Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 850: The guitar is born, fireworks are easy to be cold

After the three of them answered, there was no sound around them. The prince looked at them for a moment, but his eyes were fixed on Ling Tian, ​​"Are you the one who made the moon under the moon and the colorful clouds chasing the moon?"

"It's down!"

Ling Tian said yes.

Hearing that, Cui Chenxiang's eyes lit up, and his face turned redder when he looked at Ling Tian.

However, it seems to be excited.

She also suddenly remembered that the old prince of Yunhou Mansion had brought a group of musicians and warriors to Cui's house a few days ago, and played two pieces of music called Yuexiayin. When the piece was released, he directly moved the celestial phenomenon. , The people listened even more ecstatically, stunned by shooting the case.

She was also overwhelmed by these two songs at that time, and the creators of these two songs must be immortal-like characters.

Otherwise, I would never make such a beautiful song.

But never thought that that tune would be made by Ling Tian in front of him...

He is so amazing...

For a time, Cui Chenxiang's heartstrings trembled.

"How do you make it? How do you choose the lonely? You have your own strengths at this time, how do you compare?"

The prince shrugged.


Li An and others looked at each other, but did not speak.

"His Royal Highness, why don't you come up with a question and let the three of them express it in the best way, whoever shines, keep who, how about it?"

At this time, Cui Tuer said.


The prince was a little worried, walking on the dragon chair, standing in front of the hall door.

Because the main hall is located on the height of the entire East Palace, if you overlook it, you can see the entire East Palace’s sprawling pavilions.

At this time, the sun was sinking, and the sky was dim. Unfortunately, the drizzle of rain quietly fell at this time, adding a little bit of loneliness to this huge East Palace.

"Oh! Sure enough, the sky is sad and lonely..."

The prince held his hand, but he let out a long sigh.

Ling Tian saw a trace of loneliness from his young face.

This shouldn't have appeared on the face of the prince of a country, right?


At this time, the prince suddenly stretched out his palm, a fiery vitality, condensed in his palm, and then there was a bang, the fire was like a cannonball, soaring into the sky, and exploded in the air at a height of several hundred meters.

The flames formed by the explosion, like fireworks, looked very poignant.

Then, the prince turned around and looked at Ling Tian and the three of them, "The three of you have just this scene as the topic, show your best skills, and let alone take a look!"

"This scene?"

The three Ling Tian came forward and looked at the scene outside the hall with different expressions.

Li An frowned first, then nodded, then walked directly to the side, unfolded the paper on the case, and started to draw with his pen.

Obviously, this Li Ang chose the painting in Qinqi Calligraphy and Painting!

Cui Chenxiang frowned, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

She is proficient in dancing, but how does this scenery make her dance?

The scenery seemed too lonely and poignant.

Ling Tian was at the side, thoughtful, but this scene was not difficult for him.

You can compose poems or play music.

He is just weighing.

"His Royal Highness, Chenxiang wants to dance, but there is no band to accompany..."

Cui Chenxiang turned around and frowned.

"This is not easy. There are musicians in the East Palace, but their music doesn't match the scenery. You can't dance!"

Cui Rouer was even more embarrassed. She also did not expect that the prince would ask such a difficult question.

"What should I do..."

Cui Chenxiang was also anxiously stomping her feet, and she still attached great importance to this selection.

After all, it was to celebrate the birthday of Concubine Yi, who was the mother of the country. Not everyone can have this opportunity.

If you win the favor of Concubine Yi, the reward will definitely not be less.

Just as Cui Chenxiang was about to despair, Ling Tian's voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

"Girl, I can play music, why not, let me accompany you!"

Cui Chenxiang was startled when he heard the words, and then turned around, looking at Ling Tian's face with a pair of bright eyes: "What? You, you accompany me? But...Aren't we trying?"

The three of them are competing, how does this work together?

"Haha, it's okay, anyway, you are dancing, and I am playing music. Whether the prince likes music or dances more, it is up to the prince to decide.

Ling Tian didn't take it seriously.


Cui Chenxiang looked at the prince who had returned to the point, and the latter smiled with his palm, "Ling Tian's proposal is very good, so let's do it! The first time you two cooperate, if you perform well, add points!"

Li An, who was concentrating on painting on the side, turned black when he heard the words.

"OK then..."

Cui Chenxiang looked at Ling Tian, ​​"I don't know, what instrument do you want to use? I heard that you have a very special instrument called a piano..."

"Oh, the piano doesn't look good, I'll change it!"

Brother and sister Zhang Zhao and Zhang Lei, who had hurried over, quickly moved a chair from outside for Ling Tian to sit down.

Then they hid behind the door of the main hall with a group of first-class and second-class people, and watched surreptitiously.

They were also very curious. They didn't expect that Ling Tian had slaughtered the Quartet with his feet in the martial arts field, but now he has changed and started to play music?

This is really a talent!

Ling Tian sat down and took out the guitar that Yang Shaoyou had customized for him in the eyes of everyone.

Ling Tian had only shown this guitar in front of Yang Shaoyou and Qin Mingyue.

Now, it is officially made public.

This guitar is made of very sophisticated materials. It can be said that Shaoyou Yang has poured all the piano making skills into it, even more serious than that of the piano.

After all, Yang Shaoyou is best at making Guqin.

The guitar in Ling Tian's hands was full of wood, but the wood exuded a faint brown light, deep and distant, and the strings were bathed in a light golden light, making it look luxurious.

There is no embellishment of patterns on the body, simple and atmospheric.

On the back of the piano body is engraved with the words Wanhe Songfeng.

This is exactly what Yang Shaoyou gave to this guitar.

"Zheng Zheng Zheng..."

Ling Tian tuned a few notes without plucking it for a long time.

But as soon as this voice came out, everyone's expressions changed.

The prince sitting on the dragon chair wandering around, his eyes lit up and looked over.

Although it was just a few simple tones, it was like the wind blowing through the pine forest, the mellow and clear tone, it was really, too attractive.

The sound of this piano is different from that of Guqin Yueqin!

And Ling Tian's guitar is indeed made according to the classical guitar on the earth, with a deep and pure sound, which is most suitable for lyricism.

Soon after the tune was finished, Ling Tian looked at Cui Chenxiang.

"Miss Cui, can you start?"

"Huh? Oh! Okay, you can start!"

Cui Chenxiang's face blushed, and she quickly stood in front of the hall, ready to dance.

Ling Tian also condensed his mind, holding the piano.

At this time, the breeze outside the hall and the smell of fireworks that had never been dispersed in the air sent smashing rain, blowing on Ling Tian's face, making a chill.

Ling Tian smiled suddenly, playing in his hands, and the melodious piano sound rang in the hall.

Fireworks are easy to cold...

In this life, I finally have a chance to hear it again.

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