Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2677: Tianzhu Magic

"Haha, yes, but when my combat power is strong enough, I will definitely rescue my master from the hands of the heavenly clan!" Ling Tian said suddenly coldly.

Qin Zun looked at Ling Tian, ​​with a trace of surprise flashing in his eyes, because at this time, the touch of decisiveness that appeared in Ling Tian's eyes made Ling Tian seem to be a different person.

"Ahem, um, senior, if there is nothing else, can junior retire?"

Ling Tian really did not want to stay here for a long time.

"Hehe, you can't go yet."

However, the Qin Zun also shook his head, and then flipped his palm to take out another guqin.

"What do you think of this piano?"

Ling Tian's eyes fell on the piano, making a look of surprise, and whispered: "Hey, is this the legendary Valley Jianchen?"

"Yes, this violin ranks among the twenty-four violin, although it is a little worse than Bi Yuan's Wan Laiqiu, but it is still in the top fifteen."

"The three pieces of guqin are all my lifetime treasures. I passed Wan Lai to Biyuan. You will be rewarded for this one, how about it?"

Qin Zun suddenly smiled.

"Uh, this...senior, I have no merit, I can't afford this thing!"

Ling Tian scratched his head, secretly saying that this was all wrong, and even the two Sifang Zuns gave him a reward.

"Haha, I can't afford it!? Just that day, Fu Baojian, didn't you take it very happily?" Qin Zun said displeased: "Why, you dare to ask for his Shen Congfeng's things, but mine don't!?"

"Or do you look down on me, or do you look down on this guqin?"

"The junior dare not!" Ling Tian shook his head quickly, and then put the guqin away.

Although Ling Tian already had Chunlei Duyou in his hands at this time, at this moment, he could only accept the valley first.

Moreover, the rank of Yougu was higher than the Qingxiao Crane tears before him. In the case of unable to take out Spring Thunder, Yougu Jianchen was definitely the best choice.

"I don't know what Qin Zun's requirements are!?" Ling Tian asked after receiving the guqin.

Obviously, this Qin Zun rewarded the guqin so much, it must be the same as Shen Congfeng's, and it must be Yu Lingtian.

"Look at Zhushan that day."

However, Qin Zun also turned around, looking at the huge mountain behind him that rushed to the sky.

"In this mountain, there is actually an illusion."

"Illusion!?" Ling Tian frowned, "What illusion?"

"Unexplainable, and it's all legends."

"In the legend, after discovering this Heavenly Pillar Wonderland, the Celestial Clan and the Demon Clan entered it, trying to search for all the treasures in it."

"But, except for this Tianzhu Mountain."

"I don't know why, no matter how powerful the existence of the heaven and the monsters descends, they will not be able to set foot on this Tianzhu Mountain."

"And when our human race arrived, we discovered that the prohibition in Tianzhu Mountain was invalid for the human race."

Qin Zun didn't rush or slowed down, and said: "After that, the leader found the Tianzhu illusion in Tianzhu Mountain."

"That seems to be the real treasure of Tianzhu Wonderland!":

"What!? There is such a thing?" Ling Tian was also shocked when he heard this, "The seniors mean that I need to enter the Heavenly Pillar Illusion Realm?"


"It's not just you, but all the younger disciples of the Ascension Alliance, who will enter it." Qin Zun turned around and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"And in this illusion, even the leader himself has never entered, although he is open to the human race. , But the cultivation base is restricted, no entry is allowed above the Immortal Venerable."

"Moreover, the treasures in the illusion are extraordinary to me!"

"Senior, wait!" Ling Tian suddenly raised his hand to interrupt Qin Zun, "Senior said that this illusion was only discovered by the leader, but the leader has never entered. Then how do you know what treasures are inside? "

"I don't know, but every year on the night of the full moon in the middle of the year, there is a phoenix sound in Tianzhu Mountain. People listened to it. Maybe they thought there was a dragon hidden in it, but as a luthier, you can do it with just one ear. Hear it, that is the phoenix yin formed by the sound of the piano!"

"So, we all guessed that in this illusion, there is at least one melody treasure, and it is possible that it is one of the six immortal pianos, withered wood phoenix!"

"Six great immortal pianos, dead wood phoenix?" Ling Tian's expression changed, he really did not expect that there was one of the six great immortal pianos in Tianzhu Mountain.

"Well, after the joint investigation of our Sifangzun, we found that in this illusion, the rhythm is the basis to build a world, in which, if you don't have the assistance of a luthier, you can't go far, and you can never expect to get more treasures."

"Originally, there was Bi Yuan alone, so I was quite relieved, but the guy Lei Zun unexpectedly found a rhythm wizard named Ouyang Yooner. I have to admit that the girl’s talent is higher than Bi Yuan’s talent. ."

Having said that, Qin Zun looked at Ling Tian, ​​"I heard, you and Ouyang Yoona are still old acquaintances?"

"Well, count as my sister, we met in the chaotic battlefield." Ling Tian nodded; "However, she is now controlled by the Lei family and has lost her memory. Could it be that the Lei family did it for Zhushan that day? The fantasy world?"

"Yes, maybe you don't know what's going on with that girl. Today, I can point you to your confusion."

Qin Zun smiled and said, "Did you know, Lei Yin Curse?"

"Lei Yin Curse?" Ling Tian shook his head, "I don't know."

However, Ling Tian already had some guesses in his heart, because he had quietly checked Ouyang Yoon'er's body with the sword shadow before, and found that there was a strange thunder in his body. The dense thunder pattern sealed the sea of ​​mind, and Qi The acupoints in the sea and the whole body were also covered by Lei Yin.

Previously, Ouyang Yooner was all sorts of strange, because it was destroyed by these thunder patterns.

Could it be that this is the thunder curse that Qin Zun said?

"The Leiyin Curse is a melody curse that has spread in ancient times. I don't know how the Lei family got it. However, those who are caught by this curse will lose their memory and become the carrier of the Leiyin body."

"The Da Lei Yin Body is a mysterious body in ancient times, and it is also an extremely rare existence in the Eucharist!"

"Furthermore, if there is the assistance of the Wild Tongtian Pill, it will be able to produce the legendary source of Thunder Sound, one of the eighteen-pole fairy sources. The power of that source, but together with the source of the extremely lightening source, is called the source of thunder, which is the eighteenth source. Among the great sources of immortality, there is only the second source of thunder."

"And this is all for Lei Qianyu."

"Now you know what the Lei family is doing?" Qin Zun shook his head and sighed.

"I see, it turns out that my sister, Yun'er, is just the carrier and fertilizer for Lei Qianyu to become stronger?" Ling Tian's expression suddenly became sullen.

Secretly, this Lei family is really looking for death!

"Yes, it is not easy to become the carrier of Da Lei's tone body. Ouyang Yoona has a special physique and is indeed a good primer for billions. But it's a pity."

"This time the illusion is opened, Lei Zun also wants to use Ouyang Yuner's musical knowledge to search for the most treasures in the illusion. The purpose is to find the legendary wild Tongtian pill. If not, then you can use the power of the six immortal pianos. Motivated the thunder sound curse in Ouyang Yuner's body to evolve into a big thunder sound curse, so that the big thunder sound body can become large for Lei Qianyu to devour."

"By then, at least Lei Qianyu will be able to possess the super physique in the Holy Physique."

"I think you will never allow them to succeed, right?" Qin Zun sat in the big chair.

"Hehe, naturally not allowed!" Ling Tian sneered, "With me, they wouldn't want to get the dead wood Fengyin!"

"However, Senior Qin Zun, do you know how to crack the Thunder Sound Curse?"

He also has no choice now. The Leiyin Curse is a curse, and his sword shadow is powerless.

"Hehe, I naturally don't know, but I have also studied the Lei Yin Curse. Since it is the method of the Great Thunder Sound Body, it needs six great immortal pianos to actuate, so if you want to crack it, you must use the six great immortal pianos."

"The Leiyin Curse is condensed by Leiyin, so maybe you can try to suppress it with a stronger thunder than the Thunderyin Curse, and break the spell.

Qin Zun, thoughtful.

"One of the six immortal pianos, Chunlei is alone, isn't it?"

Ling Tian suddenly gritted his teeth.

"Yes! But this method may be even more unsolvable. Forget it, go down, get ready to go to the illusion."

"The thunder curse, I will think of other ways."

Ling Tian nodded and bowed back.

But at the corner of his mouth, there was already a cold smile.

Is Chunlei alone?

What a fate!

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