Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2425: Are eliminated

"Master! It seems that your personality is different from the past in these days!"

Qu Wentong narrowed his eyes and looked at Na Luoji coldly.

"Oh!? What's the difference?"

Luo Ji seems to be in his chest.

"Master Tai has always been low-key, but now, it's not like you!"

Luo Ji shook his head, "No, no, no way, even if I want to keep a low profile this time, it won't work."

"This time, Luo Yan will definitely be able to enter the Palace of the Immortal King. As for the child from the general's house, I still hope that the general, pray a lot!"

"You!" Qu Wentong was furious in his heart.

This Luo Ji is too arrogant now.

To that Luo Yan, so confident! ?


Just when Qu Wentong wanted to ridicule.

On a platform on the desert island, a light of formation suddenly lit up.

"Well, will someone come out so soon?"

"This formation, linked, is the formation of the Holy Land Token, it was eliminated!"

"Hey, Bai is excited!"

But when everyone discovered that these formations were not the formations on the Pagoda Mountain, they all shook their heads.

Was eliminated so quickly.

I am afraid it is the weakest disciple in the Holy Land.


However, when a figure emerged from the formation, almost all the powerful men took a breath.

Even Na Luoji and Qu Wentong suddenly got up.

"The Three Princes!"

The Master frowned.

Seeing that figure staggering down from the platform, although embarrassed, isn't it the third prince?

However, the three princes themselves are at the level of the Holy Land Immortal Lord, and they are also assisted by the Jin Bu Holy Land Immortal Lord Liu Zhao and others. Why are they eliminated so quickly!

This is simply unbelievable.


On the platform, the three princes rolled down, breathing heavily.

He knew that if he took such a breath at night, perhaps he would die in Ling Tian's hands.

However, when I saw the deserted island, there were tens of thousands of people from all over the country of Chu.

He didn't react for a while.

"His Royal Highness, why did you come out?"

After a long while, Luo Ji frowned.


The three princes gritted their teeth.

Yes, how could he come out, not because of Ling Tian! ?

But how can he speak it out!


The third prince snorted coldly and flew away from the deserted island without regard to his injuries.

gone! ?

Everyone looked at each other.

I don't know what the three princes have experienced in Saint Bi.

Now, he left the deserted island directly! ?

Can the three princes not leave! ?

He was almost the first to be eliminated, and he has no face to stay here anymore.

He wants to know the capital and prepares the means to show Ling Tian a good look!

"Um, the third prince came out, so what about Liu Zhao from the Jin Ministry?"

"Could it be, already dead, right?"

Everyone looked at the formation, but after a delay, no one appeared again.

Isn't he the only one left in the team of the three princes! ?

Two days after the third prince came out, on the desert island, on the platform of the eliminated formation, the Holy Land Tianjiao came out one after another.

But without exception, they are not strong.

Moreover, not many people came out.

Most of them were hunted down by fierce beasts and by the warriors of Dawei, who had no choice but to come out.

However, the number of Tianjiao remaining in the Holy Land is still extremely large.

Could it be that Tianjiao in the Holy Land is so smooth this time! ?

"It's the last day!"

Finally, when the sun's gleam rose on the sea.

Everyone stared with bated breath.

Because this day is the last day of Saint Bi, in any case, all Tianjiao will come out on this day.

Otherwise the formation on Pagoda Mountain will collapse.

Tianjiao will stay in it forever.

However, from rising to sunset.

On the desert island platform, there was still no light shining again.

Without the Holy Land Tianjiao, continue to come out.


Seeing the sky gradually dimmed, time was running out.

Everyone began to feel a little flustered.

Could it be, all die in it! ?

Otherwise, it would not be so peaceful.

It's weird.

"Master, now I have learned that in the land of Saint Bi, not only Li Haoran, one of the nine sons of the Great Wei, is present, but there are also the heavenly arrogances of the Celestial Clan, the Dark Demon Clan, and the Demon Clan. Our Tianjiao of the Chu Kingdom will not... …"

Finally, Luo Ji asked.

Although, he was very confident of Ling Tian.

But I didn't expect that within this Saint Ratio, there are even strong people from other races.

Compared with those strong, Chu's holy land Tianjiao is a little pitiful.

Can they really come out! ?

Now, on the platform, there is no light flashing.

How can he not worry about it.

"I don't know this either."

"The Tianjiao of other ethnic groups is also there, which I never thought of."

The Master's face was serious, but in the end, he just sighed, "No way, this is also fate. Everything depends on their good fortune."


Luo Ji wanted to say something, but in the end, he also sighed.

Nightmare, I believe that you are a man of precious life, and nothing will happen.


At this moment, on the desert island, the formation that had been silent for a long time suddenly lit up.

"Someone has come out!"

"It's still eliminated!"

"No matter how much, the warrior who was eliminated should be able to know what happened in Saint Bi!"

Everyone's eyes all fell on the formation platform.

However, when that figure also appeared in front of everyone, everyone cried out again.


"So possible!?"

This time, Luo Ji stood up directly.

Because, in any case, he did not believe that the eldest prince would be eliminated.

Who did it! ?

Many powerful people in the National People's Congress also look to Luo Ji.

Because everyone knew that Master Luo was the teacher of the prince, and it was the existence of the master that allowed this weak prince to survive today.

Not only that, but the prince has the protection of this holy land of the fire department, so how can he be eliminated first! ?


The prince coughed and found that so many people had already arrived on the deserted island.

For a while, his face was a little bit awkward.

But, after all, he is not the third prince, and he is pretty good in his heart.

In normal times, he is often ridiculed secretly, and he has long been accustomed to the eyes of these people.

"Prince, what is going on? What is going on in Saint Bi, Du Can!?"

The Taishi stepped forward and welcomed the prince down.

"do not know."

The prince shook his head.

He really didn't know.

Because after entering the land of Shengbi, he separated from Du Can and secretly sneaked under the sacred mountain, trying to **** the opportunity of the suspected grave of Emperor Qingxiao.

But unexpectedly, it was beaten out by a mysterious human race.

What is happening on the Pagoda Mountain now.

He didn't know.

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