Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2470: Gambling

Ling Tian searched all the way for a year, but didn't encounter it.

Unexpectedly, there will be news on the first day of coming here.

How can this not make Ling Tian happy!

Ye Xichan and Leng Linfeng looked at each other.

At this time, Ling Tian's body was filled with unquestionable domineering aura.

It seems that he has already booked the champion of the Baicao Conference.

"Uh, all right!"

Ye Xichan pursed her lips, although her father described Ling Tian as an omnipotent person.

But she still doubted in her heart.

Three days later.


Many people came to Tianshifang early.

This time, not only the warriors who are keen on betting on rocks, but also many warriors who came to Wushan City to participate in the Baicao Conference and watch the excitement, all gathered here.

There is no other reason, it is because Cui Zhou of the Zixiao Sect wants to see the stone today.

Moreover, we still have to challenge an unknown person.

This unknown person made Tianshifang a shame three days ago, and now it has become a post-dinner talk for the entire Wushan City.

Moreover, Cui Zhou was originally a disciple of the Zixiao Sect.

The young descendants of the Immortal King are extremely famous Tianjiao in the entire territory of Donghua Immortal Mountain.

Under normal circumstances, such Tianjiao would rarely come to Wushan City. Even if Wushan City is going to hold a White Grass Conference recently, the specifications are much smaller.

Therefore, just using the name of Cui Zhou is enough to attract all the martial artists of Wushan City.

In the crowd, a little Taoist girl padd her feet, looked at the purple-clothed young man standing in front of Tianshifang, curled her lips and said, "Cut, there is another long, good-looking stinky man. There is something handsome, a bad guy!"

However, the little Daogu did not leave, because the senior sisters in Jingxin's Nunnery were all here.

And Chen Yinfeng of Qingfeng Tower was also waiting in the carriage not far from Tianshifang.

She had already inquired about the person Cui Zhou wanted to challenge was a young master who had rewarded her with a middle-grade national product three days ago.

Although I don't know what the identity of the young man surnamed Qin is, Chen Yinfeng still wants to come and have a look.

Moreover, it was Young Master Qin who hoped to win in the end.

Although, this is impossible.

After all, Cui Zhou's Jianshi is very powerful, but it is extremely famous throughout the Donghua Immortal Mountain.

"Miss Bai, today's gambling game, I think it will not be possible, if you have time, can you let me go to the Zixiaozong as a guest!? Master and his old man said, the entire Zixiaozong will sweep the couch to welcome Miss Bai. arrival."

Na Cui Zhou looked at Bai Mengyi gracefully.

Bai Mengyi's beauty is enough to make all men fall for it.

He came to Wushan City this time precisely for this Bai Mengyi.

If you can establish a relationship with Bai Mengyi, then Zixiaozong's position in the eight sects of Dajin may be promoted.

Otherwise, at the end of the eight immortal gates, no resources can be obtained!

"No, I still have important things to do when I come to Wushan City. Time doesn't allow it."

"Master Cui Zhou, the rough stone for Tianshifang is ready this time. If that person comes, you can just gamble on the stone."

Bai Mengyi shook her head. From the beginning to the end, she had never seen Cui Zhou directly before turning around and was about to leave.

Cui Zhou's expression turned gloomy in an instant.

Although this Bai Mengyi belonged to the Bai family, she was not a true Dajin imperial family, and her cultivation level was almost the same as her own.

Why is there no one in Wuzhong like this, and he's worse off, isn't he from that background?

"Haha, Miss Bai, I don't think that person dare to come. You are also from the Bai family, and you should be quite good at stone appraisal. Why don't we take a gamble!?"

Cui Zhou suddenly stopped Bai Mengyi.

Since Bai Mengyi could not be invited to come, he simply gambled with Bai Mengyi.

Anyway, he had long wanted to challenge the Bai family's stone appraisal technique.

"If Miss Bai loses, then go to Zixiaozong with me as a guest, how about!?"

Cui Zhou challenged the Bai family's children, and the voice fell, which caused the warriors in front of the Tianshifang to shout in exclamation.

The good show is coming again.

The Bai family was on the Jianshi Road of Dajin, and no one could make it to the right.

It would be a worthwhile trip if you could get some insights today!

However, Bai Mengyi and the Bai family entourage behind her were cold.

This Cui Zhou is so good at not knowing the depth.

Challenge Bai Mengyi! ?

Who gave him the courage.

Bai Mengyi's stone-scene technique in the Bai family is ranked in the forefront, otherwise, he would not come to Wushan as a leader this time to find the legendary mineral vein.

Of course, a hint of impatience flashed across Bai Mengyi's face, but before she turned around, there was a chuckle from the crowd below.

"Hey, didn't you say you want to bet against me today? Why, I want to change people!?"

This voice made the front of Tianshifang quiet.

Everyone looked for their voices, but found that the guy who embarrassed Tianshifang three days ago actually came.

Wearing a Tsing Yi, a silver hair, a guqin on his back, and a sleeping little white fox on his shoulders, he walked up slowly with three people.

It is Ling Tian!

"Do you really dare to come!?"

Cui Zhou frowned when he looked over.

But soon, his face was all grinning.


Just now he was in anger, this guy came up to die, and he was in harmony with his heart.

Bai Mengyi also turned around and looked at Ling Tian.

He suddenly felt that there was an indescribable temperament in this person, which made people want to see through.

Three days ago, she used the source of Lingxi to see Ling Tian's sea of ​​anger.

But it was extinguished in an instant by a powerful breath.

The only thing that can counter the power of the source is the power of the source.

Therefore, Bai Mengyi never underestimated Ling Tian, ​​there is a source in this human body!

How could it be an ordinary person! ?

Cui Zhou has eyes and no beads, this time he definitely missed the wrong person!

However, Bai Mengyi was also very curious as to whether Ling Tian could see the stone, and what would happen to it.

So, after she turned around, she didn't leave.

"Hehe, of course I want to come, otherwise, didn't I let you down!?"

Ling Tian came to Cui Zhou, "However, I don't gamble on ordinary stones. I don't know if there are any rough stones worthy of my shot in Tianshifang."

At this moment, Bai Mengyi said: "Good stones are naturally available, and they will definitely satisfy both of you."

"Come here, present the stone I brought up!"

When Bai Mengyi's voice fell, it was the people from Tianshifang who carried up the purple-red boxes one by one.

There are hundreds of them.

When the box opened, everyone took a breath.

Because the ore inside it turned out to be pure white ore.

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