Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2483: You are so naughty

"Master Zhang Lai, do you have anything else to say!?"

Bai Mengyi looked at Zhang Lai.


Zhang Lai gave a sullen face and hesitated, and said, "I have nothing to say, but Qin Tian, ​​I will tell you, our Zixiao Sect is endless with you!"

"It's okay, anyway, by then, I will also come to ask all the strong people of the Zixiao Sect!"

"Look at the top sect in Donghua Xianshan, how many catties are there!"

Ling Tian smiled with his hands in his hands.

The words are full of domineering.

It even makes people feel a little stupefied, is this still something that a descendant of the fairy prince dare to say! ?

Even if you can fight higher, how can you provoke Zixiaozong! ?

"You're not ashamed of speaking, just wait, you don't have a chance to set foot on the Purple Cloud Sect!"

"I Zhang Lai still said that, there is a kind, don't leave Wushan City!"

After all, that Zhang slipped away.

Just like that Cui Zhou more than half a month ago.

Generally no different.

Both of them were humiliated by this Qin Tian.

Moreover, in this way, this Ling Tian was regarded as a grudge with Zixiaozong, and it could not be solved at all.

Only this Qin Tian died, or the Zixiao Sect was destroyed.

But the latter, is it possible! ?

"City Lord, Turn Nine White Dew Grass, give it to me!"

Ling Tian looked at that Cheng Bin.

The latter couldn't help but take two steps back.

Because, Ling Tian's aura that burst out at this instant gave him a sense of fear that he would only have when facing the Sect Master of Zixiao Sect.

However, this person is obviously just a fairy!

Maybe I feel wrong.

Cheng Bin took a deep breath. Although reluctant in his heart, he still had to hand over the brocade box in his hand.

The Nine Ranked White Dew Grass was a treasure he had obtained unintentionally. He wanted to take this opportunity to please Zixiaozong, but he didn't expect that Qin Tian would be killed halfway.

Everything is ruined.

Ling Tian put away the sacred grass, took a look, and after confirming that it was correct, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

The main medicine has been found, as long as the remaining auxiliary medicines are collected, the Nine Turns God Pill can be refined and Su Jiu'er will be awakened.

For a time, Ling Tian was in a good mood.

"Well, Lord Qin Tian, ​​can Rongrong discuss something with you!?"

However, Nalan Rongrong suddenly whispered.

"Oh!? What's the matter with the girl!? But it doesn't matter."

Ling Tian put away the sacred grass.

"It's true that Rong Rong came to Wushan City for the purpose of this Nine Ranked White Dew Grass. This herb is of great use to me. I don't know, can the son give me this herb!?"

Seeing Ling Tian frowning, Nalan Rongrong hurriedly said; "Don't worry, I won't let him suffer. I can buy it or exchange it with other treasures, as long as he is satisfied."

"Uh, this...I don't hide it from the girl, I also came for this Nine-turn White Dew Grass, this grass, I really can't transfer it."

Ling Tian finally shook his head.

This medicine is related to whether Su Jiu'er can wake up, how can Ling Tian find Dajin from Chu Kingdom, how can he transfer it.

"This...well, then Rongrong will think of another way."

Nalan Rongrong shook her lips fiercely. Although she was not reconciled, she could only accept it.

Ling Tian looked at the little girl like this, and he couldn't bear it, "Girl, you want to use these nine turns of white dew grass to make a pill!?"

"Yes, it's saving people."

Nalan Rongrong nodded heavily.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the case, but our purpose is the same, so that, if time permits, I will take the time to visit Yunlanzong, maybe I can help."

Ling Tian pursed his mouth and looked at Bai Mengyi, "Also, didn't you say that you can also get the Nine-turn Bailu grass!?"

Nalan Rongrong quickly looked at Bai Mengyi, "Miss Bai, can you be serious!?"

"Nothing I can't get."

Bai Mengyi did not deny either.

In the eyes, it is also self-confidence.

"That's great, Rong Rong can buy it, as long as Miss Bai can help me find the Nine-Rank White Dew Grass!"

Nalan Rongrong said anxiously.

"Hehe, I can't rush, I can ask my family to find this thing, but it will take time to bring it over."

"Also, I don't need Girl Rongrong to buy it. If you buy it, I won't sell it either."

"What does Miss Bai mean!?" Nalan Rongrong frowned, wondering what Bai Mengyi wanted to do.

"It's very simple, as long as the Lord Qin Tian begs me, I can give you the Nine-turned White Dew Grass!"

Bai Mengyi hugged her shoulders.


Nalan Rongrong's eyes drifted between Bai Mengyi and Qin Tian, ​​also blinded.

"Hehe, you are very naughty!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "Is it fun!?"

"I think it's okay!"

Bai Mengyi shrugged, it was indeed not easy to make Ling Tian so helpless.

"Okay, I also want to see if Miss Bai is so magical in the end."

"Girl Rongrong, don't worry, in a few days, I will visit Yunlanzong with the Nine-turn White Dew Grass!"

Ling Tian smiled.

"That's great!"

"Prince Qin Tian, ​​you have a good word, I have returned to the sect to report the letter!"

Nalan Rongrong was overjoyed, but immediately frowned: "However, the Zixiao Sect shouldn't let the young man go, or else, I will leave the elders in the sect to protect you."

"Hehe, no, those are just some inadequate rubbish. Girl Rongrong's safety is important."

Ling Tian smiled and shook his head.

"Well then, son, take care!"

Rongrong took a deep look at Ling Tian, ​​and hurried back to Yunlanzong with someone.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be kind."

Bai Mengyi smiled.

"I said, you can't think of it, there are so many!"

"Disciple, let's go back!"

Ling Tian said, and left with everyone.

On the square, the crowds gradually dispersed.

Although only eight people took the stage to compete in this Baicao Conference, the degree of excitement was not comparable to previous ones.

Ling Tian made alchemy with his bare hands, so that Wushuang Immortal Sect was famous in Wushan City, and Zixiao Sect was discredited again!

Yuelai Inn.

Along the way, Ling Tian was flattered by Ye Xichan's twittering. This time he made alchemy, which completely convinced the little girl.

"Okay, don't be poor. I will teach you in the future. I won't hide it. Now go back and continue to comprehend the Prajna palm. After two days, I will return to Wushuang Xianzong to see your father!

Ling Tiandao.

"Hey, that's great. With the master's participation, we Wushuang Xianzong will definitely become Donghua's No. 1 Immortal Sect!"

Ye Xichan and the two left.

But not long after, Zuo Xianzhi knocked on the door.

"Master, that...Miss Bai Mengyi is here, and she said she wants to talk to you and has something to discuss."

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Ling Tian opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Sure enough, you are still here!"

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