Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2402: Brother Lingtian

Emperor Qingxiao suspected the grave.

Ling Tian's clone had already passed through the long corridor and reached a partial hall.

Ling Tian also saw Su Jiu'er.

It's just that Su Jiu'er is indeed injured now, and on the tight armor of his blood, there is blood, and his whole body is covered with scars.

The armor cracked, leaking out the large white skin, making Su Jiu'er, who was already enchanting, even more seductive.

At this time, in front of Su Jiu'er, several demon clan fairy princes were circulating on Su Jiu'er's body with a look of lewdness.

These monsters have fangs turned outwards, they are burly, and have a blue tail behind them.

It looks like a wolf demon.

However, the cultivation bases of these demon clan immortal monarchs are extremely high, and the leaders have even reached the realm of top immortal monarchs.

And the bloodline is good. Although Su Jiu'er's talent is extremely high, after all, he came from the chaotic battlefield, so the cultivation base is just the pinnacle of the high-ranking immortal monarch, which is one level behind.

That's why I was injured.

"Su Jiu'er Su Jiu'er, you don't really think that I am waiting to bring you to this ruin because of your identity as a monster!?"

"Not because of your attractive body!?"

"It's just that, I really didn't expect that you are not the Qingshan wolf clan, but a sky fox!"

"Tianhu, I think my monster clan has been thousands of years, and I have never seen the sky fox clan!"

"However, God has pity on me, so that I can not only enjoy your physical body, but also get the blood of the sky fox in your body!"

"At that time, I Qing Xiao, I can become the first descendant of the Wolf King of the Green Mountain Wolf Clan, and there must be a place for me among the Monster Clan!"

"Even, it is possible for me to enter the Ten Great Demon Kings!"

The headed wolf demon looked up to the sky and smiled.

Looking at Su Jiu'er, he already seemed to burst into flames.

"Qing Xiao, you don't want to succeed, I, Su Jiu'er, will not be defiled by you even if I die!"

Bleeding from the corner of Su Jiu'er's mouth, but with firm gaze, he raised the broken blade in his hand and was about to insert it into his chest.


However, that Qing Xiao sneered, Su Jiu'er softened, and the broken blade in his hand also fell.

"Su Jiu'er, you have been poisoned by me. Now, it is hard for you to die even if you want to."

"Don't worry, it would be a pity if you have such a good body like this, let me enjoy you now!"

Na Qing Xiao rubbed his hands and flashed in front of him, then grabbed Su Jiu'er.

"Do not!"

Su Jiu'er was desperate.

Can not help closing his eyes.

At this moment, she really wanted to die.

However, she would never see Ling Tian again.

I don't know, Ling Tian En Gong, how good things are now.

It would be great if I could stay with Ling Tian forever...

Brother Ling, Jiu'er is dying...


However, at this moment, Su Jiu'er suddenly felt a fiery wind blowing, and then suddenly opened his eyes, he saw a huge golden stone standing in front of him.

what is this! ?

Can the stone speak?

However, Qing Xiao's expression changed, because his hand happened to touch the figure's armor.

Bang hard.

"who are you!?"

Qing Xiao was startled, not knowing where this guy with a big rock came from.

"Me!? Hehe, I'm your grandpa!"

Ling Tian smirked, and a layer of fiery flame suddenly burned on the silvery white armor.

"Huo! I was scalded to death!"

Suddenly, the wolf demon was furious, and quickly retracted his palm and retreated violently.

At this moment, the palm of the wolf demon was smoked and burnt black.

His cultivation has reached the peak of Xianjun, but he did not expect that he would be burned by the flames on Ling Tian's body.

What kind of fire is this! ?

In fact, this clone of Ling Tian was made from Geng Jin and Sky Fire refined iron, and the Sky Fire Essence Iron used to accumulate the Nine Blazing Lotus Fire, so now this part of the body also has the breath of the Nine Blazing Lotus Fire.

Such a three-hundred-story fairy fire is naturally not something that the wolf demon can bear.

"You are... Terran!?"

Qing Xiao raised his eyes and frowned suddenly.

Although this guy who appeared suddenly looked like a human race, his aura always felt a little weird.

people! ?

After the avatar, Su Jiu'er finally saw clearly that the big golden stone in front of him was carried by a figure. Although the person's face could not be seen yet, the figure made Su Jiu'er particularly familiar.

Could it be...

Knowing that the figure turned around, a warm smile on his face raised, "Don't be afraid Jiu'er, I'm here."

Jiu'er, don't be afraid, I'm...

Only for a moment, when she saw that familiar and warm face and tears, she burst out.

"Big Brother Ling Tian!"

Su Jiu'er couldn't make a sound of tears, and his strength seemed to be hollowed out.

She even felt that all this was just a dream.

Ling Tian, ​​how come here?

"Jiu'er don't cry, it won't look good if you cry."

Ling Tian carried the boulder on his back, so it was not easy to bend, but he could only comfort.

"You still know Su Jiu'er!?"

The wolf demon frowned.

Moreover, this human race is still reminiscing with Su Jiu'er in such a demon-sighted manner, shouldn't he put him in the eyes?

"Jiu'er, rest first, and wait for me to kill these dogs."

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the wolf demons again.

"It's just a beast of the demon clan."

"Dare to hurt Su Jiu'er, this is the most stupid behavior in your life."

His eyes were cold, full of killing intent.

"Damn it, you are looking for death, and a human race dare to come and ruin my Qing Xiao's good deeds!?"

"Go on, kill him for me!"

Qing Xiao shouted angrily, and the dozens of wolf clan fairy monarchs behind him were filled with evil spirits and rushed forward.

In their eyes, Ling Tian was just a human race at the pinnacle of a high-ranking immortal monarch, and they didn't know how many human immortal monarchs had killed.

The demonic air filled the entire ancient tomb hall.

"Ha ha!"

But Ling Tian's clone just sneered, and immediately raised his hand, the big handprint bathed in the flames, like a fire lotus in his palm, pushing it horizontally.


The coercion of terror and the fiery flame swept across.

Before the wolf spirits even had time to scream, they were photographed into black ashes.

The air was filled with the scorched smell of Yaozu's hair.

And that Qing Xiao looked at the wolf clan immortal monarch who was dead around him, his face suddenly changed.

This human race does not seem simple.

"Now, it's your turn!"

In Ling Tian's hands, asked Tian Qilin's halberd appeared.

Directly pointed at that Qing Xiao.

"Want to move me, it's not that easy!"

The wolf demon shouted angrily, raised his hand, and also took out a mace, infused with the boundless blue wolf clan demon power, as if to shatter the entire hall and smashed towards Ling Tian.

See how I tell you, smash it into meatloaf!

The monsters are powerful.

It is incomparable to the human race.

However, except for Ling Tian.

Seeing the mace fall, Ling Tian sneered, his face full of disdain.

I saw that he didn't use the Wentian Qilin halberd, and then raised his hand, the flames surged, and it turned out to be directly supporting the sky.

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