Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2412: Di Jiuge hurts [four more]

Why did a younger sister come out again.

"I don't deserve to speak her name, you will know by then."

"By the way, I still have something to ask for!"

"I hope you can do it for me, I'm Xingu, thank you!"

Na Xin Gu Road.

"Senior, but said it's okay, I will do my best!"

Although Ling Tian was puzzled, he did not hesitate.

"I had a younger sister ten thousand years ago. She was the Zhenhai divine beast of the Yuxu Emperor's Palace, but now she is imprisoned by that nasty nine-headed dragon anaconda!"

"You have to find a way to rescue her!"

Ling Tian: "Where is she?"

"Above, my sister knows that I have fallen, so she has been guarding the Emperor Suspicious Tomb. Even Emperor Yuxu Wu does not know the existence of the Emperor Suspicious Tomb."

"Well, my consciousness is exhausted and I can't accompany you anymore. I hope we still have time to meet again."

After that, Xin Gu's voice disappeared.

"Front, senior!"

Ling Tian still wanted to ask about his sister again, but Xin Gu didn't have a voice anymore.

And the golden idol also collapsed suddenly.

Only the big halberd was left, and it fell on the stone slab in front of the coffin, and the entire Emperor Suspicious Tomb was shocked.

"No matter what, let's talk about the inheritance first!"

Ling Tian murmured.

Xin Gu's sister needs to be saved, but on the sacred mountain, there are still Di Jiuge and others, relying on the clone, it can't be saved at all, and the body must come over.

Open the coffin of the emperor.

Ling Tian's eyes lit up suddenly.

Inside the coffin, it really wasn't the emperor's bones.

But a water-blue fairy fire.

And a blood red pill on that fairy fire.

Hai Xinyan! ?

Ling Tian was overjoyed

This Hai Xinyan's rank has reached a rare four-hundred level!

It is definitely far beyond the existence of Fire Lotus.

If you absorb it, you can definitely become the pinnacle of Xianjun!

As for that ancient Dan, Ling Tian didn't know it.

Tao Yaoyao needs to come over and take a look.

But Ling Tian's clone can't manage that much anymore, so I'm talking about it first!

Ling Tian stretched out his hand to grab the immortal fire and ancient Dan in the coffin.

"Friend, want to swallow it all by yourself? Don't you be particular?"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Ling Tian.


The spirit of Ling Tian's clone is not as strong as the subject.

He didn't even notice that someone had already come in.

Moreover, Ling Tian was really familiar with this voice.

With a cold smile, Ling Tian put on a silver mask and turned around.

And standing in front of the light curtain is the prince of Chu!

Sure enough, he was the first of the three immortals to come in.

"Hehe, I felt that there was an unusual aura in this hall before, and it was true that someone had come in."

"However, you should be from Da Wei, not from my country of Chu!"

The prince smiled.

"Perhaps, what, do you have something to say?"

Ling Tian clasped his shoulders.

"Naturally, here is the Emperor's Suspicious Tomb. Inside the coffin, there are also things I want. No one can **** him."

"Although you came in first, you still have to die!"

The prince sneered, and dropped a long sword from his sleeve, with the sword intent reaching the sky, and directly slashed towards Ling Tian.

The eldest prince was the prince of the Chu dynasty. Although he had a congenital illness, his combat power was only under the holy land fairy prince.

The face-clad human race in front of him is just a high-level fairy monarch, the eldest prince, and naturally it won't take it seriously.

"Tsk tsk!"

"You are still weak!"

Ling Tian clone sneered, as long as he wasn't the holy land fairy, he was not afraid!

Euphorbia asked the sky, and the shadow of the unicorn roared out.


The light of the sword halberd shattered.

The eldest prince also slammed into the light curtain.

"Ahem, you, who are you!"

The corner of the prince's mouth was bleeding, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

Obviously we have reached this point, how can we fail! ?

"The prince, you just made a mistake. I'm not from Da Wei, but don't want to know who I am!"

Ling Tianqing asked the sky Qilin Halberd, sneered.

"Hehe, is it so lively?!"

However, at this moment the light curtain suddenly shattered, and the Celestial Clan Immortal Monarch and the Monster Clan powerhouse walked in together.

"The prince, you are still really weak. If Chu State really falls into your hands, I am afraid that it will be destined to be destroyed too!"

The clan fairy sneered that day.

"To shut up!"

"I know the secret here, we join forces and kill this guy, baby let's share it equally!"

The prince angered.

"Oh? This is not the tone of discussion, eldest prince, and, to kill him, you don't need to join hands with you!"

"Now, I will send you on the road first!"

That day, the clan immortal monarch had a big hand, and suddenly grabbed the prince.

"You wait!"

The eldest prince was ashamed, but the light flashed all over his body and suddenly disappeared into the hall.


That day, the clan fairy prince was shocked and suspicious, only for an instant, the great prince disappeared without a trace.

It seemed that the prince of Chu State had a lot of things on his body.

"You, put down that big halberd!"

At this moment, the monster clan powerhouse shouted angrily.

Because Ling Tian clone had already collected the fairy fire and Gu Dan in the coffin at this time, and the palm of his hand was held on the golden trident.

"That thing belongs to my Celestial Clan, do you dare to grab it?"

The Celestial Immortal Monarch was also furious, and shot directly, the divine light bloomed, turned into a spear, and pierced straight out.

The wolf clan powerhouse came from another direction, dancing with a long knife, and slashing.

The two powerhouses are not like the great princes, in the human race, they can be regarded as the battle power of the holy land immortal monarch.

At this time, together, Ling Tian brandished the trident to fight.

However, although the trident's material was extremely high, the spirit within it was already dead, and its power was not strong. Ling Tian just resisted it for a few rounds before being shaken out.


Ling Tian's body grinned, although there was no blood in his body, it was very painful.

His spirit body is about to break apart.

Under the two powerhouses of the Holy Land Immortal Monarch level, he is no opponent at all!

"Hehe, that's it, the treasure is ours after all!"

The clan fairy sneered that day, and the spear stabbed out, and Ling Tian was about to end up.



However, at this time, the whole mountain did not know why, and it began to vibrate wildly.

A series of terrifying coercion swept over, as if a terrifying ancient mythical beast was awakening.

Even Shenshan left a gap from top to bottom.

Directly split the suspicion of the emperor into two halves!

The Celestial Immortal Monarch and the Demon Race powerhouse were shocked. They looked up and saw that the main hall had been split apart, and a figure descended from the sky.

"Di Jiuge!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyes and was shocked when he saw the figure.

But the next moment, his face changed.

Di Jiuge, it seems to be injured!

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