Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2204: It's time to use national equipment [four more]

"Oh, this is the reincarnation of fate, you saved him again."

Liu Yao sighed, "This coffin is a good thing, put it away."


Ling Tian raised his hand and took the coffin into Taoyuan.

In the peach forest, Aman, the green cow, under the peach forest, stared at everything in front of him in a daze. Knowing that the coffin had fallen in the peach garden, he turned around and continued to fall asleep.

The huge statue in the temple also began to crack.

"Ling Tian, ​​the passage is behind, this ancient tomb is about to collapse, we have to hurry up!"

Tao Yaoyao was flying by.

Ling Tian also rolled up Liuyao and Qingxu, his figure flashed, and he reached the formation behind the statue, but in a moment he broke the formation, dodged and entered.

After hiding the Demon Hall, it turned out to be the main hall of the ancient tomb.

It is also the true resting place of this ancient demon king.

Ling Tian was surrounded by celestial light. After entering the main hall, his gaze swept across, and he saw the Demon Lord Youli who was sitting cross-legged in front of the huge black coffin!

The black coffin is huge, with a radius of one hundred feet, this is the real coffin of the Demon King.

And above the coffin, there was a bright fairy sword inserted.

Yuli seemed to be trying to open the coffin.

It's just that the formation on the coffin is very strong. Although his formation attainments can rank in the forefront of the demons and can rely on the Tongtian Lingbao Huntian Banner, he still hasn't cracked it yet.

Under him is the ancient magic formation that can bless the power of the demons.

"Haha, Demon Lord Yuli!"

Ling Tian held the qin sneer in midair.

Since this Yuli hasn't received the inheritance of the ancient demon king, then there is no need to continue.

"You made the ghost!?"

The moment Ling Tian appeared in the main hall, Yu Li discovered it.

He looked across his eyes, but found a human race!

Moreover, he is the descendant of the immortal monarch realm of the human race!

This is impossible!

"The hundred thousand demon monarchs outside of me are still there, how did you get in!?"

Yuli was furious.

Now, he is about to open the coffin of the ancient demon king, but just by coincidence, Ling Tian is here!

"Hehe, you don't need to know this. In short, when I come, it is your death date!"

Ling Tian sneered, and immediately cross-legged in the air, his ten fingers plucked the strings of Qingxiao Crane's Tears, and the tyrannical technique of piano music condensed into endless immortals, like the tsunami of Qingxiao, sweeping towards Na Yuli.


Then Yuli could feel the power in the Ling Tianqin's sound, just the magical powers condensed by the technique of the piano, is it more than a fourth-order demon! ?

Under the crisis, Yuli was furious, but he could only give up and continue to crack the coffin.


A punch is like a mountain, resisting the tsunami.

The sound wave of the giant palm even caused the main hall to collapse.

"You are strong, but how come I haven't seen you, who are you!?"

A punch smashed Ling Tian's piano sound magical powers, and Yuli was surprised.

Before this Dao Palace, what kind of younger generations were there?

"Hehe, it's okay to tell you, my name is Ling Tian, ​​I am the lord of the Fourth Dao Palace!"

Ling Tianqin's sound continued, and the sound waves condensed into wind blades and arrows, bursting at Nayuli.

It seems that there is no pressure.

"Ling Tian!? Why haven't I heard of it!?"

Na Youli raised his eyebrows, wondering in his heart, but Ling Tian's piano sound magical power had already fallen, and he once again fisted to resist.

But Ling Tian's piano attack was too intensive, and under this piano sound, he felt that his combat power had been affected.


Yuli knew that he would be entangled in this situation.

Immediately, he turned a big hand, a magic spear appeared in his hand, and the bone wings behind his back bloomed immediately, the boundless demon power merged into the magic spear, and burst towards Ling Tian.

Wherever he went, Ling Tian's piano sound technique was shattered.

This shot, that is Yuli's jerk!


Ling Tian suddenly smiled, and immediately his ten fingers shook on the guqin. Behind Ling Tian, ​​the figure of the sword and Yulong appeared again.

Immediately cut down with a sword.


The gun light and the sword light shook each other, and then fell apart.

The two of them were backlashed by energy and retreated.


You Li was shaken back by a hundred meters, but he looked at Ling Tian with a magic spear, and his heart was even more shocked.

Ling Tian's piano sound technique could actually block a shot of his full strength! ?

"I do not believe!"

"The arrogant of Chu, no one is my opponent!"

Self-esteem and the pride of the dark demons made Yuli explode.

His arms trembled, roaring, surrounded by ghosts behind his back, and a shot was swept out.

"Extremely Magic Move Heaven Slash!"

"I see you, what can you use to block me!"


Yuli roared again and again.

The gun in his hand is a top magic weapon.

Blessing the magical powers of the Extreme Demon Palace, once killed a lot of immortal king powerhouses.

An immortal monarch of the human race is bound to die!

"Supernatural powers are good, but you are too weak!"

Ling Tian sneered, and immediately put away the guqin, stretched out his big hand, and pressed it directly!

The five fingers condensed, accompanied by fairy fire and thunder, condensed into a big hand covering the sky.

The fire of nothingness seems to be able to suppress and destroy everything.

Prajna palm, descending from the sky.

As soon as he appeared, Nayuli was shocked!

What magical power is this, so terrible!

Watching that big hand press down.

He seemed to see the ancient gods taking action!



Sure enough, the big hand fell, smashing his spear to pieces.

The big palm was so full that it was as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, and Nayuli was pressed into the palace.

The palace shattered and the huge coffin of the Demon Race was cocked.

But Ling Tian in the sky did not change his expression.

A mere Prajna palm is not enough to kill this demon king.

Sure enough, before the smoke cleared, Yuli's figure rushed out again.

At this time, although his whole body was covered with burned scars, the devilish energy was still terrifying.

The existence that ranks 20th on the Demon Lord's list is extremely powerful and extraordinary.

His status is almost equal to the twentieth place among all the immortal monarchs of the Human Race, and even stronger!

But even if you look at the entire Chu Kingdom, there are still a few people who can rank in the top twenty of the human race! ?

"You really annoyed me!"

Yuli glanced at his magic spear.

Although it is a top-level magic weapon, its refining technique is far inferior to that of the human race. Now, the weapon's blade has been shattered, and the soul of the weapon is burned and killed by Ling Tian's Void Cangyan.

Simply, he threw the magic spear away.

Raised his hand, holding the Huntian flag floating above his head in his hand.

"I have the Tongtian Lingbao in my hand, so how can you do it!?"

Youli danced the Huntian Banner, and there were endless magical shadows surging on it, as if it could really shake the earth.

Even Ling Tian felt the terrifying coercion, descending from the Anhun Tianqi, causing his immortal yuan to begin to crack.

If you change to other Tianjiao, you will have all the supernatural powers, and you can't show it.

There is no Tongtian Lingbao of the same level, it is difficult to resist!

"Ling Tian, ​​let me come, I want to fight!"

In Taoyuan, Qing bluffs his teeth and dances claws.

It seems that I really want to show it.

"No, you don't want to!"

But Ling Tian shook his head.

He held his hand on the hilt of the guqin.

Then suddenly pulled out.

"Xiao Lei, I really want to fight!"

"The first cut of this national weapon is to cut the Tongtian Lingbao."

"It seems, not bad!"

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