Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2717: Shenmu?

Eight hundred layers of fairy fire, hot and hot, how terrifying! ?

He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Ling Tian's face.

Before he succeeded, the blazing high temperature had already made Ling Tian unable to open his eyes.

"Hmph, don't hurt my big brother!"

At this moment, Xiao Linglong snorted, and the pure white flame filled Ling Tian's head, and under the shroud of high temperature, it directly blocked the terrifying flame coercion outside.

However, Yu Linglong could only withstand the fierce heat of the fire, and its power was far from it.

However, for Ling Tian, ​​this is enough!


Ling Tian snorted coldly, and the Qilin armbands gripped the Meteorite Sword tightly, and slashed towards the big hand.


The grade of the Meteorite Sword is extremely high. Although the material of the sword body is now a little worse, Xiao Lei’s cultivation is still too terrifying. Under the extremely light source, he directly ignores the hot heat, and with one sword, he will plant the fire. Big hand beheaded.


Tinder screamed. Although it was an 800-story fairy fire, it was still painful under the power of Xiao Lei's thunder.

In the cave, thousands of flames condensed together.

Ling Tian's gaze condensed, and he suddenly realized that this was indeed an old man in a blue-black flame robe.

Although he did not have a face, he was surrounded by black fire, and looked very domineering.

"Are you that Zhen Yuan Qingyan?"

Ling Tian Jianfeng drooped, and the exquisite fire above his head said coldly.

"Huh, that's right! So what?"

The old man shook his hand, dispelling the thunder within the fire.

"Hehe, submit to me, for my use, I may be able to protect your body of fire spirit!"

Ling Tian said coldly.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous!"

"The old man has been used as a slave for alchemy since he was captured by Yuanzi from Outland!"

"I finally waited until he soared to the Eighth Layer, the formation of the Yuan Palace in this town was reduced, and I was about to break free from the shackles. How can I use it for you again!?"

The old man sneered, and then stared at Linglong above Ling Tian, ​​"And you! You stupid thing, he is a human race, but you have come with them!"

"If you let me swallow it, I can directly break free from the suppression of the Yuan Palace in this town and travel the fairyland from now on!"

"Hmph, I won't let you swallow it, you are too ugly!" Yu Linglong pouted.


The old man almost vomited blood with anger.

"Stop talking nonsense, it is impossible to make me surrender!"

The old man roared and killed him again.

"Hehe, it seems that you are really not convinced, it doesn't matter, I have time to accompany you until you are convinced!"

Ling Tian carried the Meteorite Sword and also greeted him.

At the same time, in the illusion mountains and rivers below.

The warriors of the four major families are still advancing on the road.

It's just that as they go further and further in the illusion, the tone formations they encounter become more complex and powerful, and the monsters that guard the treasures become more terrifying in their combat power.


The two piano sounds resounded in succession before the giant mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there were only five people.

Moreover, there are three people with serious injuries.

These five people are the three Shen Jia Tianjiao brought by Shen Biyu and Ling Tian.

What stood in front of them now was a huge mountain of intertwined rhythms.

This level of condensed rhythm is particularly powerful, even if Shen Biyu and Ling Tian spent half a day, they still couldn't break it.

"Xun Qin, what's the matter, is there a problem with our rhythm!?"

Shen Biyuan frowned in the sound of the piano.

"No, believe me, there is no problem with the rhythm, but this mountain is the last level in front of us, so this level must be wasted some time."

Ling Tian avatar said.

"Oh!? You said this is the last level!? Could it be that we can see the dead wood phoenix after breaking through this mountain!?"

Shen Biyuan's face was pleased.

"This, I don't know."

Ling Tian avatar shook his head,

He already knew the topography of the mountains and rivers in this illusion from the body.

Now their location is indeed very close to the core area.

However, even if Ling Tian was overlooking the Zhenyuan Palace, he could only see a hazy view of this core place. Ling Tian didn't know what was inside.

But if you want to come to the dead wood Feng Yin, you can't run away.

"In that case, let's work harder!"

Shen Biyuan became excited, and the sound of the guqin in his hand rose rapidly, and the speed of breaking the formation began to accelerate.

Because on their side, there are two luthiers.

Moreover, Ling Tian's piano skills were far above the others, so half an hour later, the mountains in front of everyone collapsed.

Thousands of brilliant rays of light intertwined, like ice crystals, falling from the sky, extremely beautiful.

However, Shen Biyuan and others would not care about this beautiful scenery at all. The five turned into a ray of light, crossing the dazzling and hazy ice crystal before entering the area behind the sound formation.


After the light fell, Shen Biyu and the others couldn't help taking a breath when they saw the scenery behind the mountain!

Because, at this moment, they suddenly discovered that this core area was a huge garden full of green grass and flowers.

And in the middle of the garden, there is this huge tree.

How big is it?

Anyway, Ling Tian has been in martial arts for so many years, and he has seen a lot of strange things, but he has never seen such a huge tree.

Just the trunk is as huge as a mountain.

The dense branches spread out in all directions. Although there are no leaves, they still cover the sky and the sun.

Just a tree, almost shrouded an area of ​​thousands of miles!

"This, is this a real ancient tree, or a fantasy created by music!?"

After a long pause, Shen Biyu exclaimed. With her insight, she couldn't tell whether this ancient wood was true or false.

Moreover, at this time, in this area, there were many piano sounds everywhere, she could not tell whether it was an illusion or reality.

"It looks like it is true, this ancient tree looks like it is true!"

Ling Tian avatar pursed his lips, but unfortunately the Tianyuan is not on him now, and Tao Yaoyao hasn't woken up yet, otherwise he must be able to distinguish the truth from the false here. If it is true, it will be clear what this ancient tree is.

"Xun Qin, do you know that there are three sacred trees between heaven and earth in this world's rumors!?"

Shen Biyu asked suddenly.

"Well, naturally you know that Jianmu, Xunmu, and Peach Tree are listed as the three great sacred trees in the world, but don’t you think this is one of the three great sacred trees!?"

Ling Tian avatar shook his head, "Although this ancient tree is spectacular enough, it is definitely not comparable to the three sacred trees."

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