Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2458: The situation of Wushuang Xianzong

Ye Gucheng, the old friend of the lower realm, was once the most outstanding genius in Wushuang City. With the will of the top immortal monarch in Jinlei Yaoguang, now he has ascended to the immortal realm and established the immortal sect in Dajin. Ling Tian came here to find Ye Gucheng.

Now under this Wushan Mountain, Ling Tian saw the words surnamed Wuzhe and Yutian, how could he not let Ling Tian doubt it! ?

Since Ling Tian's ascension, I don't know how many years have passed, but now I think about it, it seems that it happened a long time ago. In the vicissitudes of life, he fell into a chaotic battlefield and was perilous. Now he has experienced a **** storm, has risen strongly, and his combat power is comparable to the ninth order of the immortal king, and he is watching the human race!

The past, step by step, makes people embarrassed, Ling Tian now wants to get together with his deceased.

If others are fighting and fighting, he is unwilling to intervene.

However, if this group of people were from Ye Gucheng, then he would have to take action.

Even if you admit your mistake, you have to take care of it!

At the very least, the old man who fell down didn't look like a good thing.

Ling Tian's heart turned, and Leng Ran drew deep in his eyes, looking up.

Behind him, the warriors wearing the hats turned around one after another. Under the hats, their complexion instantly became extremely ugly, their eyes gloomy, and fierce murderous intent flashed.

"Tianhuazong Zhang Lin, I didn't expect even you to chase after him!!"

The warrior with the word Yutian sneered.

But the voice turned out to be a woman.

"How did you find us!?"

The old man smiled gloomily: "You don't have to worry about that, Ye Xichan, why, so far, don't you want to admit your identity!?"

"Or do you think that Wushuang Xianzong can't say it!?"

The voice of the old man fell, and the faces of the warriors around the teleportation array changed.

Wushuang Xianzong! ?

These seemingly mysterious people turned out to be Wushuang Xianzong warriors who came in and became quite active in the Eastern Huaxian Mountain of Dajin! ?

Everyone looked at each other, with playful eyes in their eyes.

Especially in the past six months, the Wushuang Immortal Sect has risen rapidly, and has successively annexed more than a dozen large and small sects, and even now it can compete with the Tianhua Sect, which is second only to the Donghua overlord Zongmen Zixiaozong.

Tianhua Sect is a first-class sect, and there are only four in the east of the Great Jin Dynasty.

Moreover, this day Huazong seems to have a good relationship with the lord of Wushan City!

Sect Master Wushuang still doesn't know if he will come to this Baicao Conference. At this time, does Wushuang Xianzong have disciples arriving early! ?

And it seems that the situation is not quite right!

"My name of the Unparalleled Immortal Sect, you can defile it at will!? Why, Zhang Lin, under this Wushan Mountain, I still want to do nothing!?"

Under that hat, Ye Xichan let out a cold snort, and the breath of his whole body burst out in an instant, but the realm was only high-level immortal monarch, and his combat power was only comparable to the second-order immortal king, and it was not enough to look at.

However, reaching out from Ye Xichan, there were a few warriors who stood up, and the aura of the fairy king burst out one after another, and there were two people who had reached the realm of the fourth-order fairy king.

It's pretty good.

"Protect Miss!"

Those people protected Ye Xichan in the middle.

"Haha, although Wushuang Xianzong is pretty good, but you can't just kill my Tianhuazong disciple innocently because of this!?"

"Stop talking nonsense, since you killed my Xianzong disciple, even if you were born in Wushuang Xianzong, it's useless!"

"I, Zhang Lin, took the sect's order to keep your lives. Don't wait to resent the old man for being cruel."

The voice is harsh, the murderous intent is skyrocketing, breaking out of the body and filling the space here.

In the corner of the square, the Sixth-Order Immortal King Martial Artist of Zixiaozong flew out, his expression indifferent, his eyes flickering, but he did not step forward to intervene.

The other warriors onlookers sneered.

Sect Master Tianhua and City Master Wushan are brothers-in-law, and they have a very good relationship. Wushuang Xianzong rarely interacts with Donghua's two overlords, so Zixiaozong will naturally not intervene in this matter.

As a result, these unparalleled immortal sect martial artists, I am afraid that it will be over.

Tianhuazong elder Zhang Lin is a fifth-order immortal king!

The immortal king in front of Ye Xichan snorted coldly, the aura in his body soared, urging his breath to the peak of the fourth-order immortal king, hunting in clothes.

"Old ghost Zhang Lin, why don't you want to commit a crime!? If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have this skill!"

"Everyone, since it's dead, we must protect the young lady!"

The shout fell, and the five warriors next to him instantly stood by their corners, the aura in the body broke out, and the worst was also the immortal king's third-order cultivation base. At this moment, the six breaths were faintly connected and turned into a general trend. They collided with the aura of the forest, but they were also evenly matched.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Sen's complexion darkened, and he snorted coldly.

"It seems that you are really stubborn!"

"No matter what today, if you wait, you will die!"

Zhang Lin's pupils shrink slightly.

They had searched for the breath of Wushuang Xianzong martial artist near the area under the jurisdiction of the sect, and they have been chasing it until now.

Wushuang Xianzong has become more and more powerful recently, and even has a stance to compete with the four first-class sects. Zixiaozong is even more dissatisfied with Ye Gucheng’s arrogance and arrogance. This is why the sect of Donghua Xianshan is secretly suppressed Xianzong.

Suppress Wushuang Xianzong, you can get the benefits of Zixiaozong. This is something he cannot ignore.

This time, Sect Master Wushuang didn't come to Wushan City. This was an excellent opportunity and could not be given up.

After saying that, Zhang Lin flipped his hand slightly, and took out a three-foot green front, his sharp aura escaped, faint, but it was chilling, and he was frightened.


With a word of export, Qing Feng cut down.

Xianyuan rioted, tumbling and tumbling, and condensed into a sword beam, which was thousands of feet long and fierce flames, which seemed to shatter the world in front of it.

The pupils of the fairy king in front of Ye Xichan shrank slightly, his face was solemn, but deep in his eyes, there was no fear. Although Zhang Lin is strong, he uses the power of the battle formation to superimpose the cultivation base of six people, and he can also fight one of them. The victory or defeat is still unknown.


With a low hum, a palm fell.

The six people's intent to fight instantly appeared in their bodies, and the qi machine traction made the golden light suddenly appear.

The immortal yuan is condensed into a handprint, which is more than a thousand feet long, and the light of the mysterious gold shines, which is very textured, just like substance.

Breath induction, the power gap between the sword light and the golden palm is extremely small, if it is hard to shake, it is extremely difficult to tell the winner.

But at this moment, Lin's eyes flashed a little differently, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curled up, making it look hideous.


Right here, behind the Immortal King, a Tier 3 Immortal King warrior violently shot, with ruthless means, and went straight to his side. This person was unprepared, he was hit hard in an instant, retreated with tears of blood, and his life is unknown.

Suddenly, the Tier 4 Immortal King was frightened and furious. At this moment, the battlefield was broken, and the power of the Golden Palm fell sharply. How could he be the opponent of the Lin Shentong!

The sword light was cut off, the golden palm was shattered, the stumped limbs were broken, and the blood rained.

Tier 4 was severely wounded, and the five people behind him, including the Uchimura who shot, all perished.

Only Ye Xichan, with the golden spear on his head, stood peacefully.


Moreover, it was a fairy treasure of the Tongtian Lingbao level, and saved her life.

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