Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2940: Killing and entering the fairy gate

However, the sword formation followed Ling Tian's heart, and in an instant, countless sword shadows gathered to cover the old man.


The old man who was the chosen **** general screamed, and was strangled by the sword shadow on the spot, turned into bloody, slashed form and spirit, and died.

Many elders have changed colors, and they finally understand at this time that the horror of this sword formation will be a catastrophe.

"Ling Tian, ​​the fourth sacred palace of my heavenly clan, I will never die with you!" Several arrogant and profound Profound God generals gathered their supernatural powers to sacrifice their power and wanted to escape.


The magical powers that they condensed into, under the sword array, burst like bubbles, and at the same time there are dozens of flame-burning sword shadows, intertwined and smashed downwards.


The sword's edge blasted, and these gods were all hit, the divine light was ignited by Yingtian, the armor became fly ash, the body was burnt black, the sword light and their bodies were penetrated, and the divine light was cracked.

Several Profound Gods will all die, their combat strength is good, and they are still working together, but none of them survived and became the second batch of victims.

"What kind of supernatural power is this, why is it so terrible?" There is no **** will be able to calm down, and there is fear in his heart.

More than a hundred of them came to Shouyang Mountain because of the unexpectedly discovered realm. They never regarded this trip as a thrilling experience, and all the human races they met could not help but directly killed them.

But I never thought that after only a moment, Human Race Ling Tian would come to take revenge?


A purple light suddenly appeared, and the sharp sword light descended from the sky, piercing Ling Tian outside the sword formation, trying to swallow it down, killing him with one blow.

This was also from the hands of a powerful Profound God General. He found an excellent opportunity to follow the gap between the sword formation and launch a thunderous blow at the critical moment.

However, when Jianmang was still several feet away, his body convulsed, and his whole body was swept by blue light, which turned into a blood mist on the spot, dripping down.


The sword's edge fell to the ground, and a string of sparks collided, and a powerful Profound God would be wiped out by the sword formation and ceased to exist.

"There is no possibility of asking for mercy, it will touch my human race, and all will die!" Ling Tian said, not wanting to dream of many nights, preparing to kill all the gods.

The strength of the Excalibur Yulei Sword Array once again soared.

In the great formation, all the gods and generals were terrified to the extreme. There were several profound gods before and after being brutally slain. How could they not be afraid? They all yelled.

"Rush out, you must rush out!" The gods will be swarming, trying to make a way out of the corpses.

"Damn, dare to humiliate us so much. As long as I survive, I will kill him a hundred times!" A **** will be secretly ruthless.


On the Shouyang Mountain, the Divine Sword and Thunder Sword Formation, like a big grinding disc rotating, cruelly crushes lives, blood constantly rushes, and there are constantly divine generals, who are strangled into blood mist by the shadow of the sword.

It was just a magical power in the Excalibur Thunder Sword Technique, but in the hands of Ling Tian today, he possessed the mighty power to kill all the creatures in the world. Once trapped, it would be difficult to get rid of it.

Thousands of sword shadows filled this void. It was the most terrifying sword aura, and it also had the help of divine fire. As long as it was hit, it would surely become ashes or blood fog.

The screams are endless, this is a horrible scene like a Shura field, the sword light will cut one flesh after another, the blood of the heavenly gods is strong, the blood mist falls, and merges into a river, and the big Shouyang Mountain is actually promised. Stain red.

This is like an ancient battlefield, with blood flowing, and then the earth, with a pungent smell, and blood haze around him, making Ling Tian and his silver hair red.

"Ling Tian, ​​it's really ruthless!" Qing Xu said in Taoyuan.

"Hehe, Ling Tian is angry. This time I am afraid that he has completely formed a relationship with Liangzi of the Celestial Clan."

Liu Yao also smiled.

Before the establishment of the big man, Ling Tian had killed the body of the Celestial Clan.

However, Qin Mingyue reconciled it that time, which turned it over.

But this time, Ling Tian really killed many gods.

"Heaven Clan and Earth God General, leave your life here to watch the show, you still don't make a move!?"

"Heaven, is it also natural to be afraid of death?"

Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyes and looked in the direction above the void.

That is, the quasi-emperor-level aura of the heavenly race is hidden, and above the heavenly race, it is the place where the space fluctuates, obviously, it is the place of the outside of the day.

If you want to enter it, you must kill the gods of this place!

"You have a big tone, an ant, do you really think you are invincible? You are still far away!" Finally, the earth **** of the clan came out, carrying his hands on his back, staring at Ling Tian, ​​his face indifferent and ruthless.


He suddenly shot his hand, thunder light flickered between his palms and fingers, and a piece of electric light was intertwined into a sea of ​​thunder, forming a road map, spinning like light.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, never wavering at all.

Raising his hand with a sword, the sword array disappeared, gathered on the blade of the Dragon Slashing Sword, and slashed out.


With a dull sound, that Lei Hai Tu collapsed instantly, and the sword's edge raged.


The powerful energy of the Divine Sword Yulei has not disappeared, and the sword intent is through the sky, as if to kill the gods, and swept toward the heaven and earth gods who appeared.

The heavens and the earth gods will yell at them and fight with all their strength to resist this endless sword aura, but everything is in vain. The emperor's artifact cast with magical materials in his hand, like rotten wood, turns into powder and falls.


Ling Tian was another sword, slashing it at will, aiming at the divine general, the sword's blade penetrated like a sky-shaking rainbow.


The earth **** would be inevitable, the sword energy swallowed it directly, and the divine light dissipated.

With just one sword, the **** of this place was abolished.


"Ling Tian, ​​you are so cruel!"

The Immortal Venerable Spirit Infant of the Divine General had not been killed yet, and he roared towards Ling Tian with bitterness.

Although he is an earth **** general, he is a junior, only possessing the combat power of the quasi-emperor level, so he is not strong, at least, he has no great power in him.

However, he originally had an extremely bright future, but everything was ruined by Ling Tian.

"Into the realm beyond the sky!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly. At this moment, all the gods of the Celestial Clan on the Shouyang Mountain were beheaded by Ling Tian.

But he knew it was not over yet.

There are heavenly races, they have already entered the realm of heaven!


Ling Tian's voice fell, and from the Taoyuan, a line of light burst directly into the void, and after that, a gate surrounded by fairy light appeared there.


Ling Tian didn't hesitate at all, stepped directly out and walked into the fairy gate.

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