Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2559: Soft trump card

Ling Tian nodded slightly before making the move, but he made the move as a clone.

However, having blessed his own immortal origin and the magical powers found in the treasure house of the heavens and suitable for the cultivation of wood-attribute warriors, although they can't match the earth-shaking, but they are more than enough to deal with such 9th-order immortal kings.

Although the demon king of this dark demon clan already possesses the battle power of the ninth-order immortal king, fighting him with his body naturally asks for trouble and is hit hard in an instant.

Now that the avatar's combat power has been verified, Ling Tian's eyes flickered, and he punched again!

Although this punch has not done its best, its combat power has soared, but it is comparable to the mid-tier ninth-level fairy king. With the magical powers of the day clan, the power is unmatched!


The second punch fell, and the Dark Demon King had no time to make a sound, and his flesh was directly shattered into a rain of blood, and even the heart of the Demon King had not escaped even a little bit and was killed all at once.


Ling Tian's sudden burst of combat power instantly made the two surviving demon kings and the demon woman pale pale. At this moment, they were about to escape, but they felt that the surrounding space suddenly sank, and then it was like sinking into a mud.

The magic of escape is displayed, but the space cannot be broken.

Ling Tian was expressionless, and at the moment he spoke lightly, saying: "Hehe, I want to go, it's impossible!"

These five people are evil in nature, and the design trap must have killed many human warriors. It is not a pity to die!


"We fought with you!"

After the words fell, the two dark demon kings suddenly turned around and made a bold move!

They couldn't escape, they roared and shot, and at the same time burned the demon primordial spirit, so that their supernatural powers almost doubled at this moment.

However, in front of Ling Tian's clone, no matter how hard they struggled, it was useless.

Ling Tian extremely stepped into the supernatural powers of those two demon kings, letting the other's supernatural powers rages, I smashed and shattered with one blow!

The roar stopped abruptly, and the two demon kings were dead!

"Senior, please raise your hands high and let my sister make a living. We, we are also intimidated by this dark demon! As long as the senior agrees, the two of me are willing to serve my side, regardless of the senior." The two demon women's expressions were willing. Painfully white, while softly asking for each other.

However, the two of them grabbed Yin Rourou in their hands, faintly facing their vital parts with their palms. If something goes wrong, they will be threatened by a killer.

Ling Tian's green shirt hunted, the silver hair behind him turned dark green, fluttering in the wind, his complexion calm, he did not show the slightest difference to the two of them. At this time, his body flashed slightly, and he shot without warning. She didn't care about Yin Rourou's safety at all.

The two Yaozu women obviously did not expect this. At this moment, they screamed, "Stop, if you dare to come forward, our sisters will directly kill this woman!" The hiss revealed the murderous intent.

The spiritual light flashed wildly on the fiber hand, and it seemed that it would shoot down directly in the next moment.

Ling Tian heard the words, there was no pause in his actions, and he moved forward in his shots!

"Kill her!" The demon girl shouted in despair. Even if they died today, they both had to hold the human girl in their hands and be buried together.

Before the voice fell, the two of them shot at the same time, and their palms went straight to Yin Rourou's eyebrows and chest, and shot down. With their cultivation, Yin Rourou was bound to have no resistance, and if he was hit, he would undoubtedly die.

However, when the palms of the two women were less than a few minutes away from her, a horrible light suddenly burst from it. A majestic and terrifying aura of majesty burst from Yin Rourou's body instantly, and the two demon women did not even have a hint. The power of resistance, before even the slightest sound, was torn to pieces by this mighty moment.

Ling Tian's complexion changed slightly, and his pupils shrank sharply. Seeing the terrifying supernatural powers spreading crazily from Yin Rourou's body, his pupils couldn't help but shrank. Even though the body of the clone could recover indefinitely, it still faded from the green light of the body, the body manifested, and the whole body A panlong breath manifested.

At this moment, Ling Tian directly started the panlong transformation response!

Because, Ling Tian felt the threat from the terrifying coercion that erupted from Yin Rourou's body, and he did not hesitate to start the Panlong Transformation to deal with it, otherwise, the clone would be wiped out in an instant.

In the next moment, the supernatural power storm swallowed Ling Tian's figure directly.

In a blink of an hour, everything returned to peace.

With Yin Rourou's body as the center, the space within a hundred li, both the ground and the space, are all steamed, wiped out, and the storm energy is raging and spitting out horror.

There was a little aura exuding from the delicate body, Yin Rourou's figure was suspended in the air until the crack in the space disappeared, and then she slowly opened her eyes. At this time, her pretty face was tight, and there was a seal in her hand, which was burning a little bit.

Ling Tian walked out of the storm, and the Beaulieu Transformation had already subsided. Although this shock was terrifying, it still could not cause damage to Ling Tian who had initiated Beaulieu Transformation.

However, comparable to the full blow of the top fairy king Fu Zhuan, Yin Rourou can use it as soon as he said it, but it really deserves to be the eldest lady in the building, it is really luxurious.

"Now, do you know what's going on!? This is the second time you have been fooled."

Ling Tian smiled faintly.

"I see, it's not a sinister heart outside, but bad guys everywhere!"

Yin Rourou pursed her mouth, her face is lonely.

She came out this time just to tell her father that she could live without him.

But obviously, she is really too innocent.

"It's just that you have bad luck. In fact, there are still more good people than bad people."

"Let's go, we can't delay."

Ling Tian stepped forward, erected his sword light, and reached out to Yin Rourou.

The latter silently nodded, and followed Ling Tian onto the sword light. The two turned into heavenly sword light, and they shot away and went straight to Tianfeng City.

"Ling Tian, ​​it looks like you are indeed quite powerful. Under my father's magical powers, you are all right!?"

"Also, your immortal monarch's cultivation base is real or fake, did you pretend? Chu Guo Lingtian is my idol, don't lie to me!"

Above the sword light, Yin Rourou recovered a little, and kept tweeting, "Oh, I just found out that you are pretending to look like you are carrying a guqin, and there are swords on the piano, tusk!"

"Do you know how to play the piano, do you want to play a little tune for me!? My senior brother's piano skills are super powerful. He is the best of the nine masters of Wei!"

However, Ling Tian looked solemn and indifferent, just urging Jian Guang on his own.


Seeing that Ling Tian was still alive and dead, Yin Rourou stopped asking, but her heart was filled with anger. She looked at Saul in the mountains below. She had already thought about it. Then she met a warrior of a foreign race, no matter how good or bad, together Kill, hum!

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