Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2646: The first of the fairy king

In the end, only the heavenly general in front of him was left.


"What is your background!"

Heavenly General Vader, who was controlled by the Excalibur Yulei in the formation, passed through anger.

"Hehe, I Ling Tian, ​​I'm just a descendant of the human race!"

Ling Tian knotted his hands and began to shrink the divine sword thunder formation, "Now, it's your turn!"

"Excalibur Yulei, array!"

A mark entered the sword formation, and the formation suddenly shrank, frantically cracking the body of the day general.


Wei Detian will be frightened and howled, although this Lingtian supernatural power can't kill him by himself, it makes him extremely painful. This is a chronic death, it is better to give him a happy life.

It's torture.

"Ling Tian, ​​remember, I am the heavenly general of the heavenly clan, today you destroy my heavenly clan body, and in the future, I will take revenge and hate!"

"The sky is exploding!"

In the eyes of the clan heavenly general that day, a cold color suddenly flashed, and then the heavenly divine light surged all over his body, and it burst directly!

A huge mushroom cloud appeared above the Tianfeng Mountain Range, and the human race who had already pushed out far away stared at everything in front of them with stunned eyes.

Who could have imagined that the aloof Heavenly Clan celestial general would be tortured by Ling Tian to the point of detonating his body!

This is the last resort of the Celestial Clan.

Although the Celestial Clan will not really die after the body explodes, it is almost impossible to return to the peak before the self-detonation.

In other words, the heavenly generals sacrificed their own cultivation for thousands of years!

This is actually no different from death!

"The power of self-detonation is great, will Ling Tian be fine!?"

However, looking at the mushroom cloud that slowly dissipated, the impact storm still blew the human army into eyes even though it was separated by tens of thousands of miles.

Such a terrifying Celestial Clan body exploded, so Ling Tian could really stop it! ?

"Don't worry, Ling Tian will never be okay!"

However, Qin Mingyue chuckled slightly.

Behind him, Di Jiuge came up with Bingling Jie's sea stick, "You are Ling Tian's wife!?"

"Well, why is there a problem!?"

Qin Mingyue also looked at the Emperor Jiuge, the talents of the descendants of the Emperor clan are naturally superb, even Qin Mingyue is ashamed of it.

And this woman could dare to help without Ling Tian's summons. Qin Mingyue didn't believe it if she didn't have any close feelings with Ling Tian.

As a woman, her instinct told her that this Emperor Jiuge definitely had a leg with Ling Tian.

"Haha, no problem, it's not bad, it matches Ling Tian very well."

Di Jiuge glanced at Qin Mingyue.

"Hehe, he has more than one wife."

Qin Mingyue pulled Ji Jiuyou down in front of her.

In the crowd, Zhao Min looked lonely, but the next moment Qin Mingyue looked at her.

"Sister Min, come here too."

"Me!?" Zhao Min suddenly raised his eyes, his face full of surprise.

"of course."

Pulling Zhao Min down beside him, "These are all Ling Tian's wives. To tell you, his wives are very powerful."

Zhao Min was a little shy, but Ji Jiuyou's pretty face was cold, and he looked at that Emperor Jiuge vigilantly.

"Ha ha ha ha, what are you doing, I won't **** a man with you, Ling Tian, ​​I can't look down on it."

Di Jiuge rolled his eyes, "Besides, it wasn't me who hit you, so it's hard to say whether Ling Tian can survive this catastrophe!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ji Jiuyou was angry, her eyebrows were upside down, and she was about to start.

"Look, Ling Tian has come out, he is fine!"

Seeing that several women were about to be pinched, the ancestor Ling Xiao hurriedly exclaimed and looked away.

Ling Tian on the provincial side had not settled the battle yet, and the harem was in chaos again.

Everyone also looked over, and it was true that under the mushroom cloud disappeared, the sky was pitch black, and chaotic storms were raging.

However, even if the heavenly general of the day clan blew his body, Ling Tian's figure still stood steadily there.

It seems that he is still unscathed! ?

Is it so scary! ?

In this way, there is no harm to that Ling Tian.

At this time, not only Di Jiuge and others were shocked, but even the Demon Venerable Wushu, who was controlled by the great formation on the Tianfeng Mountain Range, could not believe his own eyes,

Tianjiang's blew up, even if it was him, there is no guarantee that it will be accepted by Enron.

This Ling Tian, ​​why! ?

The body-refining exercises of the mere dragons can't be so tough at all!

"No, it's not right, it's his armor!"

Wu Shu's pupils shrank, and he discovered that Ling Tian's original blue robes had been burned. At this time, Ling Tian's body was not dragon scales, but a set of blue-gold battle armor!

It is the battle armor of the Protoss!

Wu Shu's pupils shrank.

He instantly thought that Ling Tian killed Wu Yao on the Tianfeng battlefield and took away the treasure of the Celestial Clan. That treasure is this armor!

Only the battle armor can easily block the detonation power of that day general!

"Damn it, this thing turned out to be a battle armor! Ling Tian, ​​this belongs to my dark demons!"

The Wushu who was trapped in the formation was furious and roared in a low voice.

"Your dark demon thing!?"

"You are worthy too!?"

Ling Tian walked out of the storm, and the azure divine armor on his body was surging with terrible light. ,

This was the first time Ling Tian used the energy of this Protoss battle armor. Although this battle armor had not been fully recovered, even so, the pressure that would explode that day was completely resisted by the battle armor.

Ling Tian did not suffer any injuries.

This was a bit abnormal, and Ling Tian was constantly sighing in his heart.

At the very least, this battle armor is much stronger than his body of the beast dragon!

"Ling Tian! You are forcing me!"

"You don't know if you are afraid, how much my Wushu exists!"

"It angered me, I really thought this big formation could trap me!?"

But this time, the Wuxie had his head lowered and his voice was low, but it seemed to be accumulating strength.

And along with his voice, the magic mist around his body bloomed, and there was terrifying dark magic energy, from which, surging endlessly.

Under this dark demon aura, the magical golden eyes were bursting with dazzling golden light, and one of them was black hair, dancing wildly.

"No, this Wushu is going crazy, he wants to use the demon warfare form!"

Among the distant human races, the Lord of Great Jin exclaimed.

Who is Wu Xi!

He is the demon of the royal family!

How terrible will the battle body he displays! ?

No one could imagine, and at this moment, even Qin Mingyue and others' expressions became grim.

Among these human races, she is the only one who knows the Dark Demon race best, and she also knows how terrifying it will be when the combat power is fully deployed under the fright and anger.

Even if Ling Tian had all his cards, he was afraid it would be a hard fight.

Unless, Ling Tian can be promoted directly to the Immortal King, so that his combat power can skyrocket in an instant!

However, in the face of the demon-transformed combat body, the whole body was enveloped in the aura of the dark demon, Ling Tian's face did not have any color of fear.

He wants to establish the Great Han Dynasty today.

How could it pass so plainly! ?

Today, he wants to defeat this powerful witch and deterrence, in order to cast the immortal dynasty of the human race on the sea of ​​blood.

This terrifying head of the demon king of the royal family will be the most lofty memorial and respect for the ancestors of the human race.

Even so, this time he was dead for a lifetime.

No regrets or regrets.

This will be Ling Tian himself, before becoming the fairy king, the last battle!

At this moment, Ling Tian put on the armor helmet in his arms, fastened the hideous faceplate of the Protoss, the blue dragon hand, and firmly grasped the meteor sword.

He is ready for the last battle!

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