Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3141: The mysterious bells of the six reincarnations

"What about Qin Yao, is it possible that you really killed him?"

Jialuo frowned.

She doesn't believe it when others don't.

"No, I smashed Luofu Mountain and Yunmei with a single sword, but did not kill Qin Yao. He escaped, but he was seriously injured. In a short time, he will not threaten us again."

Ling Tian shook his head.

Just now, although his mysterious sword is tyrannical, Qin Yao's evil spirit and Luofu Mountain are really not weak.

Although Fierce Soul and Luofu Mountain collapsed, they blocked most of the power of that mysterious sword, and Qin Yao was seriously injured and escaped.

And Ling Tian was exhausted, and there was no way to track it.

"Have you escaped from the serious injury!? Ling Tian, ​​I really underestimated you. I didn't expect that you could seriously injure Qin Yao."

"No wonder, he has become a clone of you."

Jialuo murmured.

"What!? Who became my clone!? Are you talking about Tai One?"

Ling Tian was startled. What does Jialuo seem to really know?

"No, nothing!"

However, Jialuo smirked, but didn't say anything anymore.

"These quasi emperors are really poor. We have broken four levels in a row now, but it seems that we haven't got anything."

Qin Mingyue looked at the cracked ground below and said.

"The ghost of Mingsi, what treasure can there be!?"

Jialuo sneered, "However, there is no here, and Huangquan may not be there. That is the true core of my eighteenth hell."

"If you want a chance, you have to visit Huangquan first."

"Hehe, rest assured, I won't break my promise, let's go, Luofu Mountain has passed, we should also rush to Huangquan?"

"This way, you still have to go ahead."

Ling Tian said lightly.

"Okay, don't worry, the Huangquan Road is still long, so you can heal your injuries during this time."

Jialuo smiled evilly.

Ling Tian glanced at her, summoning Xiaoqing, sitting cross-legged on his back, Haori's true flames surged, and began to restore Qi Haixinghe.

"Tsk tusk, Di listen is domineering!"

Jialuo's eyes were fiery after taking a look at that huge body.

But after that, she began to rectify the ghost tribe army, and walked slowly toward the depths of hell.

Although Ling Tian didn't know where Huang Quan was.

However, after passing Luofu Mountain, Ling Tian's Sanqing Clone Technique became more sensitive to the induction of that Clone Tai One.

In the dark, he already had a direction.

And this direction is the direction that the ghost tribe army is advancing, so it can also prove that Jialuo didn't lie to him.

Not only Ling Tian, ​​but also Ji Jiuyou and Rose, the feeling in their hearts became stronger.

But, they said, this feeling is very bad.

It's like facing death.

This made the faces of the two of them tense all the time.

As the ghost tribe army walked on the Huangquan Road, gradually, the color between the sky and the earth turned into a faint yellow color.

The atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme, and the entire army was solemn, like a yin soldier crossing the border.

Jialuo, who was born in the hell, also had a pretty face, always hovering in front of the army, watching everything in front of him.

Two months later, everyone was able to see the end of the line of sight, just below the dim sky, a dark cyan round wheel appeared above the horizon.

The round wheel is extremely huge, like a mountain range, as high as a hundred miles and stretching for tens of thousands of miles.

From a distance, you can see the outline of the round wheel.

"Oh my God, what is this?"

"Could it be that they are the six reincarnations in the legend!?"

Neither Qin Mingyue nor Ji Jiuyou had seen this thing before, and now they were deeply shocked.

However, Ling Tian and Rose looked at each other.

Because of this round wheel, they have actually seen it.

Right in Ross's sea of ​​anger.

It's just that Rose's round wheel is pale, and this one is cyan.

Moreover, this one in front of me is really too magnificent.

"Yes, this is the six reincarnations standing before Huangquan."

"Those who enter the **** will be teleported to after this reincarnation, and then reincarnated, but few people can see the six reincarnations clearly from our perspective. This is a victorious scene that is worth remembering for all of you.

Emperor Jialuo Wu who was going there suddenly sighed and said.

"No, there is a sound, do you hear it?"

However, Ling Tian's expression suddenly changed at this time, said.

"what sound!?"

Jialuo turned around and looked around, but she didn't hear anything, "Don't you say again, we were ambushed? There is also a peerless array here?"


But at this moment, a bell ringing through the world, trembling.

This bell is extremely melodious, not only magnificent, but also seems to be shaking in people's hearts.

Even Jialuo couldn't isolate this bell.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically. It turned out that the voice Ling Tian said was the sound of the bell!

Not only that, after the bell was remembered, the six samsara in front suddenly disappeared, and a mountain stood in front of that samsara.

"Where did the mountain come from?"

"No, it's not a mountain, it's a storm, it's a storm raised by the bell!"

"Jaluo, resist!"

Ling Tian's feet shook, leaving Xiaoqing's back, standing side by side with Na Jialuo.

The two sacrificed at the same time the Ghost Tower and Liuyao Ding, the power of the divine tool spread, and before the army, it turned into an enchantment formed by the coercion of the divine tool.

After half a cup of tea, the storm turned into a mountain and swept across.

Blasting on the barrier, Liuyaoding and Ghost Tower shook tremendously, and Ling Tian and Jialuo continued to retreat.

After more than a dozen breaths, the terrifying storm was blocked. After a while, the storm gradually dissipated, but the sound of the bell continued to ring.

"What's the matter with this bell? How does it feel like it's from a divine instrument?"

Qin Mingyue frowned.

A storm that needs to be blocked by two artifacts.

It can be seen that the bell is powerful.

"Ling Tian, ​​haven't you asked me about the bell sound ten years ago? That's it."

"Ten years ago, this bell rang for nine days and nine nights."

Jialuo gasped, said.

"Is that this?"

Ling Tian put away the Liuyao Ding.

Although he hasn't seen the so-called bell yet, the sound of the bell is capable of such power, which proves that either the bell is extraordinary, or the person who urges the bell is extraordinary.

But no matter which possibility it is, it seems to be warning them.

How terrifying is the end of this Huangquan Road.

"Anyway, this Huangquan is right in front of you, let's go, go and see what it is!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly, put away the six-line cauldron, summoned Xiaoqing, and walked towards the six reincarnations at full speed.

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