Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2433: Detailed plan

"Haha! Ling Tian, ​​don't worry, as long as we follow our plan to form, it will definitely be possible, and it will succeed in one fell swoop!"

The Master smiled.

"What is the detailed plan?"

Ling Tian turned around.

"The first thing is not to enter the Palace of the Immortal King. This is relatively simple. Tomorrow is the Great Dynasty Meeting. The Lord will summon you. The prince will never let go of this opportunity to force you out of the Palace of the Immortal King. By then, you will be able to move forward!

"One month later, it will be the day when the Immortal King Palace opens. That day is also the best time for Qu Wentong to rebel, because on that day, the guards in Danyang City and the imperial palace will start to rotate."

"The Palace of the Immortal King is also in the palace. By then, it will be the two most important points with the palace of the lord."

"At that time, both the prince and Qu Wentong will send a large number of masters to surround the Immortal King Palace and kill Tianjiao, while Tianxing and Qu Wentong will go straight to the palace of the lord. Who can kill the lord, whoever can kill Take charge of Chu Kingdom!"

"On Qu Wentong's side, Old Ghost Luo can handle it, and the rest of the Heavenly Punishment will be handed over to you with the Immortal King Palace."

The Master said.

However, Ling Tian frowned.

"Wait, Master, I will be in charge of both the Heavenly Punishment and the Immortal King Palace. What about you?"

The master shook his head, "I promised the country lord that I will not attack anyone in the territory of Chu."

"Danyang is the capital of Chu, even more so."

Ling Tian pursed his lips and said nothing.

Never thought that there was such a wonderful agreement between the master and the country lord.

"The Master's strength is unpredictable, and the Lord was afraid that the Master would do harm to the world. That's why he had this agreement with the Master, so don't force him."

Luo Ji smiled from the side.

"I have a deep affection for Chu Kingdom, and King Chu was really a master at the time. I can't bear to see Chu Kingdom collapsed. I have an obligation to find a master for Chu."

The Master sighed and looked at Ling Tian again, "At that time, the prince and Qu Wentong will send the super masters found from all over to attack the heavenly arrogances of the Immortal King Palace. They must not be underestimated, but I know that even if they are in charge of the Immortal King at the same time. The palace and the palace of the lord, you Ling Tian, ​​you must have a way to deal with it!"

"I have a clone to use, but that clone..."

Ling Tian frowned.

At that time, his body can rely on the nine changes of the true spirit to deal with the punishment of heaven.

But in the Palace of the Immortal King, the combat power of the clones is probably not as good as Zhao Min and the others.

"Hehe, on the desert island that day, I could see that you were a clone. If you didn't guess wrong, it was the second three-level clone technique, right?"

The Master smiled.


Ling Tian nodded.

It turned out that all this was in the eyes of the Master.

This guy is really terrible.

After five hundred years of retreat, even Ling Tian wondered whether this master had already broken through the realm of the fairy king.

"That's okay. Two clones can be split before the fourth stage of the Sanqing Clone technique. You can make the third stage. I have the materials for refining clones."

The Master seemed to be prepared long ago, flipped his hand, and handed it a ring to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian took it, but found that there was this black gold stone the size of a millstone.

Immediately, Ling Tian took a breath.

"This is the magical black-patterned unicorn gold!"

"Yes, but it's only a god-level material, not a god-level material for refining artifacts, don't make any mistakes. I have collected this item for almost a thousand years, and I finally sent it out today. You can find the remaining materials. Old Ghost Luo will do."

"Okay, my purpose here has been achieved. One month later, I will wait for your good news."

The master smiled, his figure disappearing.

"Taishi, Qu Wentong will rebel in a month's time. He will definitely come with a large army. I don't know our strength..."

Ling Tian turned around, frowning to see Master Luo.

"We don't have many people. Only the Nine Doors Guards who are responsible for the safety of the country's lord from the beginning to the end can use it, but the number is only one thousand!"

"They will be the last power to guard the palace of the Lord of the Kingdom. It is us, or you, who really depends on us!"

Luo Ji said solemnly: "I can hold Qu Wentong, but in a short time, I can't help him. The rest is up to you."

"Okay, I see."

Ling Tian nodded.

Forbidden land in the back residence of Taishifu.

Ling Tian, ​​Feng Qixi, Zhao Min and others were all arranged here.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Grand Master's Mansion, surrounded by many formations, all of which are the high-strength guards of the Grand Master's Mansion, which is absolutely safe.

After Ling Tian came back from Luo Ji, he saw Feng Qixi and Feng Jixing brother and sister standing there in front of his room.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are back!"

Feng Qixi saw Ling Tian with a smile on his face.

As for the continuation of the wind, it was a bit embarrassing.

"Young Master Ling!"

Feng Jixing bowed.

"Well, is the injury better?"

Ling Tian nodded and smiled slightly.

It makes people feel like spring breeze.

"Well, it's better. I came with my sister this time to thank you. Without you, Qixi would like to enter the Palace of the Immortal King. It would be extremely difficult. And without you, I wouldn't be able to live today, let alone Fortunately, enter the Palace of the Immortal King."

After finishing speaking, Feng Jixing took two steps back and deeply arched his hands towards Ling Tian.

"However, from the previous Dao Palace to the time I entered Saint-Bird, I have done a lot of sorry things to you. I was wrong. Please forgive me for my stupidity."

Ling Tian held his hands emptyly, "No, those are just fame and fortune, I won't care, as long as you are really good for Qixi Festival."

"I also treat her as my sister, and I can do anything for her."

"Tsk tusk, Ling Tian, ​​what you said, I almost dared to cry!" Feng Qixi tusk twice.

"You kid, take good care of your temper, don't get into trouble all day long."

"Well, if there is nothing else, just go back. After a month, work harder and strive to become the fairy king!"

Ling Tian rubbed Feng Qixi's face.

"It's easy to say, when we all become the fairy king, I will take you to my family to play!"

Feng Qixi held a small fist.

"Ascension Alliance?"

Ling Tian murmured in his heart.

It seems that I really want to check it out then.

Feng Qixi brothers and sisters left, Ling Tian returned to his room.

Zhao Min had already refined the golden beads of will from that ruin in Taoyuan.

Ling Tian remained unchanged.

He needs to wait for tomorrow's dynasty meeting.

However, early the next morning, everyone was in front of the Grand Master's Mansion, preparing to go to the Chu State Palace.

But what was ushered in was an imperial edict.

"Cut off Ling Tian's qualifications to enter the Immortal King Palace!? Why!?"

When the person who declared the decree handed over the golden imperial decree to Ling Tian.

Feng Qixi and others should be angry.

Even the imperial edict has no explanation.

"There is the Prince's Seal of the State Administration on this, which should have been made by the Prince."

Luo Ji glanced at the imperial edict, shook his head and sighed.

"He was too much."

"Why, the prince now has the right to cut off Ling Tian's full power to enter the Immortal King Palace!? What about the Lord?"

Luo Yan was dissatisfied.

"Yesterday there was news from the palace that the country's lord was in a coma, and today's dynasty is afraid that it will not continue."

Luo Ji shook his head.

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