Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2532: Go to Emperor Dragon City

"What, someone came before us!? It's me who got promoted!?"

The third princess raised her eyebrows.


Ling Tian nodded and led the crowd down the deep valley.


There was an explosion, resounding through the deep valley.

The boss of Demon Refining Valley shook a skull dragon back with a palm.

"The third Patriarch, a skull dragon was found here!"


With a whistling, several figures rushed in from behind the fog.

The leader is the father of King Nan, who is also the owner of the third house of the Bai family, the top immortal king on the record of the immortal king.

The Southern King and the eldest prince were among them.

Hearing Wu Yao's request for help, everyone rushed over.

However, seeing the bone dragon roaring at them, the few people were not afraid, but were overjoyed.

Because this is the first thing they have seen alive these days.

Although, this bone dragon looks like a dead thing.

But anyway, these days, the utter silence has almost made them crazy.

There is no clue to the imperial weapon.

"Haha, it is a bone dragon resurrected with the help of the breath of silence! This is indeed a place where dragons are buried, and this canyon is likely to be the core of this Yin Ruins!"

The prince was overjoyed.

"Hehe, kill this bone dragon first!"

The owner of the third room laughed, the tyrannical supernatural powers fell, and everyone joined forces, but in a moment, the bone dragon was completely wiped out.

A skull dragon is not a big threat to them.

"Father, look at this thing, it looks like Dragon Ball!"

From behind the bone dragon's corpse, King Nan picked up a bead the size of a nail.

"It's really a Dragon Ball! Although I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed, but the pure dragon energy in it is still there. Not only can you improve your cultivation, but you can also temper your body. It's a treasure!"

"It's just a little smaller."

The owner of the third room sighed.

"Three homeowners, it seems that this time, we may really find the imperial weapon."

At this moment, the voice of the great prince who walked into the mist came, and everyone hurried up, but they found that the great prince was standing there, under his feet, but some weapons and magic weapons were scattered.


Everyone was overjoyed and quickly picked it up.

"Hey, many of them have lost their spirituality, otherwise these ancient treasures are absolutely comparable to top-grade imperial artifacts!"

Nan Wang sighed.

"It's okay, this is enough to prove that this place is the core of the buried Long Yin Ruins, and the emperor must be in the depths!"

The owner of the third room smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for!!? Go in, the emperor must be ours!"

Wu Yao's expression at this time was also full of madman, and a violent wind blew up all over his body, summoning a vicious beast, and rushing in.

However, when the fog dissipated, he suddenly discovered that several figures were standing in front of him.

"Here, we have it, either go or die!"

An icy voice resounded through the canyon.

The eldest prince and others stepped forward, the next moment, his face changed drastically.

"Ling Tian!?"

They never expected that Ling Tian, ​​a group of people, would actually be in this gorge.

However, after a while, the Nan Wang sneered, "Okay, it's really a narrow road to Yuanjia!"

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you can vote for yourself!"

"Ling Tian, ​​you dare to appear in front of us and don't want to live anymore!?"

Facing the Nan Wang's anger, Ling Tian never changed his expression, but looked at Bai Mengyi and the third princess, "If these people want to kill me, what shall we do!?"

Bai Mengyi sneered, did not speak, but the three princesses couldn't bear it. They stepped forward and said: "Three homeowners, brother Da Huang, for my face, now I leave the canyon and cannot enter again, okay!?"


Unexpectedly, the big prince group laughed up to the sky.

"Sanmei, I'm afraid I heard it right!? See your face, let us go!? Why!? You don't think we are afraid of this Lingtian!?"

The eldest prince sneered, and then his face suddenly became cold, "Sanmei, get out of the way, otherwise, I will solve it with you!"

‘Don’t even think of grabbing imperial weapons with me, even brothers in arms, no way! "

"Hey, for the prince, you are all crazy!"

The third princess sighed and stepped back.

"Ling Tian, ​​do whatever you want!!"

"Okay!" Ling Tian nodded when he heard the words, stepped forward, his eyes ruthless.

"You missed your last chance!"

"Hehe, so what, Ling Tian, ​​you don't pretend to be a fool here, there is an old man today, and you three top immortal kings are teaming up, and they are not my enemy!"

The owner of the three houses shouted angrily, and the horror filled the atmosphere, stirring the fog in the canyon.

Compared to Wu Yao, the combat power of these three-room homeowners is indeed amazing.

However, even so, Ling Tian was still not in his eyes.

"Aheino, can it be solved!?"

"Hehe, don't worry, Master, half tea time is enough!"

At this moment, from the mist, a black dragon, with a terrifying breath, instantly suppressed the three-room homeowners.

"This, what the **** is this!"

The owner of the third room was shocked, and the eldest prince and the others were also terrified. He never thought that Ling Tian had such methods.

However, the black dragon has surrounded them, and the supernatural powers and the sound of the dragon's chant are intertwined, and in the mist, there is full of people's screams and wailing.

But in half a cup of tea, the dragon's roar stopped, and the restless air fell silent.

The black dragon appeared, but his mouth was full of blood.

"Master, it's solved, all of them are silent."

"Okay!" Ling Tian turned around and looked at the third princess, "Don't blame me, blame them, blame them for waiting for me to kill, such people, I don't keep alive."

"I understand, I'm Bai Mengling, and I'm not a believable man." The third princess nodded.

"That's good."

Ling Tian looked at Yan Lao and Yun Fei again, "I will leave my mount here to protect you secretly. Before I come back, you must never leave this canyon."

"Don't worry, Ling Tian, ​​you also pay attention to your safety. We are waiting for you to return with the imperial weapon."

Ye Gucheng nodded.

"Well, take care!"

Ling Tian stepped on the back of the black dragon and took out a set of brand-new cloak and mask from the ring of the strong clan that day.

Then, a bone flute appeared in his hand, and a strange rhythm sounded.

Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, a skull dragon walked out of the mist and crawled at the feet of Ling Tian's black dragon.

Everyone was amazed. They never thought that Ling Tian had come here to control the bone dragon.

In fact, the clan that day controls the bone dragon, but it uses the special melody played by the bone flute. For Ling Tian, ​​this is not difficult.

As the imperial dragon envoy, Ling Tian must also take the bone dragon back, otherwise he will be seen through.

After doing all this, Ling Tian took the bone dragon and went to the sky.

Emperor Dragon City.

Ling Tian really wanted to see and see.

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