Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2319: Competitive battle?

"I do not!"

Feng Qixi showed a little head coldly.

"Chinese Valentine's Day, I am your brother, don't you, don't you listen to what I say!?"

"Come here, what's the future of being with these unknown people!"

Feng Jixing is a sacred place, the extremely famous Feng Liu Jun, handsome and suave, now looking across his eyes, he is full of domineering.

But Feng Jixing's words changed the expressions of Zhao Min, Mo Yu and others.

What do you mean by this! ?

"Hmph, I won't, you are my brother, but why should I listen to you!?"

Feng Qixi also said angrily.

"I have no patience to educate you here!"

Feng Jixing's pupils shrank, and he stretched out his hand to catch Xiangfeng Qixi.

"Stop, he is my Dao Gong disciple!"

Suddenly, after the wind continued, a voice rang.

This was the only one who spoke.

Feng Jixing's expression changed, and he suddenly turned around, only to find that the person speaking was the so-called Palace Master of the Fourth Dao.

"You are warning me!?"

Feng Jixing's pupils shrank.

His face is full of indifference.

"if not!?"

"In the situation that Qixi Festival is unwilling, if you dare to move him, I will move you."

Ling Tian's figure flashed, and it was the depth of Qixi Festival.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha, you move me!? Why do you move me!"

Feng Jixing laughed instead of anger.

It's just a descendant of Dao Palace.

He didn't take it seriously.

"Or, try?"

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders.

Although his Azure Dragon Transformation could not be activated at this time, he still had the Meteorite Sword. It was not impossible that he wanted a battle.

"Follow the line, come here, you are one of the Seven Great Immortals of the Holy Land. You must have the demeanor of the Holy Land, and don't have the same knowledge as the people in the Dao Palace."

Lei Shi in the distance turned around and said.

"Yes, Master!"

Feng Jixing sneered towards Ling Tian and left.

And Qu Qing and the others also took all the Immortal Kings of Dao Palace and followed them.

"Are you okay?"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at Feng Qixi.

"I'm fine, my brother is just like that, he is arrogant and selfish, and never considers other people's ideas, Ling Tian, ​​don't be angry."

Feng Qixi pouted.

"It's okay, your brother is very strong, and he has his reasons, let's go back to Dao Palace!"

Ling Tian shook his head and didn't care.

Zhao Min led Feng Qixi and others to leave first.

The Immortal King of the Mohist school just flew up.

"Master, what shall we do now!?"

Ling Tian looked down on the battlefield. At this time, the battle was set, and the demons still had less than two hundred thousand.

"Fine, you don't need to participate in the war, clean up the battlefield, go to Wolong Dao Palace and wait for me."


Yu Lei Dao Palace, Yu Lei Palace.

When Ling Tian entered the hall, Master Lei was sitting on the main seat, talking and laughing with that Qu Qing.

Seeing that Ling Tian entered the hall, the voice in the hall suddenly fell silent.

Almost everyone's eyes fell on Ling Tian's body.

Ling Tian also looked around. Finally, he stood still in front of Zhao Ji, and immediately Mo Yu stepped forward, put down the big chair, and Ling Tianan sat on it.

This scene made Feng Jixing frown.

The faces of Qu Qing and others changed slightly.

Qu Shenyou was frightened.

But still, no one spoke.

I dare not refute it.

This scene fell in the eyes of Master Lei, making him even more surprised.

"Haha, Palace Master Lingtian, I have just heard about you just now. I didn't expect that you are capable of fighting against You Yan at a young age! Even if you have secret methods such as external methods, it is true. I'm surprised!"

Master Lei smiled.

"Haha, what about fighting You Yan!? It was not that when Feng Xianjun came, I took my credit for nothing."

Ling Tian snorted coldly.

"What do you mean!? You can die in my hands."

Feng Jixing frowned.

Killing the Great Demon King You Yan, this is a great military exploit, he wants to bring it back to the Holy Land no matter what.

"It's in your hand, but it's in my hand! Even if you don't show up, I can get his magic crystal!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly.

"Just rely on you! I really don't believe it!"

Feng Jixing sneered coldly.

"Well, I don't want to argue with you, the magic crystal is in your hand, just treat it as I sent you!"

Ling Tian waved his hand.

Pretending not to care.


Feng Jixing was furious, but Lei Shi interrupted him and said, "Fall, these are not important things."

"I am here with your majesty’s will. On the one hand, it is to help the Dao Palace. On the other hand, it is to record the military merits. You guys, just now, you said that the Demon Race once used two big formations against the Dao Palace. It broke, who did it?"

Master Lei's voice fell.

Qu Qing and the others looked at each other, their faces a little red.

"The first one is us."

At this time, Luo Yan spoke.


Master Lei frowned, "What about the second time!? I heard that at that time, two armies went deep behind the enemy line, looking for formations, and then the ancient magic formation was broken, and our human race was able to win a big victory. Who led the army? !?"

"Master Lei, it's Shenyou and Ling Tian!"

Qu Qing said.

Hearing this, that Qu Shenyou stood up.

"Oh!? Hehehe, I know, you are the first arrogant of the Qu family now. It seems that this second break through the formation is your credit! !?"

Master Lei smiled.

Qu Qing also looked at Qu Shenyou, how he hoped that Qu Shenyou did it.

"Uh, I..."

Qu Shenyou pursed his lips, just about to shake his head.

"Ha ha ha, just rely on him!? He dare to do this battle! I am afraid that there are not many Demon King's magic crystals in his hands!?"

At this time, Feng Qixi sneered.

Qu Shenyou's face flushed and did not refute.

"Well, you take out the magic crystal, and I will record the battle achievements."

Master Lei took out a pair of golden scrolls.

Qu Shenyou pursed his mouth, a light flashed in his hand, and took out more than twenty magic crystals.

These magic crystals belong to the demon king, but among them, most of them are the magic crystals of the first-order, second-order, and third-order demon kings, and there is only one. It can be said that it is very chilling.

"Hehe, that's not bad."

Lei Shi nodded.

In fact, Qu Shenyou was quite helpless, it was not that he could not beat the Tier 3 Demon King, but that he had no chance to make a move along the way, and the exploits had been robbed long ago.

"Who broke the second big formation?"

Master Lei raised his eyes again.

"Master Lei, you don't need to ask more, this time the Dao Palace's big victory is almost all the credit of the Lingtian Palace Master. What we have done is nothing."

At this moment, Liu Zhaoer said suddenly.

"Princess, what do you mean by this!? How can it be said that a large formation of this scale is almost a person's credit!?"

Master Lei was puzzled.

"The two demon formations were both broken by Ling Tian. Just now I have asked the fairy king who followed Ling Tian. It took Ling Tian a day to break through 16 demon 10,000 soldiers with 30,000 soldiers and horses. Found the ancient magic circle."

"Then, he brought reinforcements from Wolong Dao Palace. Before the Ancient Demon Array, he wiped out 100,000 elites of the Demon Army. Not only did he break the Ancient Demon Array, he also severely injured the Demon Army Yuli!"

Liu Zhaoer said proudly.

"Yuli!? Is Yuli the twentieth on the Demon Army's list?"

Master Lei was startled when he heard the words.

If it hadn't been for Feng Jixing's exit this time, his combat power would have grown by leaps and bounds, and his level would have been the same as Yuli's.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian could really be seriously injured.

"Not only that, Ling Tian returned with 40,000 soldiers and horses. After a surprise attack on the Demon Army, he reversed the battle, defeating four Tier 4 Demon Kings in a row, beheading two of them, and finally severely wounded the Great Demon King You Yan."

"And after that, You Yan lost to escape, and then, you are here."

"Four Tier 4 Demon Kings in a row?" At this moment, Feng Jixing's expression also changed.

This kind of combat power, even in the Holy Land, is not weak anymore.

At the very least, he admitted that he couldn't do this when he was practicing in Taoist Palace.

Why on earth this person! ?

"Palace Master Lingtian, maybe Lei Shi doesn't believe it, you might as well take out the magic crystal and let Lei Shi record it."

Liu Zhaoer looked at Ling Tian.

"In that case, all right."

Ling Tian nodded and raised his hand from the selection, suddenly the gleaming magic crystal fell on the main hall.

The number is not very large, it is more than twenty.

But the light of every magic crystal is enough to illuminate hundreds of feet, the lowest grade is the magic crystal of the third-order demon king!

Among them, there are two magic crystals of the fourth-order demon king, dazzling like stars.

Falling on the main hall, everyone's faces were coated with a layer of light.

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