Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2187: Ling Tian's terrible 【big

"It seems that the situation is really difficult."

Liu Zhaoer took a deep breath, but a figure suddenly rose in his heart.

The person has been away for one or two years, and there is no news. Perhaps he was right to leave, otherwise, he would be buried in this Taoist palace.

However, the agreement between them will end here.

She did not die in the internal chaos of Chu, but was buried in the hands of the Dark Demons!

Millions of miles away.

Ling Tian and others rushed out of Wolongdao Palace, galloping in the sky.

But after a while, they discovered that the demons didn't seem to move on, but surrounded the Third Avenue Palace.

"and many more!"

Above the sky, Ling Tian waved his hand suddenly.

"what's happenin?"

The crowd gathered around.

"The demon army surrounded the Third Avenue Palace. We are now in the past. We are too far behind, and when we arrive, it will be a drop in the bucket."

Ling Tian frowned, "Moreover, above the Dao Palace, there is a breath of formation!"

Sure enough, Ling Tian's voice fell, and before Wolong Town, a black light suddenly rose into the sky, the formation energy surged, and it began to frantically absorb the energy from the underground.

Above the Dao Palace, the huge formation method also enveloped the Dao Palace.

The elder man’s black pillar to the sky within a million li, Feng Qixi and others were dumbfounded anyway, the fluctuations of these formations were really terrifying.

"This, what formation is this!? It's too scary!"

Feng Qixi and Mo Yu asked in surprise.

"The Great Array of Huntian Demon Thorns!"

Ling Tian and Zhao Min almost spoke in unison.

"The Demon Race took out the Tongtian Lingbao Huntian Banner. The situation seems to be beyond the reach of Dao Palace."

Luo Yan said coldly.

"Master, what should I do?"

Everyone looked at Ling Tian.

This time the power of the demons was too terrifying, it seemed that they really couldn't do much.

"Haha, of course the demons must be killed!"

Ling Tian sneered, "Although I don't like Yulei Dao Palace, there are tens of thousands of arrogances of my human race in the Three Avenue Palace after all, so I must not be ruined in the hands of the demons like this!"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the soaring magic pillar that had risen before Wolong Town with a cold eye, "There is one of the eyes of the sky full of ink. If you break it, the power of the big formation will be greatly reduced. The foundation of the Dao Palace should be able to persist until the support of Chu's army comes!"

"Ling Tian, ​​there seems to be a Tier 3 Demon King's breath!"

"The Tier 3 Demon King, that level of combat power can be even more terrifying than the top mentor in the palace!"

Feng Qixi frowned.


Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and canceled.

"Fart, this girl is not afraid, okay, okay, what you say is what you say, anyway, you take the lead."

Feng Qixi whispered.

"We have seven people, that's enough."

"What about the third-order demon? Even the fourth-order, we will kill him today!"

Ling Tian sneered, and immediately followed the green bull under his hips and headed towards Wolong Town.

Behind him, Zhao Min left Xuanhu's back, and together with everyone, he also shot away.

Thousands of miles in front of Wolong Town, the sky is full of monsters.

The people who were sent here by the Huntian Banner were a third-order demon king and five second-order demon kings. Below, there were a first-order demon king and thousands of demon kings.

This kind of power, even if the top tutor in Dao Palace comes, can only retreat.

Not to mention the merchants in Wolong Town, they had already run away.

Around the eyes of the formation, the demon kings surrounded, and a group of demon kings stood in the eyes of the formation.

As long as they guard the front of the big formation not to be destroyed, even if they have completed the task.


These tasks are too easy, Dao Palace has been surrounded, they can't think of anyone who can go to the position of the eye to die.

But at this moment, above the demon lord's head, suddenly hundreds of black spheres flew up.

This thing appeared abruptly, and there was no light flickering on it.


But when the demon kings were puzzled, the hundreds of black **** suddenly burst open.

Pieces of pitch-black large nets were drawn from the sky, directly covering all the demon kings around the eyes.


"It's a hidden weapon, a hidden weapon of the human race!"

Thousands of demon kings were covered in most of them in an instant, and the demon kings in that burst of eyes opened their eyes one by one, and wanted to sneer.

Really a human race, dare to sneak attack?

Are you impatient to live?

However, those demons could not break free from the big net. Above the clouds, a burst of scarlet **** arrows burst down. The blood-red arrows shuttled back and forth, like a realm without magic, but in the blink of an eye, hundreds of top The devil died in the big net.


At this time, those demon kings were shocked.

I know, this time, I am afraid it is not an ordinary human race!

"On Qixi Festival, the limelight can't be snatched by this witch!"

In the sky cloud void, a voice fell.

Immediately, a series of wind and thunderstorms, countless light arrows, as well as the sound of the piano and the light of the sword fell, and blasted into the demon king,

In just three breaths, thousands of demon kings died before the eyes.

It is simply a slaughter on one side!

After that, under the glaring of the demon kings, dozens of miles away, several figures appeared, and it was the Ling Tian seven people.

The seven people were riding on five powerful mounts, and the horror of their breath made all the demon kings shocked.

"How can it be!?"

"Didn't we have collected all the information around the Dao Palace before, and there are no such powerful people out there!"

The fairy king was surprised.

"Hmph, say it in advance, who killed the Demon Race, who will belong to the Demon Crystal!"

Feng Qixi put away the treasure mirror in his hand.

It seems that these demon kings in front of them are regarded as Chinese dishes, or piles of celestial stones.


"The mere human fairy prince, dare to be rampant in front of this king!"

"It's just some descendants of the human race, go together and kill them!"

The third-order demon headed by that roar roared.

The bone wings on the back bloomed, and there was a soaring devilish air rising into the sky.

There are three black and gold lines on the bone wings that are shining and magical.

"There is no room for loss, kill!"

The other demon kings also roared together, rushing into the sky, and killing the Qixi Qiren.

"The third-order devil, you are not opponents, leave it to me!"

Luo Yan said coldly, and even if the blood plate on his head, he killed the Tier 3 Demon King.

"Cut, at this time, she's a badass!"

Feng Qixi dismissed it, but really didn't try to grab it. Indeed, with her combat power, she is not yet Luo Yan's opponent.

"Solve the other Tier 2 Demon Kings, are you okay?"

On Qing Niu's back, Ling Tian didn't look like he would shoot now.

"One, two, three... Yeah, Ling Tian, ​​there are six of the remaining Tier 2 Demon Kings. If you don't make a move, we are afraid that it will be too short for us to handle it, more than us!"

Feng Qixi frowned.

"It's just one more, I'll fight two!"

Mo Yu disdainfully said.

"That's not okay, Xianzhi is a piano teacher, and can't go forward. You have to fight three demon kings one by one!"

Mo Yu: "..."

"Hehe, what are you afraid of, I will help you!"

Ling Tian smiled, and immediately raised his big hand, and the clone appeared in front of everyone.

"This...what's going on, two Ling Tian!?"

Seeing that avatar appeared, everyone was dumbfounded.

"It's just a clone, stop the ink, I will take two clones, and leave the rest to you. In half a short time, we will solve the battle!"

The avatar gave a faint smile, and then the Wentian Qilin halberd in his hand manifested, and it turned into a silver light, which shot down like a meteor from above the sky.

Clang clang!

The clone of Ling Tian at this time was not the clone of two years ago.

Not only the spirit body is far more tenacious than before, it is also powerful enough to rival the second-order fairy king.

What's more, there is Wentian Qilin Halberd in his hand, as well as powerful magical powers.

Shaking God Fist!

Before the avatar arrived, Ling Tian raised a punch, boundless silver light condensed, a punch fell, and a Tier 2 Demon King fell into the mountain.

Immediately, Wentian Qilin's halberd danced in his hand, stopping the other demon king.

Sparks burst out one after another, Ling Tian avatar was not afraid of death, brave and invincible, killing the two demon kings, retreating again and again, only parry.

"Damn, is it really just a clone, too strong?"

Feng Qixi and others were also fighting with the Demon King. At this time, they looked at the silver light holding the halberd and Ling Tian on the back of the blue cow, and they were shocked.

"Hey, in the end, I am not as strong as a clone of the master!"

"Failed, so terribly failed!"

Mo Yu sighed.

On Qing Niu's back, Ling Tian sat still, staying in the Third Avenue Palace far away from the observer.

Because of the existence of Ling Tian's clone, the second-order devil is almost lopsided.

But at the moment of Xiaobancha, the two second-order demon kings died tragically under the crazy explosion of Wentian Qilin Halberd.

Immediately, Ling Tian's avatar kept on killing him, the Tier 3 Demon King who was fighting against Luo Yan.

This Tier 3 Demon King is not weak, even stronger than the top mentor in the palace!

Although Luo Yan's combat power has skyrocketed, he still couldn't kill the Tier 3 Demon King in a short period of time.

"You don't need to help me!"

When Luo Yan saw Ling Tian's clone kill, the familiar aura reminded her of the scene in the pool of ancient heritage two years ago.

She was ashamed and angry at once.

Besides, she has a way to kill the Tier 3 Demon in front of her, but it takes time.

"Don't be aggressive, we don't have much time, we have to go to the next place if we break this moment!"

Ling Tian's clone was cold.

And at this moment of distraction, the Tier 3 Demon King found an opportunity to shake Luo Yan away with an axe.


The blood spurted out and Luo Yan was injured.

"Hehe, do you want to destroy the other fronts?! You guys, there is no chance!"

The Demon King sneered, raising the dark giant axe in his hand, and slashing it down at Luo Yanying again.

How terrifying is that the shadow of the axe is cut down! ?

The combat power of the third-order demon king is by no means imaginary.

In the blink of an eye, in front of Ling Tian's body, the unicorn halberd in his hand was raised, and even a halberd blood light was cut off.

Sky-Splitting Blood Halberd!

The blood halberd tore the sky, shaking on the giant axe, but the blood halberd shattered and Ling Tian was also shaken off.

Although the clone is strong, it is not an opponent of Tier 3 Immortal King without its full strength.


The Tier 3 Demon King stepped forward again, appeared on top of Luo Yan's head, and cut down again with the second axe!

Luo Yan has his teeth tight, and in the palm of his hand, there are more than a dozen blood evil spirit arrows condensed.

No matter how bad, she still has the top fairy king treasure that has not been used.

At the very least, Tier 3 Demon King, can't kill her!


But at this moment, above the sky, Ling Tian on the back of the blue cow suddenly got up.

The big hand pressed forward, the next moment, above the eyes, the boundless immortal yuan condensed, the immortal fire surged wildly, and between the wind and thunder, five fingers turned into a big palm and slammed down.

Prajna palm!

Everyone and the demon king looked at the big mudra that fell from the sky, and their souls were shaking.

This palm is really terrifying!

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