Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2773: The Sea of ​​Blood

"Hehe, don't ruin it, this Dragon King has a lot of good things!"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and put away the body of the Indigo Dragon King.

Although the Indigo Dragon King is only in the realm of the Immortal King, it is also a real dragon.

The rank is second only to the five-color dragons, and the dragon scales, dragon tendons and dragon bones in one of them are all excellent crafting materials.

It's just a pity that there is no blood of the Azure Dragon in his body, otherwise, Ling Tian's Azure Dragon Transformation will be truly completed.

Today, Ling Tian's hand of Azure Dragon may be comparable to the physical body of the seventh-order demon, but it is definitely not as abnormal as before.

Even now, his hands of the Azure Dragon can no longer withstand the golden claws of Kwai Cailin.

Ling Tian had already reached an extremely urgent level to upgrade his physical body.

"Zhu Tao is gone!"

Kwai Cai Lin flew down, looking at the sea of ​​blood below.

"I saw him in this sea of ​​blood."

Ling Tian didn't care.

"You won't stop him!?"

"Hehe, yes, but it's not necessary." Ling Tian shook his head, "I see Zhu Tao, it seems that there is no fear of this sea of ​​blood, it should, not the first time."

"It's not the first time!?" Kui Cailin's expression changed and she said in surprise: "What you mean is that Zhu Tao has already known everything here, and it is very likely that he has also participated in it!?"

"Perhaps it's just a small character. It seems that he wanted to put those hundreds of thousands of monster races into the abandoned battlefield before, not because of his helplessness, but because of a plan."

"Damn it!" Kui Cailin looked furious, "Zhu Tao, he is the sinner of the entire Monster Race. I, Kui Cailin, will never let him go."

The voice fell, and the angry Kui Cailin directly covered her body with the golden dragon aura, and then rushed into the sea of ​​blood below.

Today, no matter what, she Kwai Cailin must make everything here clear!

"This fairy is still easily impulsive."

Ling Tian shook his head, but had no choice but to follow.

Now that she hasn't entered this sea of ​​blood, Kui Cailin's combat power has been pushed to its limit.

The ghost knew whether the undead who controlled everything, the so-called Martial Emperor outside the Territory, would hide under this sea of ​​blood.

If this is the case, then Kwai Cailin, Wanwan will not be that guy's opponent.

The sea of ​​blood is extremely deep.

Ling Tian and Kui Cailin spent almost half an hour before they dived into the sea of ​​blood.

Judging by Ling Tian's spiritual sense, this place has gone deep underground, hundreds of thousands of feet deep, and it is definitely the deepest part of the entire abandoned battlefield.


The two landed.

Sure enough, under this sea of ​​blood, there is another world.

Above the head, the sea of ​​blood is still surging, but because there is no light coming through, this sea of ​​blood is like a dim, blood-red sky, which is particularly intriguing.

And what was in front of him was a dark and lacquered world, as if the cold earth suffocated everywhere, even with Ling Tian's eyesight, he couldn't see clearly what was within a radius of ten thousand meters.

This is already an extremely dangerous distance.

For the powerhouse of the Demon Venerable Realm, the distance of ten thousand feet is only a momentary one.

"Cai Lin, be careful, I am here, I can't predict the danger."

Ling Tian stepped forward and followed closely behind Kwai Cailin.

"Hehe, it's rare, you have times when you have no bottom!?"

Kwai Cailin gave a chuckle, her eyes were full of teasing.

"Don't be kidding me at the critical moment."

Ling Tian shook his head, the sea of ​​qi in his body was already rolling, and the meteor sword in his robe was also ready to shoot at any time.

Because he couldn't use the battle spirit blessing of the God of War, Ling Tian's hole cards were much less.

Based on intuition, the two of them fumbled forward little by little.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, accompanied by gusts of chanting wind.

Let this place look like **** purgatory.

It even made it difficult for Ling Tian to breathe.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, the Kwai Cailin in front suddenly stopped.

"what's happenin!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

There was no discovery of his spiritual thoughts at all.

"Ling Tian, ​​look there, does it look like it, there is a shadow!?"

"A big shadow!?"

Kwai Cailin suddenly pointed to the sea of ​​blood above her head.


Ling Tian frowned and looked in the direction of Kui Cailin's fingers. Indeed, in the dimness, he could see an extremely huge figure floating in the sea of ​​blood.

Vaguely, the figure looked like a person sitting cross-legged.

It is absolutely rare that Ling Tian can marvel at its hugeness.

This figure, to say nothing, is more than tens of thousands of feet high, because the distance is so far, it may be that the true height has doubled.

I don't know why, but when Ling Tian's gaze was on this figure, there was a dizziness in his mind.

God knows what this phantom is.

Moreover, it seems that when they came down from the sea of ​​blood, they just passed through this figure.

"Can you see what it is!?"

Ling Tian asked.

"No, I never heard of it."

Kwai Cailin shook her head.

"That's all, maybe this is just our illusion."

Ling Tian retracted his gaze, although looking at that figure made him dizzy, but other than that, Ling Tian didn't notice any sense of danger.

"Well, if you want to come to this world, there is no such a huge body."

Kwai Cailin sighed lightly and continued to fumble forward.


But at this moment, in the darkness ahead, a beam of blood-red light suddenly soared into the sky and shot directly into the blood vein on the top of the head.

And a burst of energy also oscillated from a distance in an instant.

The ground under his feet was trembling, and the sea of ​​blood above his head was also roaring and roaring.

Suddenly, Ling Tian's heart surged with a sense of horror and crisis.

It seemed that there was some incredible mysterious existence, and he was awakened.

"what happened!?"

Looking at the blood-red light beam in the distance, Kwai Cailin's heart also panicked inexplicably.

"It seems that this is where all the secrets of the Lost Battle Realm are located."

"Zhu Tao, it must be there, go!"

Ling Tian sneered. Although the blood-red beam of light was extremely shocking, Ling Tian would naturally not be afraid.

He wanted to see, what is this sacred, making trouble here!

Ling Tian and Kui Cailin used their body skills to the extreme.

However, within half a cup of tea, he came under the blood-red light beam.

At this time, Ling Tian could see clearly that the blood-red beam of light was a thousand feet in radius, straight into the sea of ​​blood.

At the bottom of the beam of light, it resembled an altar, and above the altar, there was this blood-red spar.

Around the spar, there are countless complex and mysterious totems, which seem to outline an evil formation.

Endless energy, from all directions, was attracted by this altar.

Melted into the beam of light.

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