Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2337: Tasting? Are you worthy?

"you again?"

At this time, the warlord formed by Thunder also found Ling Tian under the sword.

In less than half a year, Ling Tian successively refined into national implements.

Moreover, this time, there are still two together.

Six months ago, he was used by Ling Tian to behead the Demon King, and then he was tortured to death by the Thunder Dragon play.

This time, he wants revenge!


The Thunder Warlord is a weapon to rob thunder, and cannot directly cause damage to the refiner.

The warlord roared, the boundless thunder condensed, and the war spear in his hand was grinning, and he slashed at the silver falcon.


The soul of the purejun sword is the descendant of ancient divine beasts. Naturally, he will not be deterred by the thunder warlord. He immediately screamed, his wings danced, and the silver feathers shot out like a sword-style wind blade.


Countless explosions resounded through Chaoge City, and the terrifying blow of the Thunder Commander was just like that.

No one hits.

Under the square, all the warriors took a deep breath.

What's going on with this national weapon, not only does it not bear the thunder robbery, but it actually seems to be fighting thunder robbery.


The thunder was furious, the war spear in his hand was raised to the sky, disturbing the two thunders, and all the thunder pressure was absorbed onto the war spear.

Heaven's thunder punishment is irresistible, go on!

The Thunder Warlord yelled again. This time, the spear in his hand came down as if tearing open the world.

This thunder robbery transforms into form, with great power.

The expressions of all Tianjiao who watched the ceremony changed suddenly.

The formation enchantment above the Treasure Judging Firm followed violently.

Such a blow, I am afraid that it is comparable to the terrifying power of your fifth-order immortal king, right?

"Such a powerful Thunder Tribulation proves that this piece of national equipment refined by Ling Tian is extraordinary and truly remarkable."

Someone exclaimed.

"Well, strong is strong, but the thunder warlord gathers the energy of the two national weapons thunder robbery, otherwise, it won't be the case."

Judge Road of Jubao Firm.

At this time, the warlord's second spear had already fallen.

Along the way, the endless silver feather feathers sacrificed by the silver falcon were smashed, engulfing the soul of the weapon. ,


Silver Falcon and A Bao were roaring.

No way, Thunder Tribulation is after all Thunder Tribulation, and the weapon soul still needs to be tempered by Thunder.

In an instant, after this thunder tribulation, both the long whip and the silver sword were shaken into the sky, but fortunately they did not break apart and stopped on the sky above Ling Tian's head.

"It's over, this time, this envoy won't let your national weapons cross the robbery!"

The Thunder warlord said.

His voice was locked by the Heavenly Dao, only Ling Tian and Qi Soul could hear it.

"Former master, you can't let him be so rampant. If A Bao wants to become a national weapon, he is only short of this last lightning strike!"

A Bao is begging.

The Silver Falcon looked cold and stern, waiting for the thunder warlord. Although the feathers all over him had collapsed at this time, his fighting spirit remained undiminished.

"Hehe, Lei Jie is just a mere mere, dare to be rampant in front of me!?"

"I came here with Ling Tian, ​​and I don't know how many thunder tribulations have been experienced, so what can you be."

"Pure Jun."

"Receive Sword Intent!"

Above the square, Ling Tian gave a cold snort.

The sword shadow in his body burst out and poured into Chunjun's sword body.

With the terrifying sword intent of Ling Tian, ​​the energy of the silver falcon recovered almost instantly.

The silver light permeated recklessly, and the terrifying power of the soul made the silver falcon fly to the sky again.

"This sword intent..."

On the side of the sky, the fire master frowned slightly.

"It's very strong, it looks like Jin Buxianjun."

Na Du Can also said.

"It's still a bit worse, but this child has just reached the realm of high-level immortal monarchs, and the guy in the Golden Ministry is not as good as his sword intent when he is at this level of cultivation."

Master Lei Bu said.

"Perhaps, hehe, interesting. It seems that this time the Saint Ratio is worth seeing. The Seven Sacred Lands Immortals are no longer the same as before. They have this absolute advantage and there are many strong ones."

The fire master laughed.

"Master, don't worry, Shengbi is above. I will let them know that my fire department is powerful."

Na Du Can snorted coldly.

"You, I'm naturally relieved."

The fire master nodded.

Feng Jixing snorted coldly, but there was still no expression on his face.

Above the treasure-gathering firm, the Thunder Warlord was furious, and absorbed all the Thunder power within the two robbery clouds into the war spear, and then smashed the sky down.


The Xiaotian Silver Falcon flapped its wings and rushed into the sky, carrying tens of thousands of sword shadows into the feathers, like a silver sword through the sky, piercing thunder.

The dazzling light of the two makes many warriors unable to look directly.

The exclamation started suddenly.

Immediately, there was the explosion of the thunder burst, the sky ripped apart, and the formation enchantment on the treasure-gathering firm also rippled.

After a dozen breaths, the thunder exploded and rolled away.

There was wind blowing in the square.

Everyone looked up, but the next moment, they all took a breath.

In the sky at this time, the two cloud vortexes still disappeared.

On the square, the long whip and the silver sword were dim, and they were only three feet away before they touched the ground.

Those who fall into the ground are broken.

"Sure, did you succeed?"

Some people are puzzled.


But in the next moment, the long whip and the silver sword suddenly shook off the mottled color on their bodies, and the boundless fairy light bloomed from them and rose into the sky.


The wind dragon and the silver falcon roared into the sky, seeming to vent the fighting spirit in their hearts.

"Huh, this guy, luck is good enough, it's almost!"

Du Can snorted coldly.

Only three feet away, if Lei Jie was stronger, Ling Tian would have failed the refining.

Feng Jixing's expression also became gloomy in an instant, so Ling Tianchu's arrival at Chaoge City was completely famous.

"Wow, it's amazing! This lady's weapon will be a national weapon from now on!"

"Hmph, who can stop me?"

Feng Qixi pinched Xiaoman's waist, proudly.

"This guy is really terrifying."

Zijin shook his head, covered the different color in his eyes, and then took Mo Yuan and others to the princess Liu Zhaoer.

"Sister Zhao'er, this person is your friend, isn't it? It's amazing."

Liu Zhaoer shrugged, "Yes, I'm very optimistic about him this time, how about it, should we unite?"

"Look, he is very strong, but he is also destined to have many opponents."

Zijin raised his eyebrows.

"You know how to calculate, clever fellow."

Liu Zhaoer is no longer mentioning the union.

In the square, Ling Tian stretched out his hand, recalled the long whip and silver sword, and was about to step down.


"Ling Tian, ​​you have to give us a taste first!"

The judges of the Jubao Firm were suddenly taken aback.

This Ling Tian, ​​don't he understand the rules?

"Hehe, give you a taste?"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the digital firm referee on that side.

"Do you deserve it?"


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