Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2416: All above the sacred mountain are mine [four more]

"What do you mean!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"I didn't come for the place in the Immortal King Palace, don't give it to me!"

Di Jiuge didn't want to explain more.

Only one sentence.

"That's OK!"

Ling Tian's gaze swept across the eyes of others, and the people he liked were all faintly excited.

Immortal King Palace, being able to enter it, but their lifelong dream.

But in the end, Ling Tian's gaze fell on Feng Jixing who was under his feet.

At this time, he and the ontology have merged all the memories before.

He knew that Feng Ji acted to save the wind Qixi, Zhao Min and others, used Yunlei Pill, and did not enter the Palace of the Immortal King, he had already lost the possibility of becoming the Immortal King in a short time.

Feng Jixing also looked at Ling Tian, ​​with a vague excitement in his heart.

"Feng Jixing, I will not blame the past, this time, I will give you a chance, it will be a face for Qixi Festival!"

"I don't want to see her sad!"

After all, Ling Tian carried on the wind.

"Follow me up to Pagoda Mountain!"

Immediately, a crowd of ten people flew towards the top of the heavy mountain.

"Stop me!"

"The Palace of the Immortal King, only I can enter!"

Qu Shenyou frightened.

If he loses the qualifications of the Immortal King Palace, then he has lost everything!

This is the plan he has prepared for more than 20 years, and it is related to the future of the Qu family!

Nothing to be lost!

After the roar, the giant wave halberd in the hands of Qu Shenyou cut off a stormy water system and swept the ten people!

"Hehe, water magical power, dare to sacrifice it in front of me!?"

However, the emperor Jiuge sneered in the sky, his staff held high, and the power of boundless ice filled the pagoda mountain.

"Nine layers of cold ice, seal!"

When the sound fell, the light of the powerful trembling halberd of Qu Shenyou was directly sealed in the sky by ice.

Then it fell apart.

Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath.

Even magical powers can be frozen! ?

This Emperor Jiuge is too terrifying, right?

In front of her, this wandering spirit is not a level of existence at all.


That Qu Shenyou was also shocked.

The power of Di Jiuge seemed to be more terrifying than he had imagined.

"Hehe, I'm here, don't even want to touch them!"

"No one is allowed to go up!"

"Nine layers of ice, town!"

Di Jiuge sneered, and then snorted again.

When the staff fell, the power of the ice, the ice-covered pagoda mountain for hundreds of miles, enveloped that Qu Shenyou and Li Haoran.

Can't break free at all!


Li Haoran was furious.

The power of Emperor Jiuge is definitely the level of the nine sons of Wei.

Chu State, when did such a terrifying existence appear! ?

Not only that, the ice power of Di Jiuge is so cold that they will soon be suppressed to death! "

"Brother, there is news from the sect that the Dugu Immortal Country has aggressively invaded the border of our Great Wei Dynasty, and Xuantian Zhengzong bears the brunt. We should go now!"

At this moment, a disciple exclaimed in that Xuantian Orthodox School.

"But, I didn't get anything from Li Haoran's trip!"

Li Haoran was unwilling to roar.

"Brother, the order of the master must not be violated!"

"Fine, let's go!"

Then Li Haoran yelled angrily, and then tore a scroll directly, and with hundreds of great Wei Xianjun, the light flashed and disappeared into the ice.

That Qu Shenyou was also terrified in his heart, and quickly took out the token and was about to leave.

Although he is unwilling, but there is no way, he will die if he does not leave!

The two princes who took out the token together.

He knew that he was completely defeated this time.

None of his people can enter the Palace of the Immortal King!

"Want to go!?"

But Di Jiuge disagrees.

"Nine layers of ice, kill!"

Numerous ice arrows were condensed and shot towards that Qu Shenyou.

Wave clock!

That Qu Shenyou urged Gu Zhong to stand in front of him.


Frostbolt shook the sky-reaching Lingbao, shaking the sky one after another, causing Na Qu to spurt blood.

But after three breaths, he and the second prince disappeared into the ice with a flash of light and shadow.


Di Jiuge gritted his teeth.

If she hadn't been injured, how could the two of them escape! ?

"Ling Tian, ​​I hope you will do what you say. If you can't get the ice-ling world sea stick of my Emperor family, let's see how I clean up you!"

Di Jiuge was on the Pagoda Mountain, looking at the sacred mountain that had been shrouded in **** light from a distance, a gentle flash of tenderness suddenly flashed in his eyes.

It seems that at the waist, the temperature of Ling Tian's big hands is still...

Sacred mountain.

Before the top of the mountain.

Ling Tian took the wind and landed on the rock.

He looked up, and there was blood on the sky that day.

The strength of this blood energy even changed Ling Tian's color slightly.

Moreover, from the **** light, Ling Tian seemed to see a terrifying beast with the appearance of a nine-headed dragon tumbling.

He seems to be breaking free from the shackles!

The strength of this fierce beast made Ling Tian also jealous.

Perhaps, he can only fight with one by doing all he can.

However, before that, he has to deal with the other three guys first!

At this time, under the mountain, in three directions, the Celestial Phantom Fairy, the Demon Clan Yuli, and the Monster Clan’s Unicorn Fairy were suspended in the sky.

In the same way, facing the nine-headed monster phantom, he was jealous.

They hunted all the way to the bottom of the mountain, only then did they feel the terrible monster.

However, they have come here, and none of them has the face to retreat.

This time, it was a battle for the dignity of their three ethnic groups!

No, it is four ethnic groups.

Ling Tian's sudden appearance immediately attracted the attention of other strong men.

"who are you!"

The Phantom Fairy asked.

At this moment, Ling Tian was full of aura, with a visor on his face and silver hair.

He didn't know him.

"Human race!"

Ling Tian has only two words.

"Hahaha, Human Race!? Just now that Emperor Jiuge has been beaten down by us, why, among Human Race, there are still people who are not afraid of death!?"

That Yuli laughed.

"The human emperor Jiuge is strong, and it is not our opponent, why, you also come to die!?"

The monster clan powerhouse sneered.

"Hehe, isn't it? It seems, you guys are not so good!"

Ling Tian shook his head.


The three great arrogances of the ethnic group shouted in unison, and the terrifying will of the immortal sovereign surged.

The coercion, like the mountains and the sea, was pressing towards Ling Tian.

The will of any one of them is enough to crush everyone in the Holy Land.

Even Li Haoran couldn't hold on to a breath.

The three races can compete, but only the human race can't!

Because Human Race has no territory.

It is an inferior race, not worthy to fight with them!

"bully me!?"

"I am not Di Jiuge!"

"My human race, you are not allowed to oppress!"

"Better than will, what are you guys!"

Ling Tian raised the sky and howled.

Within the Qi Haixing River, the Eternal Burning Heaven Decision urged to the extreme, the endless, the vast and boundless aura of immortality, all burst out without reservation.

Not only that, on the foundation, the figure of the God of War Slaying Heaven stood up, a pair of divine eyes bursting into divine light.

A soaring will broke out.

A five-thousand-meter-high phantom, covering the sky and the sun, crushes everything.

The phantom was dim, but looked down.

Like the emperor!

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