Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2505: Forbidden Tianzong

Donghua Xianshan border, Shouyang Mountain.

This mountain is regarded as the only place that Donghua Xianshan must pass to the center of Zhongzhou. After passing through this mountain, you must first reach the border city of the central region of Dajin.

Through the teleportation array of the Forbidden City, this was able to go directly to the capital of Dajin, Pingyang.

This is also the fastest way to reach the capital from Donghua Xianshan.

Nowadays, there is not much time for the promotion of the sect in Binh Duong.

Ling Tian and others must arrive before the start of the sect promotion, the sooner the better.

In this way, one or two can be prepared.

After leaving Yunxi Valley, Ling Tian and his party went straight to Shouyang Mountain and joined Ye Gucheng and others.

Then, go to the Forbidden City together.

Above Shouyang Mountain.

Sect Master Ye Gucheng of Wushuang Immortal Sect has a golden armor, a mighty style, embroidered with a dragon, and auspicious clouds on his feet, giving him great momentum. Strong, cold and coercive, exuding from its body, domineering and infinite, standing between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ye Gucheng, holding a golden gun, looked like an immortal king warlord.

Next, the fifty people with the strongest combat power of Wushuang Immortal Sect are all in silver armor, their faces are solemn, but their eyes are still hot.

Because today, they are going to represent Wushuang Immortal Sect, go to Pingyang City, participate in the sect promotion ceremony, complete the most magnificent transformation, and directly let Wushuang Immortal Sect become the overlord of Donghua Immortal Mountain!

On this day, the warrior of Wushuang Xianzong had waited for thirteen years. Today, it is finally possible to realize it. All this came so suddenly that a month ago, the Tsing Yi warrior who was born in the sky, not only set foot on the Zixiao Sect, but also wanted to help the sect to go further and become the top power of the Great Jin!

Such a feat made Wushuang Xianzong's warrior excited and admired from the bottom of his heart.

They have been waiting for a day and a night before Shouyang Mountain.

Just wait for that person to arrive.

If that person is not there, they will not go to Pingyang City.


At this moment, above the sky, a fierce beast roared suddenly.

The void was torn apart, and a huge fierce beast suddenly appeared on Shouyang Mountain.

This speed is really terrifying.

At this moment, several figures fell from the fierce beast. Among them, the first two, noble and infinite, fluctuated in their body, exuding a subtle aura of destruction.

Ling Tian and Bai Mengyi walked side by side, and with every step down, the general situation outside the body would be tyrannical, rising into the sky, filling the sky.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are here."

Ye Gucheng smiled, then looked at Bai Mengyi, "If you guessed correctly, it should be Miss Bai!"

"I have seen Sect Master Ye. Along the way, Ling Tian praised you as a brother. You also have a good daughter. Ye Xichan is very talented, and his future achievements are limitless!"

Bai Mengyi leaned forward.

"Hahaha, Miss Bai praised it, your status is honorable, and it is our honor to be with my Wushuang Xianzong warrior."

Ye Gucheng bowed his hand in return.

"Gucheng, I didn't expect that after you ascended to the immortal realm, you would be a lot smoother!"

Ling Tian shook his head and looked at the forbidden city under Shouyang Mountain, "Let's go, go to the forbidden city and go straight to Pingyang."

"and many more!"

However, Ye Gucheng was holding Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​although you are my brother, this time I entered Pingyang and the sect was promoted. I had never dared to think about it before. The help you gave me is far greater than you thought. This time, I want to Say a few words."

Ling Tian took a deep look at Ye Gucheng, "Look at you, the more you talk about it, the more energy you get."

However, Ling Tian still stood beside Ye Gucheng.

Ye Gucheng stepped forward and looked at the powerhouses of Unparalleled Immortal Sect.

"I have established an unparalleled immortal sect, but it has been a mere ten years, and now I finally have the opportunity to transform the dragon into a dragon. This time the sect promotion ceremony, I am sure to succeed in a battle and become the top sect in the Donghua Immortal Mountain! Again, no one can stop my Wushuang Xianzong from rising."

Ye Gucheng's face was cold, his low roar was almost roaring, and his sound filled the entire Shouyang Mountain, with a radius of hundreds of miles, clearly audible.

"At the moment, I have the opportunity of Wushuang Xianzong to participate in the promotion ceremony of the sect. Keep in mind that such kindness is sent to me by Elder Ling Tian. You will never forget this point!"

"Today, you wait and follow me to bow to Elder Ling Tian to show your gratitude."

After that, Ye Gucheng turned around with a solemn expression, clasped his fists and bowed deeply, "Wu Shuang Xianzong, thanks to the elder Lingtian for your kindness!"

Next, dozens of immortal kings knelt down, "Unparalleled immortal sect warrior, thanks to the elder Lingtian for kindness."

Below the mountain, thousands of Wushuang Xianzong warriors turned red, showing excitement, they bowed down one after another, and shouted, "Wu Shuang Xianzong warriors, thanks to the elder Lingtian for your kindness."

Thousands of people roared, and the sound rushed into the sky, and a general trend was instantly condensed on the Shouyang Mountain.

Although Ling Tian didn't want to see Ye Gucheng being so polite to him, he also understood that this was the respect Ye Gucheng wanted to give him.

Moreover, he needs to let these warriors gather together before going to Pingyang City.

However, for no reason, Ling Tian was also excited. Although he did not have deep feelings for Wushuang Xianzong, he was still affected by it at this moment.

"Although Ling Tian was not born in Wushuang Xianzong, I am Ye Gucheng's life and death brother. Since I am the elder of Wushuang Xianzong at the moment, this trip to Pingyang will definitely do my best to live up to your expectations and help me with Wushuang Xianzong. Asking Donghua Xianshan!"

"In the future, when the work is successful, I will join you in talking about wine and joy!"

"Hahaha, well, when we return to Donghua, it must be the day when my unparalleled immortal sect aspires!"

At this moment, Ye Gucheng and Ling Tian were standing on the peak of Shouyang Mountain. Behind them, dozens of fairy kings stood tall, roaring into the sky.

The strong wind hits, the long hair flutters, the clothes are hunting.

"Go, point to Pingyang!"

Ye Gucheng roared low, and dozens of immortal kings flickered, whizzing away to the Forbidden City below.

. . . . .

Dajin Zhongyu.

Forbidden City.

Zhongyu is not under the jurisdiction of the four fairy mountains.

But within the middle domain, there are four great palaces.

These palaces belonged to the royal family of the Bai family.

It can be said that the entire Middle Territory belongs to the Dajin imperial family and the Bai family.

Forbidden City, considered to be within the edge of Zhongzhou, seems to be very prosperous, and it is precisely because it has a teleportation array that can reach Pingyang directly, so the warriors in all directions will gather here again.

The Forbidden City is regarded as the fief of the Eastern King of the Great Jin Dynasty.

This city and the teleportation array in the city are under the jurisdiction of the Forbidden Heavenly Sect in the Central Region.

Forbidden Tianzong is not one of the eight top immortal sects, but in the east of Zhongzhou, its prestige is still very strong.

After all, behind them is the Eastern Palace, and within the sect, there are many immortal kings. The lord himself sits in the Forbidden City. The peak power of the eighth-order immortal king is only a thin line from the top immortal king.

On that day, outside the Forbidden City, the warriors were like a tide, lined up in sequence and entered the city gate. Even the warrior who has important matters does not dare to show the slightest color on his face, because this is not easy to provoke.

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