Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2346: Mohist National Instruments

He didn't know what exactly was the relationship between Luo Yan and Ling Tian, ​​but he learned from the Luo family that Luo Yan didn't even hesitate to break with the family and would not withdraw from Ling Tian's team.

There was nothing between Ling Tian and Luo Yan, he didn't believe in killing him.

However, he was originally confident, and his team was enough to crush Ling Tian.

But now, he turned out to be only himself.

"Do not!"

Lan Zhan suddenly shook his head.

In front of Luo Yan, how could he lose! ?

Immediately, Lan Zhan raised a weird and cold smile on his face, and the will of the Immortal Venerable behind him instantly moved to the extreme.

The phantom was rolling under the blessing of the devilish energy, and the aura rose so much in an instant!

From a distance, Lan Zhan is like a demon descending.

Afterwards, the black armor around him surged, and a dark ancient mirror flew out of the top of his head suddenly!

The ancient mirror was facing the sky, slowly rotating, and the magical shadow surged during the period, containing the terrible magic power.

"It's another Tongtian Lingbao!"

"It is one of the three heavenly spirit treasures of the Nine Demon Gates!"

"Ancient Mirror of Ten Thousand Demon, it is said that in this realm, there are ten thousand powerful demon auras hidden, which is terrible!"

"Shuangtong Tianlingbao appeared, this time, Ling Tian and the others, shouldn't be anymore!?"

After that Lan Zhan sacrificed the Tongtian Lingbao, on the holy mountain, he exclaimed again and again.

Just on the hiking trail, three spirit treasures of Tongtian appeared directly!

This is out of anger!

"Ling Tian, ​​you forced me to do this!"

"I don't believe it, you can still turn over under the ancient mirror of ten thousand demons!?"

That Lan Zhan snorted coldly, urging Gu Jing, and it was the Qing Xuding that crazily crashed into Ling Tian.

At this time, Qing Xuding was in a stalemate with the Black Tower. If Gu Jing joined, Qing Xuding could only retreat.

At that time, the battlefield will be broken, and their seven-man team will be greatly reduced.


At this time, Luo Yan, who had never made a move, directly sacrificed the Supreme Immortal King Supreme Blood Sword.

Trying to resist Tongtian Lingbao.


However, the blood-colored disc only persisted for a moment, and was shattered by cracks just before the ancient mirror.

The power of Tongtian Lingbao is too tyrannical, even the top Immortal King Treasure cannot.

Puff, a mouthful of blood poured out, and Luo Yan was shaken back.

"Luo Yan, I don't want to take action against you, when I win this Ling Tian, ​​you will still be mine!"

Lan Zhan urged the ancient mirror to continue forward, and the black spear in his hand was condensed into a black dragon, moving forward.

He wants to walk in front of Ling Tian and fight Ling Tian in a real battle!

He wants to prove that he is much more tyrannical than Ling Tian!

"Huh, don't be crazy!"

Feng Qixi rolled up the thunder whip of the national weapon and was about to step forward.

"Let me do it!"

Behind him, Ling Tian said lightly.

Since this Lan Zhan wanted to find abuse so much, he would do it.

"Master, no need!"

"Let's try!"

However, Mo Yu killed another Demon Dao Tianjiao down the mountain road, then turned around and stood with Qixi Qixi.

"Dwarf, what are you doing here!? Stand back!"

Feng Qixi frowned.

She has a national weapon in her hand, and she should be able to resist Lan Zhan for a moment!

"Something ignorant!"

At this time, Lan Zhan, who had urged the ancient mirror to move, let out angrily, and the black dragon spear in his hand stabbed out and took directly at Ling Tian in the center of the battle formation.

Whoever blocks will die!

"Feng Qi Lei!"

Feng Qixi didn't wait for Mo Yu's answer, so he shot directly.

The thunder whip swept across, the storm dragon roared, and six thunders descended.


Thunder imprisoned the black dragon.

However, this time when the invincible Feng Qilei wanted to come, it was obviously more than that.

The black dragon blasted wildly, raging in the thunder, and unexpectedly had the aura of breaking the thunder.

No way, what Lan Zhan said is that it is also the number one in Zhao Country's magic way, and the national weapon in his hand is not a common product.

Today's Qixi Festival, and Lan Zhan, there is still a gap.

The national equipment is not enough, not to mention resisting the Tongtian Lingbao.

Countless eyes stared at Lan Zhan, this extremely enchanting figure in the country of Zhao, can he reverse the situation on his own?

"Hehe, Tanabata, you can't look down on me!"

"Guoqi, I have them too!"

However, Mo Yu in front of Feng Qixi suddenly smiled.

For a long time, the Mohist family's national implements were in his hands, but there was no chance to come up with it.

Today, on this climbing road, facing Lan Zhan, who is the number one in the magic way, he feels that it is time for the Mohist family's national tools to appear!


Feng Qixi frowned, and for a while, there was no reaction.


But the next moment, Mo Yu's black robe trembled, boundless black aura, condensed into a battle axe and appeared in his hand.

This battle axe double-edged, compared to the immortal kingdom weapon battle axe in Chi Yan's hand, it was not known how many times it was tyrannical.

This national implement was handed down thousands of years ago by the Mohist school. It is not a normal national implement, it can be compared!

"It's another national weapon!"

At the moment Mo Yu took out the Chinese war axe, on the holy mountain, the exclamation sounded again.

The shock that Ling Tian team brought to them was simply too much.

Looking at these powerful national implements, on the entire sacred mountain today, there are a few more people they own! ?

Not to mention, this national instrument is so unusual.

Who are these people in Ling Tian's team!

"Mo Yun, kill!"

At this time, the battle axe in Mo Yu's hand still fell, and the target was the black dragon that was imprisoned by the seven winds and thunder.


Being slashed by the sky-reaching battle axe, the black dragon wailed and his magical powers crumbled to pieces.

Thunder filled the black clouds.

Feng Qixi and Mo Yu, carrying two great national weapons, stood in front of Lan Zhan.


The direction of advancement was blocked again, and Lan Zhan was in a hurry, almost exploding in anger.

However, how can the power of the Qixi Festival and Moyu Dual National Instruments be underestimated! ?

With his national black dragon spear, it seems that he really can't get in in a short time!

Eternal Magic Mirror!


However, Lan Zhan has the Tongtian Lingbao in his hands after all.

National equipment can resist! ?

Tongtian Lingbao came horizontally.

Fengqixi and Moyu's dual-country weapons once again offered their magical powers.

But in front of Tongtian Lingbao, it was suppressed and retreated.

National equipment can't be blocked either!

The black dragon spear came again, and Feng Qixi and Mo Yu struggled to support it.

Just not let Lan Zhan break through.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Lan Zhan was furious, like an ancient demon god, the black dragon spear in his hand stabs down one after another.

In just a few rounds, there was blood lying down on the corners of Feng Qixi and Mo Yu's mouth.

Lan Zhan with Tongtian Lingbao and Guoqi in hand is really too strong!

On the other side, Liu Xian also condensed the sword of a national weapon in his hand, slashing towards Ling Tian.

The situation has stabilized, and it will still be them who wins.

Even if the last remaining on the mountain road, it is Liu Xian and I Lan Zhan.

Everyone is in a stalemate, and Liu Xian is working hard to cut it down with all his strength. Perhaps it is a breakthrough!

The top of the sacred mountain.

Except for the masters and immortal monarchs of the Tubu and Shuibu, the other four and eight people shook their heads.

"It seems to be over!"

Du Can smiled and said: "These people are already qualified enough to enter the Holy Land, but no matter what, they still can't get up. The wind continues. You are afraid that you can't reunite with your sister in the Holy Land!"

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