Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2179: Chu Kingdom's Army God Leads the Way

Everything, looking in the past, is as beautiful as a dream.

There is a door in the fairy mountain, a book, and the Wolong Dao Palace!

"This... is this really the fourth palace of the Holy Land?"

"Wolong, it turns out that the Fourth Dao Palace has always been here."

Ling Tian's eyes passed through the formation, and he could feel everything in it. It was not an illusion, it was all real.

This Wolongdao Palace is an independent space secret, located a million miles away from the Three Avenue Palace, on the side of Wolong Town.

"Could it be that seniors have been waiting for us?"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the old man again.

"Yes, only those who are allowed to come here can see the notice I posted."

The old man nodded with a smile.

"Then...old...old man, you Wolong Dao Palace, are you eligible to go to the Holy Land?"

Feng Qixi asked suddenly.

She is most concerned about this.

"Of course, if we didn't guess wrong, His Majesty King Chu's imperial decree should have been delivered to the Third Avenue Palace and the Holy Land seven days ago."

"My Wolong Dao Palace belongs to Lingyan Holy Land, so I naturally have the qualifications to go to Jixia Holy Land for a big comparison."

The old man affirmed.

"Wow, that's great!"

Feng Qixi almost jumped up happily. In this way, she could still go to the Holy Land without having to follow Ling Tian and leave the country of Chu.

Seven days ago? Isn't that the time when the second prince and the third prince came to Yuleidao Palace?

"In that case, I don't know if the juniors and others, can they worship Wolong Dao Palace now?" Ling Tian thought for a while.

"It's okay, but people haven't arrived yet, you guys, have to wait a moment."

The old man shook his head.

"There are still people! Who can come to your Dao Palace, the other Tianjiao, have already entered the Third Avenue Palace!"

Feng Qixi and others are puzzled.

But soon, two rays of light flew in the distance.

One blood-red, one, green-red.

"Luo Yan!"

"Dye gang master!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, the escape light rose, and Ling Tian recognized the breath.

Soon, two escape lights fell in front of everyone.

It was Luo Yan and Ran Qinghong impressively.

As for the two women, after seeing Ling Tian and others, their faces were also surprised.

"Ling Tian, ​​I learned that you left the Yulei Dao Palace and chased you all the way, but in Wolong Town, I saw the notice of the Fourth Dao Palace and took a look. I didn't expect that I actually met you! "

Ran Qinghong said with joy.

But Luo Yan's pretty face was cold, and he looked at Ling Tian without any emotion.

"Hehe, so, everyone has finally gotten together, everyone, enter the Taoist Palace!"

The old man's figure flashed before he reached the Dao Palace, raised his hand and opened the formation.

Everyone in Ling Tian glanced at each other, and they stepped into the Dao Palace formation without any hesitation.

"The old man's name is Xu Ji, you can call me Mr. Wolong."

The old man led the way and said.

"Senior, in Wolong Dao Palace, there are still others now? You are not the master of Dao Palace?"

Ling Tian asked in confusion behind him.

"Before you wait, I am the only person in the Taoist Palace. As for the Lord of the Taoist Palace, I am not. I don't have much time, just the gatekeeper of the Taoist Palace."

The old man shook his head, and soon, he led everyone down before the largest palace in the Taoist Palace.

"Senior, your name is Xu Ji?"

At this moment, Luo Yan, who had always been indifferent, suddenly spoke.

"I remember that the general of the Kingdom of Kaijiang Zhu in the court of the Chu King, who was revered as a **** of war, was Senior Xu Ji, could it be you..."

Before Luo Yan had finished speaking, Ling Tian and the others looked at it together, with surprise in their eyes.

Founding general? Chu Kingdom Army God?

This guy has a lot of background!

"Haha, it's just a trivial name, not enough!"

The old man waved his hand, but did not deny it.

Luo Yan opened his mouth and did not ask any more, but suddenly there was a lot of respect on his face.

"Wolong Dao Palace, after leaving the sacred place, it is not for the purpose of inheriting incense. For those, it is enough to have Yu Lei Third Avenue Palace to do it."

The old man stood in front of the hall, looking at the long white clouds at his feet, "In the former Lingyan Holy Land, there are two great sacred heritages, one is named Xianzang Peak and the other is named Lingyan Pavilion."

"Xianzang Peak is in charge of Yulei Dao Palace, while Lingyan Pavilion is sealed in Wolong Dao Palace. It has not been opened for thousands of years."

"In that case, do we have a chance?" Feng Qixi and others couldn't hide the joy on their faces when they heard this.

"Of course, but the premise is that you have to formally visit the Wolong Dao Palace. How to choose depends entirely on what you think."

The old man looked at everyone.

Feng Qixi and the others looked at each other, naturally there were 10,000 wishes in their hearts, and they all stepped forward immediately.

"I'll wait, voluntarily worship into Wolongdao Palace!"

"Very good, very good!" The old man smiled and pointed at the hall behind everyone, "Here, it is Lingyan Pavilion!"

"In Lingyan Pavilion, there is a heritage of the sacred place, but if there is something suitable for you, it is not known. Everything is up to you to find!"

"Go! Time is running out!"

Before the old man finished speaking, Feng Qixi was the first to rush into the hall behind him.

The others thought about it, and they all flew away.

"You stay!"

But when Ling Tian was about to turn around, he was stopped by the old man.

"Senior still has orders?"

Ling Tian bowed.

"Your name is Ling Tian?"


"It's not bad, three cleansed in one spirit, nine true dragons, eternal burning of the sky, heaven and four elephants, the world between the eyebrows, the seven-star dragon deep!"

Before the old man finished speaking, Ling Tian shook his feet, shaking wildly all over.

This old man said all his secrets in one sentence.

Even Zhao Min didn't know this!

How did this person know! ?

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​don't get excited, I'm just a protector on your way, or a guide on your way."

The old man pressed Ling Tian's shoulder to relax Ling Tian.

"Senior, which way is Senior?"

"Jun Tian."

"That's it, Ling Tian, ​​thank you senior again." Ling Tian took a deep breath and heard the name of Jun Tian again in Xianzhou, but it was the first time.

Perhaps this Xu Ji knows a lot of secrets.

"No thanks, these are our fate, fortunately, after all, let me wait for you."

"I will leave you behind. In fact, I have something I want to be alone and tell you."

"Senior, please speak!" Ling Tian arched his hands.

This old man is so anxious, it should be extremely important.

Ling Tian didn't dare to neglect.

"My life will be exhausted. It is my good fortune to wait until you come. This is the Lingyan order of Wolong Dao Palace. This is the symbol of Dao Palace. With it, you can control the entire Dao Palace secret realm. It is also a credential to enter Jixia Holy Land."

The old man took out a blue jade medal.

Give it to Ling Tian.

"Senior, your life is about to die, but I..."

"I know that you have the Valley of Eternal Life in your hand, but the gods of heaven and earth cannot save me.

"I'm also tired. Five hundred years ago, I was in hiding in the mountains, and had no attachment to martial arts anymore."

"As a guide, it is my life's good fortune to bring you here."

"If I continue to exist, I will cause endless trouble."

The old man pointed to the hall behind Ling Tian, ​​"In Lingyan Pavilion, there is the inheritance that I prepared for you, and among them, there is also my life's hard work."

"Compared with my generation, you need to do a lot more, and the threats you will face are even more terrifying. Saving the human race is something that my generation has been doing for thousands of years, but we will eventually fall One day, the future depends on you."

"Ling Tian, ​​from now on, you will be the master of Wolong Dao Palace!"

After the old man said, the figure turned into a cloud of smoke and passed away with the wind.


Ling Tian instinctively reached out to grab it, but he didn't catch anything.

They couldn't even feel the old man's breath.

"he died."

Liuyao and Qingxu manifested from Taoyuan.

"Senior Liu Yao, do you know Senior Xu Ji?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"do not know."

"All the guardians and guides don't know each other's identities, otherwise I will take you to find them one by one, and it will save a lot of trouble."

"But he is indeed our way, knowing the existence of that person, he used to be, not easy."

Liu Yao said solemnly: "Forget it, his mission is completed, but you have to continue on your way, go to Lingyan Pavilion and see."

"The Lord of the Taoist Palace gave you this burden, it seems that it is not small."

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