Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2361: Di Jiuge is a guide?


Seeing the woman chasing closer and closer, Ling Tian couldn't help cursing in secret.

The speed of this woman was extremely fast, and it was only a matter of time before Ling Tian was caught up with her body law.

"Girl, what a misunderstanding, I just saved you, otherwise you will be frozen under that tree forever!"

Ling Tian quickly explained.

"Shameless, I am practicing!"

The woman finally spoke, although her voice was nice, but at this time, she looked particularly cold.

"You are not dumb!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, and said, "If you practice, just practice, why don't you wear clothes!?"

Di Jiuge: "!!!"

"court death!"

Di Jiuge was furious, and immediately raised the staff in his hand. Above his head, a phantom with the will of the Immortal Venerable rose, and the power of the terrifying ice instantly spread to a hundred li, making the flying sky fast. Plummet.

After three breaths, it was directly frozen in the sky.


Ling Tian's heart was cold, and within the sea of ​​qi, the Void Cangyan instantly burned, and the frost all over his body was shaken away.

However, if Ling Tian couldn't escape again, that Emperor Jiuge had already descended on Ling Tian's head.

The staff in his hand was raised high, condensed into a frosty mountain, pressing down!

Ling Tian cursed secretly, this woman's immortal coercion and terrifying, compared with him, is simply not an existence of an order of magnitude.

Looking at the depressed iceberg, Ling Tian knew that unless he fully urged the Prajna palm, he might be able to take it.

"In the Holy Land, no death or injury is allowed! You are really cruel!"

Ling Tian called out loudly.

"Hmph, kill you, no one dares to move me!"

The woman said coldly.

"God horse!? You are more mad than me!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

What kind of identity is this woman, does she have no scruples about killing! ?

However, seeing that the magical power was about to fall, Ling Tian had already come, and he didn't hesitate to come.

Today, the fish died and the net broke, so I have to try again.

When the Canglong bloodline in his body was opened, Ling Tian would sacrifice the palm of the Prajna god.


However, at this moment, Ling Tian only felt the surrounding light and shadow change, and he arrived in Taoyuan.

"Yaoyao, what are you doing!?"

Ling Tian frowned, he didn't even think about hiding in Taoyuan.

But the next moment, that Emperor Jiuge was also sent in.

For a moment, Ling Tian and Di Jiuge looked at each other.

For a while, I was stunned.

Ling Tian didn't expect to let this Emperor Jiuge enter Taoyuan without his consent.

But Di Jiuge didn't even expect that he had already suppressed Ling Tian, ​​but now he was in this space.

The magical power is not there, and the speed is too fast, she has no time to react at all.

"what's the situation!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"where is this place?"

The Emperor Jiuge also looked at Ling Tian, ​​his eyes intently.

"Hey, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, you don't need to die and live!"

At this time, Tao Yaoyao stood under the peach tree and smiled.

On the left and right, Liuyao and Qingxu are all there.

"What do you mean!?"

Ling Tian was still puzzled.

However, that Emperor Jiuge raised his staff again.

In any case, I will kill you today!

"You still come!"

Ling Tian was furious, and directly pulled out the meteor sword from the guqin behind him, "When I'm afraid you won't succeed!?

Within this Taoyuan, that is the world where he Ling Tian.

"For descendants of the emperor's family, Ling Tian is the one you want to attract!"

But at this time, Liu Yao suddenly spoke.

In the next moment, Ling Tian and Di Jiuge almost spoke in unison. ,


The two turned around together and looked at the six lines.

"He is a guide!?"

Ling Tian pointed to the Emperor Jiuge.

What? Everyone who took him in the past was either an old monster that had lived for ten thousand years, or a magic stick.

But this Emperor Jiuge seemed to be a junior who was indistinguishable from her.

I really need her to lead me! ?

"Who are you, how do you know that I am a guide!?"

However, that Emperor Jiuge's face was like frost, looking at Ling Tian and Liu Yao, he did not deny it.

"Hehe, of course I am also one of Ling Tian's guides. You don't know me, but you don't know him?"

Liu Yao looked at Qing Xu on his side.

The latter stepped forward and pretended to say: "The daughter of the Emperor family, the old man is the demon tower spirit in the hands of Emperor Yuxu!"

"Town Demon Tower!?"

"You are Senior Qing Xu!?"

The emperor Jiuge was startled when he heard the words, and his pupils shrank.

"But, now, how come you become a tripod!?"

Qing Xu coughed slightly, "This is a long story, but you should be able to recognize my identity. This Ling Tian is indeed the person you want to lead."

"I want to come, the inheritance of the family's legacy, should not require me to say explicitly, fate makes you wait for someone here, it is him!"

Those Qingxu fingers lingered in the sky.


Ling Tian touched his nose and looked at that Emperor Jiuge.

My heart was also shocked.

This woman turned out to be a descendant of the Great Emperor Yuxu.

Di Shi! ?

Di Jiuge! ?

This surname is really domineering.

However, after Qing Xu finished speaking, that Emperor Jiuge really slowly condensed the aura of the immortal origin in his hand.

However, in her eyes, she was still struggling and unwilling.

"Well, the emperor girl, it turns out that all this is a misunderstanding. Just now under that tree, I really don’t know. You are cultivating, and I am looking for something, so I made a mistake. You can give me all these testify."

Ling Tian spread his hands.

"Yes, yes, Ling Tian has encountered this kind of thing more than three times!"

"He really didn't mean it."

Tao Yaoyao nodded.

"Huh!? Unexpectedly, you are still a habitual offender, harming other women? Is the person I want to lead, is it yours!?"

The expression of that Emperor Jiuge suddenly changed.

"Yaoyao, don't talk nonsense!"

Ling Tian scratched his head and looked at the Emperor Jiuge, "Emperor girl, I am afraid that the more I explain it, the darker I will be. Go ahead, I will make up for you. I am indeed offending you first. I will let you handle it now and never fight back. ."

After he finished speaking, he stood there and took down Xianyuan all over his body.

"Hehe, do you think I really won't kill you!?"

The Emperor Jiuge squinted his eyes.

"Leave it to the girl."

Ling Tian still did not move.

He believed that Di Jiuge would not make a move anymore.


But the next moment, Di Jiuge's figure flashed, and he arrived in front of Ling Tian, ​​hitting Ling Tian's chest with a punch.


The latter didn't have the Xianyuan Bodyguard, and was blasted out with a punch, and blood spewed out with blood clots.

After being shaken a thousand feet away, Ling Tian fell to the ground.

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