Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2456: Arrived at the Dajin Baicao Conference [four more]

"Hehe, this book of kings is customized by Dawei's people and the Celestial Clan. I'm afraid there is something taboo about your name, so I don't have you."

Zhao Min smiled, "However, that's okay. In addition to Zhao Guochu, there are also some people from Dawei, and other human races don't know about your abnormal existence. It will be much more convenient in the future."

"That's true!"

Ling Tian nodded and smiled suddenly: "However, I'm afraid it won't take long before they will hear my name."

"I'm still going to use this record of kings, whether it's the record of the fairy king or the record of the fairy king."

Ling Tian's gaze fell on the Immortal King Record, and Qin Mingyue's name was shining brilliantly at the top of the list.

How could he let Qin Mingyue be alone on the list! ?

"Let's go, go back to the room and rest."

Putting away the list, Ling Tian picked up Zhao Min directly.

Zhao Min was ashamed, "What are you doing?"

"I can't compensate you, but maybe our children can be with you so that you will not be alone."

Ling Tian laughed loudly.

"Bad guys, who said that I'm going to have a baby? Besides, how can I get pregnant so easily?"

Zhao Min was shy.

"Don't be afraid, I will work harder tonight."

Ling Tian light and shadow flashed, and Zhao Min disappeared directly into Chongwen Hall.

After going away, he still felt that he owed Zhao Min.

It was still cruel to leave her alone in Zhao Country.

If Zhao Min can be pregnant with his own child, it will be better.

In the early morning of the next day, Ling Tian got up from the bed, kissed Zhao Min's pretty face full of tears, and then left with a long sigh.

Until Ling Tian's breath completely disappeared, Zhao Min's tears couldn't stop streaming down.

However, she didn't open her eyes, but clutched the quilt tightly, smelling the breath that belonged to Ling Tian, ​​she didn't dare to open her eyes, she knew that when she opened her eyes, Ling Tian really left.


"Master, do you really want to leave Madam here alone, Xianzhi is very hard to give up."

Outside the capital city of Zhao State, Zuo Xianzhi felt lost.

"It doesn't matter, Master is as unwilling to give up, but we will meet again soon, and I will find a way to let you say that Madam can come to see us at any time."

"Let's go!"

Ling Tian summoned Aman, and the two jumped on their mounts and swept towards the northwest of Zhao State.

The northwest of Zhao Kingdom is the Great Jin, one of the four immortal dynasties of the human race!

Being able to be one of the four immortal dynasties is not a vain name.

Dajin has a vast area, almost ten times the size of Chu State, and the area where it is located is mostly deep mountains, dense forests and ancient rivers.

In ancient times, this place used to be deep mountains and evil waters. Not only was it adjacent to the heavenly clan, but also bordered on the demon clan, so this place was surrounded by monsters and beasts, and the terrain was extremely complicated.

The dark demons once attacked the Jin dynasty several times, but they were all unsuccessful.

This is not only because of the powerful human fairy kings in the Great Jin Dynasty. The most important reason is that the human race relies on these deep mountains and evil waters to build many formations, almost endless, which makes those dark demons very jealous. And helpless.

The Dajin Immortal Dynasty is regarded as the safest among the four immortal dynasties, and it is precisely because of this that many human races come here in admiration.

After all, people are born in troubled times, and most people still want to be more stable. After all, cultivation is not easy, and no one wants to die in the hands of the dark demons without knowing one day.

From the records of kings, Ling Tian learned that Dajin possesses 13 top immortal kings in the records of immortal kings, and Dajin also occupies a quarter of the eighty-one positions of immortal kings.

It can be said to be extremely powerful.

Of course, the more challenges Dajin faces, the more satisfied Ling Tian will be.

After all, he was here to challenge this trip. If it goes too smoothly, it would be really boring.

Six months later.

Dajin, Wushan.

Below Wushan, a huge river with a width of thousands of miles is named Wujiang. The waves are turbulent, and the sound of the raging waves can be heard 100,000 miles away.

Moreover, there are extremely powerful monsters in the river. Under normal circumstances, there will be no warriors crossing alone. They need to rent huge ships to cross the river in groups.

After passing through the Wujiang River and crossing Wushan Mountain, even if it is truly the Great Jinxian Dynasty.

The moat formed by this mountain and a river has resisted the army of the Dark Demons several times.

However, at this time, the warriors on the Wujiang giant ship looked at the river in the distance with shocking expressions.

At this time, a flat boat was crossing the river leisurely, very fast.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared before their eyes.

"You just saw it, did a boat pass by!?"

"I saw it, but it's too unbelievable. Did we get it wrong? If someone dares to cross the Wujiang River like this, aren't they afraid of the monster race in the water?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

"Hey, that's fine, there is nothing to fuss about, everyone, don't forget, a few days later, it will be the Baicao Conference held in Wushan City. I heard that because of the Wushuang Immortal Sect, many powerful people have come."

"It has just passed, it should be a strong immortal king of Dajin, maybe it is the existence of the king's record!"

An old man said something quite genuinely.

"Yes, that's what it said. Although the Wushan Alchemy Conference is not a top-level scene, the Dajin Pill Dao has won the entire human race. The Wushan Baicao Conference is also very important, and it can attract the strong from the Immortal King's record to come. , It is absolutely possible."

"Yes, that's right, I just don't know, which immortal king was the one who passed by just now, is it the one from the Wushuang Immortal Sect?"

"Yes, I heard that half a year ago, that person had already become the immortal king, and his combat power was extremely strong!"

"It should not be, Wushuang Xianzong is a powerful sect that has risen in the southeast of Dajin. The strong man is the sect master, and the pomp is definitely not here."

Everyone talked a lot.

However, the two people who crossed the river in Yiwei had already crossed the Wujiang River and stood at the foot of Wushan Mountain.

These two people were Ling Tian and Zuo Xianzhi who had come from afar!

Ling Tian raised his eyes and looked at the tens of thousands of feet in front of the towering mountains, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

"It is said that when you return from Dajin, you don't look at the mountains. Now when you see it, it is well-deserved!"

Ling Tian exclaimed.

"Yes, the magnificence of the mountains and rivers of the Great Jin Dynasty is indeed not comparable to that of Chu and Zhao, but is the person we are looking for right here!?"

Zuo Xianzhi was holding the guqin and was very energetic.

"Well, as far as I know, there will be a grand alchemy event here. My old friend will come here. Let's go. Let me think about how to reunite with my old friend!"

Thinking of Ye Gucheng seeing his own expression, Ling Tian couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, taking Zuo Xianzhi, riding on the green bull, and soaring away.

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