Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2329: Ling Tian on stage

"Haha, the predecessor has been awarded."

The Prince Izumo bowed and was polite.

"Izumo immortal country is a very small immortal country. Although Liu Yifeng has outstanding talents, he has excellent character and popularity. My eldest brother and second brother's teams are robbing him."

Liu Zhaoer said.

"Oh, this person looks really good, but in the end, whose team did he go to!?"

Ling Tian nodded.

With his ability to recognize people, he didn't see anything abnormal from Liu Yifeng.

However, Liu Zhaoer suddenly smiled without saying a word, and Ling Tian was startled.

Immediately pointed at each other.

"Yes, such a talent, of course, will follow a master, right?"

"Izumo Prince Liu Yifeng is a member of my team."

Liu Zhaoer smiled.

"Well, it's still a princess."

Ling Tian shrugged.

Perhaps only Liu Zhaoer dared to **** someone from the eldest prince and the second prince.

"However, Prince Izumo, the quality of your dagger is not pure enough, so it can only be regarded as a general top fairy king weapon."

"Perhaps, this is the drawback of the Izumo Refining Method."

The old man from Jubao Firm said again.

"Yes, I have been trying to break through, but always, no progress."

That Liu Yifeng sighed.

"Hehe, the prince doesn’t have to be arrogant, too harsh on himself. After all, this immortal king, His Royal Highness, only took less than three days. This alone is enough to amaze the world. So, the prince will wait and wait. This round of refining is over."


Prince Izumo nodded and walked down the square, but the route was towards the princess Liu Zhaoer.

"your Highness."

"Well, Yi Feng, you have worked hard."

Liu Zhaoer welcomed the prince Izumo, and then introduced them to Ling Tian and others.

"The Lord of the Dao Palace!? Ha ha, such a young Master of the Dao Palace, Lord Ling Tian must be an extraordinary person if he wants to come."

The Prince Izumo learned that Ling Tian turned out to be the master of the Taoist Palace, and it seemed that he had a very good relationship with Liu Zhaoer, and he praised him.

However, Ling Tian caught the different color that appeared in his eyes just a moment ago.

However, that different color was not a hatred of Ling Tian, ​​but... a faint jealousy, which was not enough to make Ling Tian care, and immediately waved his hand, "There is nothing too important."

Should be modest, or be modest.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​so self-effacing, it doesn't look like your style." Liu Zhaoer pursed her lips, and looked at Prince Izumo, "Ling Tian is one of the people who will be airborne in this refining conference."

"Oh!? Will Palace Master Lingtian still refine tools! That's great, if we have a chance in the future, we can discuss it."

"This time, I'm waiting for the stunning work of Palace Master Ling Tian."

There was a flash of light in Liu Yifeng's eyes, but he was still holding Ling Tian to speak.

"It's easy to talk, if you don't understand, I can give you some pointers."

Ling Tian didn't feel self-effacing this time.

"Uh...hehe, good!"

Ling Tian's sudden self-confidence made Prince Izumo somewhat unexpected, and now he can only laugh twice.

However, this remark fell in the ears of others, and it made people even more ridiculous.

Look, this palace master is bragging again.

Now in this Chaoge City, who doesn't know the depth of the refining skills of Prince Izumo?

The reason why the top Immortal King artifact refined by Prince Izumo is not pure enough is because of the limitations of special refining methods.

Moreover, the speed of the Izumo Prince Refining Artifact is unmatched in Chaoge City. Such a speed is enough to make up for the impure quality.

But there was no way, Ling Tian was too capable of blowing up, and Prince Izumo had a very good personality, so he wouldn't do anything to Ling Tian.

After the prince Izumo, in the square, there were successive failures of refiners and were eliminated.

In the end, on Noda's square, only the red-faced man from the Scarlet Immortal Kingdom and Mo Yuan who Ling Tian knew were left.

The refining skills of these two people are also well-known in Chaoge City.

It is the most powerful competitor at the top of this refining conference.

After a full day, above the square, on the forging platform where Mo Yuan was located, began to move.

What Mo Yuan refined was a dagger. The moment after the abnormal movement occurred, the dagger suddenly rose into the sky.

Over the Jubao Commercial Bank, the terrifying robbery cloud condensed.

The momentum of Thunder Tribulation was much more tyrannical than the Thunder Tribulation made by Prince Izumo.



A thick and thin thunder descended from the bucket, slashing violently on the dagger.

There was no expression on Mo Yuan's face.

That Lei Jie wanted to be a horror, so that the face of the refiners around the square became serious.

"There is no problem with crossing the robbery, Mo Yuan's refining skills are very strong."

Ling Tian said suddenly.

The Izumo prince Liu Yifeng glanced at Ling Tian and didn't speak.

Sure enough, after the same six thunders, the dagger bloomed with orchid light, shining on the square.

After the dagger fell, Mo Yuan ranked ahead of Prince Izumo after appraisal by judges from a group of firms.

Temporarily ranked first.

This result is no different from the predictions of many people before.

In this way, on the square, only the red-faced man from the Chilian Immortal Kingdom was left.

"Hehe, Master Shen Yin, you want two refiners to airborne the refinery conference!?"

The man was still slowly refining the weapon in front of the forging platform, and at this moment, he suddenly asked.


Shen Yin nodded when he heard the words, "Chi Yan, do you have an opinion?"

"Hehe, do you have an opinion, I don't have any. You are the second son of a firm. Naturally, you have the final say, but who is the airborne!? If it is a general merchandise, I think there is no need to airborne. Yan said, there is no impact."

That Chi Yan sneered.

"Hehe, naturally I won't let you down."

"Prince Zhang Cheng, Lord Lingtian, go to the square!"

Then Shen Yin looked over.

"Hey, Ling Tian, ​​otherwise you can take this opportunity to refine weapons directly for me!"

Feng Qixi smiled and took out the materials that had just been scoured and the top ore accumulated along the way.

"Well, I did it by the way."

Of course Ling Tian had no opinion.

The refining conference must prepare its own refining materials. If there is no such thing as the whip of Fengqixi, Ling Tian may not be able to make it in a short time.

After that, Ling Tian and the prince Zhang went to the square together.

"Zhang Cheng!?"

With his eyes squinted slightly, he obviously knew the journey.

"Zhang Cheng is also a well-known Tianjiao refiner, and Young Master Shen Yin invited him from outside. Now that such a high-profile is coming to the refinery conference, I must be prepared for it."

"Yes, at least it seems to be much more reliable than the master of the Taoist palace."

Amidst everyone's discussion, Zhang Cheng also hugged his shoulders and smiled: "Chi Yan, it's been a long time since I saw it. I didn't expect me to come to Chaoge City, right?"

"Haha, what can you do if you come to Chaoge? Is it possible that you still want to take revenge? Your refining skills will never catch up with me!"

Chi Yan shook his head.

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