Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2596: The moon comes

At this moment, all the warriors around Disha Chen were silent.

Never thought that Jiyou, who was so terrible and possessed the blood of the ancient demon, died in the hands of the two top powerhouses of the human race.

Moreover, with the colorless realm, Yin Moshou, who was the first of the nine sons of Wei, could not beat that Lingtian!

That is, You is dead, and Ling Tian is the leader of the human race on the Tianfeng Battlefield. It is indisputable!

"Hehe, you are not bad too. If the Colorless Realm can make further progress, the heart of the devil belongs to you."

Ling Tian pursed his mouth, and the heart of the demon king floating above the Qinglong hand burst open with a direct bang.

At this time, Ling Tian actually crushed the heart of the Demon King, which meant that the Ghost Demon King had completely disappeared in this world, and there was no possibility of reincarnation.

"Ling Tian, ​​you..."

That Yinmo frowned, never thought that Ling Tian was so decisive.


Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"You are too reckless, that is, the heart of the ghost king is broken, and the upper level of the dark demon must feel it!"

Yinmo frowned.

"Once the demons of the demon race descends, my human race is in danger!"

Ling Tian sneered, "It's okay, if he wants to come, then let him come!"

After that, Ling Tian looked at the Dark Demon Race running around from Earth Shao City, and said coldly: "Human warriors, kill all these Dark Demon Races!"

A hundred thousand people suddenly whizzed out, and under the leadership of Li Futu Zuo Xiao and the others, it was like swallowing mountains and rivers to kill them.

The dark demon warriors had been killed and injured a lot in the war. At this time, the demon king was beheaded, his mind was terrified, and his combat power had been drastically reduced.

It will be destroyed sooner or later.

"Hmph, the hateful and dirty Human Race Ants, dare to kill my Dark Demon Race Ancient Demon Bloodline Tianjiao!"

"act recklessly!?"

However, at this time, there was a sudden sound in the 100,000 feet of void in front of the Tianfeng Mountain Range.

Within a few hundred miles of the sky wind, it suddenly became cold.

The qi of the rolling demon fell from the sky.

Everyone looked up at the sky, as if they could see a huge face of a dark demon, covering the sky and the sun.

The horror is terrifying to the extreme, as if to freeze everyone's blood.

"Well, is this a demon, demon lord!?"

The Terran warriors were all frightened, and they were able to cover such a large range of pressure, even Ling Tian and Yin Moshou above the evil city, their expressions changed drastically, this is definitely not the power of the devil!

"No, not even Demon Venerable, at most it is a half-step Demon Venerable with the aura of Demon Venerable!"

Ling Tian and Yin Mochou looked at each other.

The breath that came suddenly was indeed the realm's power, but only achieved a radius of eight hundred li, which is not a true Demon Venerable.

If there is a Demon Venerable coming, then the human race here is indeed going to die.

"Then we are not rivals either."

Yinmo's sorrow pursed his mouth, urging the Wulijie to envelop the human race below.

Ling Tian did the same, using his breath to resist most of the coercion.

However, the breath of this half-step Demon Venerable is still too terrifying.

But within a few breaths, thousands of Human Race Tianjiao fell.


Ling Tian frowned. He underestimated the shamelessness of the Dark Demon Race. The Tianfeng Mountain Range was clearly recognized by the high-level leaders of all races, and the powerhouses of this level were not allowed to enter. The Dark Demon Race still dared to come in and kill the Human Race Tianjiao. Doesn't make sense! ?

At this time, the dragon blood in Ling Tian's body had already begun to boil, and dragon scales appeared in the hands of the Azure Dragon.

If it really pushes him, Ling Tian will not hesitate to use his hole cards to kill this half-step Demon Venerable in the Tianfeng battlefield.

"Hehe, half-step Demon Lord, dare to enter the battlefield of Tianfeng!?"

However, before Ling Tian could do anything, above the void, he was suddenly torn apart by sword light.

Immediately, all the warriors could see that the moonlight divine light burst out from the gap.

Accompanied by the moonlight, it is the tyrannical aura of a terrifying fairy-sovereign level.

Almost the place illuminated by the moonlight, the dark demon clan's suffocating aura in the sky was promoted and vanished.

No matter how tyrannical the power of that Demon Venerable's domain is, it will be instantly disintegrated and collapsed.

Then, what made the human race hold their breath was a beautiful figure, from the gap, lifting a sword.

The moonlight shrouded, the five fairy king's light wings bloomed, and the moonlight fairy sword in his hand was invincible. Although this shadow was shrouded by the divine light and could not be seen clearly, it still made all the martial artists awe.

Ban Yuehua is coming, this is the only one among the human race.

That is now the number one human being and the number one king record, Qin Mingyue!

"The Mingyue Immortal King is here!"

"We are saved!"

All the human races rejoiced, and now, the Mingyue Immortal King descends on the Tianfeng battlefield, so who can move the human race! ?

Sure enough, when Qin Mingyue appeared on the head of the human race, the terrifying coercion of that demon lord disappeared in an instant.

"Hehe, who should I be? It turns out that it is the father of Jiyou, who dare to break into the battlefield of Tianfeng with the existence of Half-Step Demon Venerable like you!?"

"I see, you are impatient with your life!?"

Qin Mingyue sneered.

"Hmph, so what! Both of my sons died in the hands of this human race. Today, even if you come, I will let this person die!"

The huge magical shadow on the sky that day manifested, condensed into a figure of the demon king, suspended across from Qin Mingyue.

Although he was still at the Demon King Realm cultivation base, he was already close to the Demon Lord's combat power. If it weren't for Qin Mingyue's arrival, this guy would definitely be invincible in the human race.

"Hmph, it seems that you still haven't understood your own situation. You have violated the agreement, entered the battlefield of talent, and killed my human Tianjiao. Today is your death date!"

The long sword in Qin Mingyue's hand pointed directly at the demon king.

"Huh, isn't it!? I've also heard of the first Mingyue Immortal King of the Human Race. He is so powerful that he has already killed many masters of my Demon Race!"

"But I think I am among the dark demon kings, and the combat power is not bad, but I want to ask you for advice and advice!"

"Let me see what qualifications your human race has, let me eat and follow the rules!"

"Die me!"

That was the pain of losing two sons. At this time, he was almost crazy, and regardless of the agreement between the major ethnic groups, he wanted to kill Ling Tian today to avenge his two sons.

No one can stop it!

The half-step Demon Lord shot angrily, the palm of the sky, more than ten thousand meters, pushed towards Qin Mingyue horizontally.

Wherever he went, the earth shattered, and the three tribes of warriors fled in horror. ,

This is not a shot of the existence of the top Immortal King's combat power level, but a half-step Demon Lord!

This supernatural power destroys the world.

Under the battle power of the top immortal king, even the slightest touch will be wiped out!

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