Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2893: Bone Dragon Army

"Not really."

"It's just that I feel a little uneasy in my heart, but I don't know exactly why."

Ling Tian looked at the dead dragon tomb world before him, and slowly shook his head.

Now, he has cut off the connection between the outside world and Taoyuan. In Taoyuan, Tao Yaoyao and others have never seen Emperor Feng Zhun that day.

Therefore, even if Ling Tian had doubts in his heart, there was no certainty.

"No matter how much it is, exploring the Dragon Tomb is not easy here. You should be careful and protect yourself!"

Ling Tian started the Azure Dragon Transformation again, and the tyrannical aura of the dragon formed a realm, enveloping everyone in.

This allows other teammates to be safe enough.

The Dragon Slashing Sword in his hand manifested, causing Ling Tian's combat power to skyrocket to a terrifying level in an instant.

Now that the Dragon Tomb has been related to the suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao, then it is not simple here.

The danger that Ling Tian and the others are facing is not just the mysterious and unpredictable Kuroshio quasi-emperor that has not yet appeared.

There is also everything unknown in the dragon tomb.

Ling Tian took Kwai Cailin Ross, Ao Zishuang and others, chose a direction and moved forward into the chaos ahead.


But before everyone rushed for long, a shocking dragon chant suddenly resounded through the world from the dark red chaos ahead.

Ling Tian's figure suddenly stopped in midair.

At this time, within one of the pair of dragon eyes, there was also a blue-gold divine light flashing.

Through the dark red chaos in front of him, Ling Tian suddenly discovered that a continuous mountain range appeared there.

It's just that this layer of mountains seems to be moving.

But the sound of the dragon's roar just now was like a horn, which made people horrified.

"Ling Tian, ​​what happened just now?"

Rose flew up.

Ling Tian's pupils gradually shrank.

Suddenly said: "No, we are afraid we stabbed a hornet's nest!"


Ross and others are puzzled.

But soon, they discovered that the chaotic dark red mist suddenly rolled.

The world was dim, lifelessness covered the sky, and a cold and cruel aura rolled in, but for a moment, Ling Tian's team was enveloped in it.

Even with Ling Tian's domain isolation, everyone can still feel that this lifelessness is mixed with that unconcealable greed and enthusiasm.

And then, in the astonishment of Ross and the others sucking in cold air, the dense and uncountable black shadows gathered from all directions, but just a dozen breaths covered the sky, and the mouth continued to emit a low and hoarse voice. roar.

The whole world was filled with a breath of restlessness.

"Well, are they all dead dragons!? How come they have become like this?"

When everyone saw the face of these things, they were even more shocked.

Because these almost innumerable shadows are actually dragon bones flapping their wings!

Although these corpses did not have a trace of flesh and blood, there were various colors of light suspended in the skull, like flames.

These rays of light seem to give these bones a sense of wisdom, and let them fly above the heads of everyone, accompanied by roars, which is very shocking.

A dragon bones, although not very strong, but under the amount of covering the sky and the sun, it has changed the color of everyone.

Under the pressure of these bone dragons, Rose, Kwai Cailin and others, Tianjiao, are all close together, their faces are pale, and their mouths are constantly swallowing and spitting. Although their combat power is good, they look like a vast ocean. The army of bone dragons still couldn't help but feel jealous.

Even if the number is not mentioned, the strength of the bone dragon in this dead city is also outrageous. The powerful and majestic death aura is enough to offset the power of Ling Tian's domain, and some of the powerful auras are comparable to top immortals. Respect for combat power, even if it is stronger than the previous Azure Dragon King and Black Dragon King, it does not give too much!

This kind of power is enough to make ordinary Tianjiao smashed.

"Full combat power, defense!"

Ling Tian hovered over everyone's heads, shrinking the dragon's breath and domain power.

With the help of one hundred thousand sword shadows, the battle strength of the bone dragon rushing into the domain can be weakened a lot.

Moreover, everyone has followed Ling Tian not long ago, and if they join hands, they may not be able to overcome this difficulty.

What's more, their side has existences like Ling Tian.

"Everyone, these bone dragons are not trivial. We have refined the ancestral dragon pill before. So, it's time for me to test my combat power. It's better to compare who killed more in the end!?"

Facing the fierce bone dragon army, not only did Kwai Cailin's face show no fear, she was excited.

After the Dragon Gate Conference, they arrived at the imperial palace, but they hadn't taken any action yet.

Moreover, at the Dragon Gate Conference, they all got the Zulong Pill.

This pill has a chance to return the dragon blood to the ancestors, even if the rent is not returned, it will also make the dragon bloodline battle power soar.

After being said by Kui Cailin, Ao Zishuang and other Dragon Clan Tianjiao finally recovered their previous fighting intent.

Now, facing such a terrifying army of bone dragons, they can only do their best.



In an instant, including Kwai Cailin, Luo Baiying and others, the breath in the body burst out unreservedly.

Today, no matter whether Ling Tian will make an all-out effort, they are all going to fight with all their strength.

At the same time, countless bitter roars came in an instant, and the restless bone dragon monster suddenly broke out. With a desire for flesh and blood, it rushed out directly, and launched a fierce impact on Ling Tian's domain.

"Do it!"

Kwai Cai shouted sternly in her mouth, and her magical powers poured out without hesitation, and she burst out with incomparable attack power. Without using her trump cards, no one could hide her secrets anymore.

In the current situation, if you still dare to have double-minded thoughts, then you are really looking for a dead end.

Ling Tian blocked his side, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were murderous. At this moment, a wave of his robe sleeves directly spurred the 100,000 sword shadows in the domain, transforming into a divine sword and thunder sword formation.


One hundred thousand sword shadows condensed into a sword formation, frantically strangling the violent bone dragon that rushed down.

Although Ling Tian's divine sword thunder formation is extremely powerful, and the swordsmanship blessed by the dragon sword is sharp, even these bone dragons are all shattered at the moment of touching.

However, these bone dragons are too many, and they are not afraid of death.

Even Ling Tian's sword formation only blocked nearly half of it.

Above the Dragon Slashing Sword, Xiao Lei also turned into a golden Thunder Dragon, frantically devouring the various flames left by the bone dragon after it was destroyed.

These are the soul energy of those dragon races during his lifetime, but to Xiao Lei, it is a great tonic.

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