Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2981: The dragon sword is broken

At this moment, after the four magical powers, this lone traveler directly used the assassin, the power of the gods!

There are nine sources of God.

Each one is the pinnacle top of the fairy world.

And this lonely **** source is in the shape of a golden sword, and the **** sources form a realm, and this one is the diamond realm.

The gold world is sharp and unstoppable.

Ren Duxing, who had turned on the power of the gods, was enveloped by thousands of golden brilliance.

After imagining the emperor Zhunzhang behind him, suddenly a golden sword rose again.

That is the form of God's Origin!

Ren Duxing had already stood up, his eyes opened and turned into gold.

The light in the eyes is like a sword, piercing the sky.

The current Ren Duxing is really like a sword-struggling god, with tyrannical waves rolling in motion, even if it is blocked by the Heavenly Seal, it still shakes the hearts of the surrounding Tianjiao.

"The power of the gods is really terrifying!"

"It's too strong. If this lone traveler understands the Diamond Realm Dao, then who can be his opponent!"

"Ling Tian is about to lose. Without the blessing of God's source, if he walks alone, he is invincible!"

After Ren Duxing sacrificed the source of God, everyone firmly believed that Ling Tian would definitely lose in this game.

Ling Tian, ​​there is no way to win.

God source, enough to crush everything!

Below, even Qin Mingyue and others frowned.

Of course they knew the power of the gods, and Ling Tian was not without a way to deal with it. However, the current Ling Tian could not use the mysterious source to fight against that quasi emperor.

In such a situation, only relying on the physical body and the sanctity, it is impossible to resist the power of the God Source of the Diamond Realm.

"Ling Tian, ​​give up, you are not my opponent!"

Fighting the golden sword, the source of God.

Ren Duxing's golden sword pointed directly at Ling Tian, ​​and it was impossible for him to survive.

But now Ling Tian, ​​even if it urges Yinglong Transformation, the divine fire on his body is burning fiercely.

Still retreating under the sharp ravages and impacts of these gods.

Yingtian's Candle was extinguished around Ling Tian, ​​being cut by the God Source of the Diamond Realm.

The power of the source of the gods was too strong, and Ling Tian's body had been cut by that sharp aura, and all bloodstains had been cut.

Behind the scenes, the shadow of the divine dragon became more and more illusory.

It won't be long before he will be completely smashed by the power of this **** source.

After stepping back step by step, what was left were blood-red footprints.

Ling Tian seemed to be really unable to stand up.

"Hehe, the power of the gods is really strong!"

Ling Tian panted heavily, and in his heart, he had to be jealous of the power of the divine origin.

He has never underestimated Ren Duxing, and he knows that it is not that simple to beat Ren Duxing.

Since the opponent has already sacrificed the power of the gods, there shouldn't be much hole cards.

Although there are not many cards he can use, it is impossible to make him surrender!

Ling Tian has experienced countless life and death disasters, what can this be! ?

"It's impossible to admit defeat, if you want to beat me, then you try!"


Suddenly, a sword sounded.

Ling Tian's Dragon Slashing Sword smashed the ground.

The strength of the sword's edge was deeply inserted on the ring, causing Ling Tian to stop retreating.

His arms were shaking wildly, but Ling Tian, ​​still holding the endless diamond sword aura, slowly stood up straight.

The raging fire on his body turned into a cloak, roaring behind Ling Tian.

The Dragon Slashing Sword wailed.

Under the impact of the power of the gods, it had taken most of the coercion for Ling Tian.

"Haha, Xiao Lei, I'm sorry to make you feel wronged by this!"

Ling Tian held the sword tightly.

Although the current Dragon Slashing Sword is strong, it is still not the top quasi-imperial weapon, and it can't completely resist the power of the gods.


The sword's edge roared, and Xiao Lei was also unyielding.

"Haha, overwhelmingly!"

"In that case, I will send you off the ring!"

Ren Duxing's eyes narrowed slightly, he could see that Ling Tian was already at the end of the force, and everything was nothing but strong support!

You don't need to use a sword at all to completely defeat it!

Soon, let alone raise his hand.

The front of the fist clenched tightly, and on it, the supernatural power of the diamond world surged, surpassing the sword.

"It's still this punch, shattering all your glory and dignity!"


Immediately, he punched out.

The golden light shed the ground and pushed out horizontally.


The punch is not big, but the radius is tens of feet.

But wherever it went, the void shattered, and the divine light illuminated by the heavenly seal was torn apart!

It is still the magical power of the previous holy fist, but this time, it was Ren Lonexing, who blessed the power of the source of the gods.

The power has almost exponentially increased.


Under the surging of this fist, all Tianjiao present in the room screamed in exclamation.

Too strong, is this still a holy fist! ?

When it's over, Ling Tian will not only lose, but may even die!

This should be changed, absolutely can not resist the power of this punch!

Seeing the golden boxing front whizzing, Ling Tian not only did not fear, but roared into the sky.

The power of a mere source of God, dare to prestige! ?

"My sword cuts the dragon, and the sword is broken today, and I promise to break the saint!"

"Excalibur Yulei, cut!"

And at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly pulled up the Dragon Slashing Sword.

The sword that he has cultivated for more than five thousand years, contains all the essence of the magic sword Yu Lei Zhen tactic, and it comes out with a single sword!


The sword light is not long, only tens of feet!

But everyone seemed to see the supreme sword intent contained in this sword aura.

Among them is the golden dragon roaring, fighting for it!

This sword technique seemed to be the last unwilling roar of Human Race.

This is a counterattack!


Fist sword against regret.

There was a loud and deafening noise.

The Heavenly Seal shook wildly, Duo Wentian's expression changed, surging with divine power, forcibly stabilizing the ring.

"How's it going!?"

"That Ling Tian's sword just now is so strong!"

"How do I look at that magical power, it's not like it belongs to the fairy world!"

"It looks like this sword technique is more powerful than the Holy Light Sword and Holy Fist!"

Everyone exclaimed.

At least, in these storms of regret, they didn't see Ling Tian who was killed by a punch.

It's impossible! ?

He resisted?


At this moment, amidst the typhoon storm, there was the sound of broken stones.

When the storm cleared, everyone saw that Ling Tian, ​​arched, was still standing on the ring.

He actually took this punch!

"Dragon Slashing Sword, folded!"

Emperor Jiuge frowned.

Everyone also suddenly discovered at this moment that Ling Tian's sword was held by Ling Tian.

But only half is left.

Ling Tian used the divine sword to guard against thunder and tried his best to cut down the sword, although it blocked the holy fist blessed by the divine source.

But let the Dragon Slashing Sword shattered.

Only the short half of the sword body and the hilt of my sword in Ling Tian's hands were left.

Ling Tian is a sword repairer.

The sword break means that he has lost the ability to transport the sword.

This is a fatal blow to any sword repairman.

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