Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2783: Swallowed your city

"I naturally remember that we were in Qingchen Xianzhou and we met the so-called dragon hunter for the first time."

"That guy is really terrifying, he almost broke into the Ten Thousand Dragon Realm with his own power."

"The Thirty-Six Route Dragon King, there is no Demon Venerable, it is his opponent."

"Finally, because the Dragon Emperor Wudi Ao Qingchen did not appear, the dragon hunter left with a long smile, and since then, he has disappeared."

"However, you suddenly asked what this meant, this Ling Tian wouldn't be a dragon hunter."

Tianhu patriarch said.

"This Ling Tian is naturally not a dragon hunter, but do you still remember the poem that the dragon hunter read when he left the Ten Thousand Dragon Region?"

The demon old man suddenly said.


The patriarch Tianhu took a deep breath, "Although it was really a long time ago, I still vaguely remember what happened five hundred years ago."

"When I left the Ten Thousand Dragon Region, the voice of the dragon hunter filled the Qingchen Xianzhou. Nine days and nine nights, they never dispersed."

"Three thousand floats in a heavy sky, ten thousand years are in the world. Ling Tiantai is one to five hundred years old, my generation hunts dragons and decides to do things."

"If I remember correctly, it should be these four sentences."

"Yes!" In fact, five hundred years ago, the martial artists of Qingchen Xianzhou were shocked by the tyranny of the dragon hunters.

But few people really care about these four poems.

"However, I have always remembered, think about it, this year, five hundred years after the dragon hunter chaos Qingchen, and the poem contains the word Ling Tian."

"Although I don't know what these poems mean."

"But Ling Tian appeared in Qingchen Xianzhou at this critical time, I am afraid it was God's will!"

The old immortal sighed with a cane in his hand.

"Ling Tian, ​​five hundred years, dragon hunter..."

But the next moment, the patriarch of Tianhu suddenly got up.

The fear that the dragon hunters gave him has not dissipated for five hundred years.

At this moment, he was also inexplicably panicked in his heart.

"Go and call my son back quickly, I want to meet that Lingtian in person!"


However, before the patriarch of Tianhu finished speaking, a breath rose into the sky from outside Tianhu city.

This breath is somewhat similar to the monster race, but with a trace of dragon breath, but in short, this breath is extremely strong, definitely surpassing the seventh rank of the Immortal Venerable!

Although the white armored tiger king is tyrannical, it is definitely not an opponent.

"not good!"

The patriarch of Tianhu exclaimed and walked out of the big tent.

But at this time, outside of Tianhu City, the whole army of the Tianhu tribe was all dumbfounded when they looked at the demon king who was blasted out by the opponent.

What is the origin of this demon clan girl, her combat power is too tyrannical.

Now, even their little prince is not an enemy of one move! ?


The young white armored demon king who was shaken out by a move spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the sky, the figure shrouded in golden light, his eyes were also astonished.

He grew up in Qingchen Xianzhou, within a million miles around him, except for the Tianjiao in the Liu Family and the Hongwenlong Clan, he has never seen it before.

Even he had been to the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou and challenged a younger generation among the Eighteen Great Demon Races, and he had never been defeated.

But now, the monster girl in front of him who he didn't even know had knocked him off the sky with a single move.

This makes him unbelieving in his heart.

"My son, are you all right!"

At this time, the tiger patriarch also rushed out of Tianhu City that day.

"Hehe, he just suffered a little bit of injury, I didn't put a heavy hand, otherwise, he would have died a long time ago!"

On the sky, Kwai Cailin sneered.

It was Ling Tian's order to let this tiger clan go.

"Father, I... I lost!"

The white-jacketed tiger shook his head and stood up.

"It's okay, these people are not ordinary, leave it to me!"

Seeing that the White Armored Demon King really didn't have any serious problems, the tiger clan lord also breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next moment, the patriarch of Tianhu released all the demon venerable aura in his body.

The cultivation base of the Tianhu patriarch is superb, and the fighting power may only be a little worse than that of the old dragon king of the indigo dragon clan.

Otherwise, their Tianhu clan would not survive so peacefully here.

"I don't care who you are, if you hit my Tiger City and hurt my son, then we won't let it go today!"

A long spear manifested from the hand of the patriarch of Tianhu, pointing directly at the human army.

"Hehe, don't worry, we didn't even think about giving up."

Kwai Cailin sneered.

Being able to fight is better than anything else.

What she was afraid of was that the Tianhu Clan was the same as the previous cities. After a fight, they surrendered directly, which was not interesting.

"Haha, Little Wawa, it's not that I underestimated you, you are not my opponent!"

"Where is Ling Tian, ​​the lord of the big man!? Didn't it mean that he is the leader of these human race armies!?"

"Stand up, let me see, what exactly is Ling Tian?"

Behind the patriarch of the Tianhu, the phantom of the great demon has manifested, with a shocking momentum, covering the entire Tianhu city.

Its combat power is really strong.

"I am Ling Tian."

The voice fell, Ling Tian's figure flashed and appeared beside Kwai Cailin's body.

His white hair and chanting wind wafted, still carrying these hands on his back.

His eyes fell on the tiger patriarch that day, and he nodded secretly in his heart.

Patriarch Tiger's combat power is really good this day, and it should be a good help.

"Oh, are you the Ling Tian?"

The patriarch of Tianhu frowned slightly.

He has also met many descendants of the ancestors of Tianjiao.

Especially the Liu Family Tianjiao nobleman, known as Qingchen Xianzhou, the first of the five human families, he has also come into contact with all of them.

But to be honest, no matter how strong the cultivation bases of those Tianjiao nobles are, there is no one who can compare with the Ling Tian in front of him in terms of their temperament.

This is really worthy of being a dragon and a phoenix among people.

Moreover, I don't know why, the patriarch of Tianhu himself could not see the depth of this Ling Tian.

But you must know that his combat power is in the eighth-order demon sovereign.

Can he not see through a descendant of the human race fairy king! ?

There must be a lot of secrets hidden in this guy.

For a time, the patriarch of Tianhu didn't mean to underestimate him.

"Haha, very good, Human Race Ling Tian, ​​let's talk, what do you want to do when you come to my Tianhu City this time!?"

The Tianhu clan grew up and asked.

"No other meaning, just want to annex your Tiger City, all the warriors in this clan, for my use."

Ling Tian smiled faintly.

"What!? Take up my Sky Tiger City, let me wait, for your use?"

"That's it?"

The patriarch Tianhu almost vomited blood.

He had never seen such a brazen person, before his city, said such arrogant words.

What kind of persimmon is it to be his Tianhu clan?

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