Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2769: My woman

However, Kwai Cailin still didn't look at the snake princess that day, but turned around and looked at the old man.

"You have lived for thousands of years, but after all, this is nothing but a deed!"

"A younger generation of the Sky Snake tribe is worthy of teaching me too!?" The old man, frowned slightly, was even more embarrassed in his heart, and directly blasted Dongfangye in front of so many people.

This is completely, don't put him in the eyes!

"If you don't accept it, then hit you to accept it!"

Kwai Cailin, who has never liked nonsense, immediately shrouded in the power of the metallic origin, with ten sharp claws flickering, carrying a dragon-like phantom behind her, she killed it.

"Hehe, it's good to be here, like you, the younger generation of Yaozu Tianjiao, you should learn a lesson well before you know what is low-key!"

Bengyi is an old monster in the Yaozun realm who has lived for thousands of years. Although he was amazed by the amazing combat power of Kwai Cailin, he was not afraid of it.

Facing the ferocious supernatural powers of the Kui Cailin, Feng Qian stood still, controlling the quicksand all over his body.

Condensed into a mountain again, shrouded down towards the bottom.

"Hehe, do you still have this set!?"

However, in the face of Bianqin's earth-based supernatural powers, Kwai Cailin just sneered.

The combat power of this seventh-order demon veteran is so much stronger than that of the corpses encountered in the demon grave before.

It is an opponent comparable to Kwai Cailin.

Therefore, Kwai Cailin, this time is also fully concentrating, and has never slackened at all.

Ling Tian watched from behind him. He didn't show up this time because he wanted Kwai Cailin to dominate everything in this lost battle realm.

Therefore, Kui Cailin would never let Ling Tian be underestimated.

The golden claws split the sky, as if a golden dragon rushed into the sky.

The Kwai Cai scales are shrouded in the dragon's divine light, and the majestic dragon aura in the sky makes its supernatural powers particularly powerful.

The condensed soil mountain, the moment it touched the golden claws of Kwai Cai scales, it collapsed directly.

No matter how tyrannical the supernatural powers Fenqian has condensed this time.

But still, unable to resist Kwai Cailin.

All resistance is like a chicken dog.


"You don't even have the aura of the snake clan, but the dragon clan!"

"What kind of demon are you!"

Na Bianqin also felt the golden dragon breath from Kwai Cailin's body, and in an instant, he was stunned.

As one of the nine Longsheng tribes, Fengquan is naturally too familiar with the Long tribe.

After they belonged to the Dragon Clan, they were naturally afraid of the real Dragon Clan bloodline.

However, after the Golden Scale Sky Snake Clan belonged to Gouchen, the Dragon Clan aura within it should be far worse than that of the Dragonborn Nine Clan.

But now, what is this situation! ?

At this moment, it's not just that.

It was Jin Peng and Princess Sky Snake, who were completely stunned.

The current Kwai Cailin not only has a strong cultivation base, but also has such a pure dragon blood.

Even the Golden Dragon clan among the dragon clan!

That is even more tyrannical than the five-color dragon clan.

What the **** does this happen! ?

"Hehe, I know now, it's too late!"

"Extinction Golden Kill!"

Kwai Cailin sneered, and turned into a golden dragon-like sky snake, appearing on the top of Feng's head.

If there were dragon claws on this heavenly snake, then it would be no different from the real Golden Dragon clan.

But even so, the terrifying dragon clan's coercion still made Bianqian his combat power, suppressing as much as 30%!

The main body of Kwai Cailin stirred the wind and clouds to form a golden storm, which enveloped the 呑屃 in circles.

From the outside, you can clearly see that within the storm, the terrifying wind blade is strangling that body.

The terrifying sparks splashed in it, and Rao Shifen's extremely waiting defense could not bear it safely under the magical powers of Kwai Cailin!

"It's horrible!"

"You can't even Bengqian!"

Jin Peng pursed his mouth and was startled by the current Kwai Cailin.

He turned sideways slightly, looking at Ling Tian who was playing the piano leisurely behind him.

Only then did he understand why Ling Tian didn't make a move at this time.

Perhaps, looking at the Tianjiao powerhouse in the entire abandoned battlefield, there is no one who can be the opponent of Kwai Cailin.

It is too powerful.

Sure enough, but after a cup of tea.

Above the sky, the storm formed by the golden dragon phantom gradually dissipated.

There is a sky full of yellow sand, floating scattered.

However, the breath of Bianquan has disappeared without a trace.

Kwai Cai scales slowly descended from the sky above, playing with a crystal nucleus of the earth system in his hand.

That was the essence of Bianqin.

This also proved that Bianqin, who had survived for thousands of years, died in this abandoned battlefield in the end.

Moreover, Kwai Cailin was tortured to death.


Seeing that Kui Cailin came, Princess Tian Snake smiled and walked up, "It's been so long, where have you been!? Father and mother are very worried about you."

"Worry about what I am doing!? I am not the princess of the Sky Snake clan."

Kwai Cailin's voice was cold.

"Sister, are you still brooding about this matter!? I said before that if you really want the position of a princess, then I can give it to you. Anyway, I am not interested in this so-called princess at all. "

Princess Sky Snake frowned.

"No, the position of the princess is not something you can let you say. I don't have the aura of humor in my body. Everyone knows this in the clan.

Kui Cailin shook her head, "Since the Sky Snake Clan has given up on me, then I can only rely on myself."

"Sister, but I will always be your sister!"

Princess Tian Snake's eyes were red, and she looked at Kwai Cailin.

"Ha ha……"

Kui Cailin chuckled lightly, without saying anything, and then turned into a golden glow, flying towards the core land.


Jin Peng frowned, looking at the sad Princess Tian Snake and Ling Tian behind him, feeling a little at a loss.

"Princess, since this is your sister, then let's hurry up and follow!"

Ling Tian put away the guqin and stood up and said.

"Yes, that's right, I want to protect my sister and never let her get into trouble!"

Princess Sky Snake wiped her eyes, and then chased after her.

"Haha, brother Jin Peng, what are you still doing in a daze!? Let's go!"

Ling Tian patted Jin Peng on the shoulder and smiled until the snake princess left.

"Brother Ling, what is the situation, how can Kwai Cailin be with you!?"

"Moreover, it has become so scary!?"

Jin Peng asked startledly.

"It's nothing, my woman, there is no weak, let's go, in the future, there will be a lot of surprises for you!"

Ling Tian laughed, rolled up the guqin and left.

"Your woman!?"

Jin Peng shook his head, "I really envy you!"

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