Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2521: Potential

Bury the Dragon Yin Ruins! ?

This is the forbidden place of the four immortal dynasties of the human race, extremely mysterious.

For so many years, they had never heard of the birth of Long Yin Ruins, nor had they seen anyone who had come out of this forbidden land.

Now, the Bai family of the Dajin imperial family has allowed the eight great sects to enter the Funeral Longyin Ruins! ?

This temptation suddenly made everyone's eyes hot.

"Hehe, it seems that the qualification of the eight major sects this time, the Zixiaozong, is absolutely impossible to give in."

The Xuankong Temple and Kunwu Immortal Sect in Xihua Xianshan laughed.

Their Xihua sect has never participated in battles, so this sect promotion ceremony is purely to watch the excitement.

Today, the eight major sects are related to the number of places to enter the Funeral Dragon Yin Ruins. This will make the promotion of the sect become more intense.

"Hehe, Master Xunkong, which one do you like!?"

The master of Kunwu Xianzong looked at the presiding officer of the Xuankong Temple.

The combat power of the two is one of the best among the eight immortal sects.

"Amitabha Buddha, Lao Na and these people are not acquainted, so naturally I can't tell which one is stronger."

However, the host of the Xuankong Temple shook his head, obviously not wanting to talk too much.

The Kunwu sect smiled and stopped asking.

This Xun Kong was a Dao master of the Great Jin Dynasty, good at looking up and down, and also a strong person in Jianshi, he was very accurate in seeing people, he didn't believe it, this old monk didn't see anything.

I definitely don't want to talk about it.

"Okay, what I want to say is finished, now, let's start the promotion ceremony!"

After the ancestors of the Bai family said, the five immortal kings directly hid their breath.

The atmosphere of the square also tightened instantly.

Zongmen promotion ceremony, the first is the lowest sect, their goal is to promote from the second-rate sect to the first-rate sect in each great fairy mountain.

After all, the Zongmen Promotion Ceremony is a grand event for the entire Dajin Dynasty.

And the way that ordinary sects compete for first-class sects is also very simple, and does not require large-scale fighting, after all, the current lord of the immortal dynasty is above the sky.

But what we have to rely on is ‘potential’!

The so-called momentum is the momentum formed by the fighting spirit and coercion of all the masters of the major sects.

As long as the momentum can overwhelm the sect that wants to compete, then change can replace the status of the sect that has lost the momentum.

At the moment when the sect promotion ceremony began, countless auras surged in the square at the bottom.

There are many ordinary sects who want to attack the status of first-class sects!

"The general trend is coming! This time, my Yue Shui Sect will definitely become the top sect of North Huashan.

"The master's cultivation secret can't be the same as mine. This time the sect ordering, my Haze Sect does not seek to make progress, just keep the current top sect."

"At the moment I am waiting to come prepared, and I must drive the Tianhua Sect, who has no sect master, to be the first-class sect of Donghua!"

"Scramble, no one can stop my Yan Japanese faction!"

Each sect warrior stood up from their respective sect position. They didn't use any magical powers, but they broke out in a big way, filling the surrounding space, colliding and suppressing each other. This general trend is formed by a collection of sect martial artists, powerful and powerful, and can clearly reflect the strength of the sect.

The general collision in the void is invisible and innocent, but as thrilling as a stormy sea, the space trembles and fluctuates violently.

The ceremony has just begun, and it has already reached a terrifying situation.

However, so far, I haven’t found that there are eight sects,

And all the immortal kings within the eight major sects were not moving like a mountain.

There is no general trend.

This is self-confidence, but also contempt and disdain for all the sects below.

However, almost all the Immortal Kings of the Eight Great Immortal Sects looked at the dozens of people in the corner above the square without moving.

There is the location of the immortal kings of Wushuang Xianzong.

Others may not attack the Eight Great Immortals, but Wushuang Immortal will certainly.


In the crisp sound, the void shattered, revealing dark cracks like a mirror, and strong suction burst out from it in an instant. At this moment, the various auras exploded in regret, and they were forcibly tearing apart the space here. With such power, even if the eighth-order fairy king is involved in this aura of regret, he can't even think about retreating.

Wushuang Xianzong.

Ye Gucheng lifted his head, his eyes burst out, and he suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Wu Shuang Xianzong, the trend is on!"

The words fell, and the momentum came out like a submerged dragon, straight into the sky, instantly stirring up the situation, and tearing apart several surrounding outbreaks. There was no other existence that could match it. It was fierce and infinite.

Ling Tian's expression was cold, but the aura in his body was faint.

Now, at this time, there is no need for him.

Ye Gucheng alone is enough!

The immortal drums in Ye Gucheng, the supreme master of the Immortal Sect of Wushuang, had already reached the top combat power of the eighth-order Immortal King. Now he blessed the aura of dozens of immortal kings of the Immortal Sect of Wushuang and swept across all directions.

Such a tyrannical eruption immediately attracted everyone's attention. Wushuang Immortal Sect is no longer weak at the moment and the Eight Great Immortal Sects, now in the sects below, there is naturally no opponent, weak and weak all the way, moving forward in silence.

The countless sect warriors in the Four Great Immortal Mountains changed their complexion slightly and retreated one after another. Even if they had Tier 8 top combat power in the gate, they did not dare to stop a little bit at the moment, because the difference in strength between the two sides was too great.

Wushuang Immortal Sect, since Ling Tian joined, the aura of the sect has been rising.

Donghua Xianshan is unbeaten against Violet.

On Zixiao Peak, Ling Tian held the War Book under his palm.

Pingyang City Furongfang, facing Ji Dao Sect, Wushuang Xianzong, never showed any weakness.

In the current general trend, the Wushuang Immortal Sect does not form in a day. In addition to the accumulation of these few days, it has been forced to dormant Donghua for more than ten years. The unwillingness of the countless disciples of the entire sect has made the Wushuang Immortal Sect at this moment. The general trend is sharp and powerful, and Pei Ran can't resist it.

Wushuang Xianzong marched forward step by step, all sects retreated, no one dared to stop.

Moving forward at this moment has reached the forefront of the sects, and then moving forward, has risen into the occupied land of the eight great immortals above.

At this moment, countless sect powerhouses, looking at the unparalleled immortal sect, the sky-like giants transformed from the sect's aura towards the upper square, were all trembling in their hearts.

Wushuang Xianzong, as expected, fulfilled their previous vows.

Fight for the eight great immortals!

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