that, Liu Zhaoer flicked his sleeves and left the Palace of Thunder.

"Something to die!"

The second prince took a seat and crushed the teacup on the desk.

"His Royal Highness calms down his anger, but he is just a junior!"

"If I don't let him enter the Xianzang Peak, he won't be able to enter. Without the ultimate inheritance, what can he do!?"

"In the future, even if he wants to go to the Holy Land, he won't have that fate."

The Lord of the Taoist Palace said with a smile.

"Haha, nothing, I'm not going to get angry with such a dog, but, this person, I don't want to see it in the Holy Land."

The second prince sneered, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"Hehe, if this person doesn't repent, then don't bother your Highness to do it."

"Tianjiao, you guys, will do it for you!"

The lord of the Yu Lei Dao Palace smiled and said: "So, your two majesty, can you continue to tell the old man, what is the imperial decree of His Majesty the King of Chu!?"

"The thing is with you, come on!"

The second prince did not look at the third prince.

"I haven't watched it either."

The three princes took out a pair of scrolls from their sleeves.

That was the imperial decree of the Lord of Chu.

However, after the three princes took a look, their expressions suddenly changed.

"You mean it!? What's wrong, fuss!"

The second prince was impatient.

"Father's imperial decree, under the holy land, the fourth palace, named Wolong, can be included in the holy land!"

"Just this sentence, no more."

The third prince looked up and said in a daze.

"What!? The Fourth Palace, Wolong!? How come the Fourth Palace!"

The second prince snatched the imperial decree, but seeing the line of handwritten characters by the master of Chu Kingdom, he was also surprised.

"Old Palace Master, the Fourth Palace, still there!?"

Immediately, the second prince suddenly looked at the master of the Yulei Dao Palace and asked in surprise.

And the latter, like a lightning strike, took a long time, then stood up tremblingly and looked at the landscape and pavilions behind the palace.

It was a fairy painting from the ancient times, with a thousand-blade fairy mountain on it, and at this time, on the top of the fairy mountain, there was a pavilion slowly manifesting.

"Ling Yan Pavilion, appeared!"

"The fourth palace has always existed, but it is hidden from the world, but now..."

Seeing that pavilion manifested, the master of Dao Palace sat down.

"What!? Lingyan Pavilion!? That Lingyan Pavilion is as famous as Xianzang Peak!?"

The two princes looked at each other and were shocked in their hearts!

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