Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 880: A strong lineup of sons gathered

Prince Rong’s Mansion was the winner of previous royal hunts, and Li Yu, the youngest son of Prince Rong, is now unmatched in power or prestige.

Ling Tian was naturally very curious about the King of Changshan who was destined to touch.

Hearing this is also the first time I watched it.

He discovered that at this time, the group of people led by King Changshan were all vigorous and talented juniors, full of wind and fierce, with an innate arrogance.

This is not the same as Li Kan's Chinese pretenders.

At this time, the one headed by the group of people was dressed in a fiery red python robe with a robe pattern, but it was the same as Li Mu, with sharp edges and corners, Kong Wu strong, and a domineering army. But this Li Yu, who seemed to be twenty-seven years old, was much older than Ling Tian, ​​Li Mu and others.

Moreover, this Li Yu's cultivation base is also very powerful, and in the middle stage of the law, he is even stronger than Li Qingcheng of the same age.

But although Li Yu's cultivation is only in the middle of the Fa-xiang, the coercion radiating from his body is no worse than any primordial elders present!

This Changshan King is a bit strong and terrifying!

This was the first feeling the other party gave Ling Tian.

"My three king brothers are the most talented of our generation. He has also been in the army for more than ten years, and he has grown up almost all of them in fighting. I admire him."

At this time, Li Mu said on the sidelines.


Ling Tian was noncommittal, Li Yu's strong, he naturally knew.

Ling Tian averted his gaze and looked at the group of people behind Li Yu. Although these people seemed to be the princes of heaven, there were still many differences.

Behind Li Yu, there are obviously a few people, which are very unusual.

Ling Tian's gaze crossed Li Yu, and he was immediately attracted by a strong figure in dark soft armor behind him. The figure of this man, even taller and mighty than Li Yu, stood there like a giant gate, and the fluctuations emanating from this man made Ling Tian's eyes constricted slightly. , This fluctuation is even stronger than Yunyang and Yang Tong and his like...

"Hehe, that silly boy is the second son of the Yuwen family, named Yuwentai. The silly boy is very aggressive, but his talent is indeed excellent. In the last freshman ranking, he ranked No. Ten." Li Mu introduced Ling Tian's curious eyes with a smile.

"Tenth on the battle list? Yuwentai..."

Hearing this, Ling Tian was surprised.

Unexpectedly, this time, I finally saw the characters on the last freshman battle list.

Although this guy ranked tenth, his combat power was indeed much stronger than Yang Tong.

"Well, Yuwen Guogong has made great achievements for the country, a warrior."

Li Mu nodded.

"What? Yuwen Guogong? He belongs to Guogong Mansion?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he had seen people from Guogong Mansion.

"Yes, there are many princes and marquises in the royal court today, but they have different respects. Under my four princes' mansion, there are also Liu Guo Gong and Bazhou princes."

"The Lords of the Six Kingdoms are all ministers of my Southern Tang Zhu Kingdom, and their status is below my Prince's Mansion, but they are above Liubu and Bazhouhou."

Li Mu nodded.

Ling Tian also knew that the five great families were all hereditary, but he really didn't know that the sixth country was the Yuwen family.

"In fact, this Yuwen family was not in our family at the beginning. The Yuwen and Zhuguo generals had outstanding military exploits, but in the end it was because of the merits of suppressing Ling Guogong that this squeezed out Ling Guogong and took the position of the sixth country's father. ."

But at this moment, Zhang Lei whispered a word behind her.

But this sentence made Ling Tian tremble all over!

Yuwen's family suppressed Lingguo's public meritorious service?

Seized the position of the Duke of the Ling family!

This Yuwen family is also the life and death enemy of the Ling family!

"Speak less, you know more!"

It seemed that Ling Guogong had quite a taboo, Zhang Zhao gave Zhang Lei a glance, the latter also stuck his tongue out, and didn't say any more.

Li Mu on the side didn’t care. He pointed to the figure behind the prince, and continued to introduce, “Look at the red-haired man named Ma Lie. He is Hou Shizi of Liangzhou. He is now a freshman in the Zixiao Academy. Zi Xiao can be ranked third, and he is also extremely combative. He has a lot of experience on the battlefield of the Western Territory. Two years ago, he killed countless foreign races of the same rank, and his combat power was extremely strong."

"Lianghou Shizi, Ma Lie!" Ling Tian nodded slightly. As he said, Ma Lie had red hair and a hot air all over his body.

"The kid next to Ma Lie is called Liu Xiu. He is Yongzhou Hou Shizi. Liang Yong is in the west. If Ma Lie is a fierce beast, then Liu Xiu is a shrewd leopard. This kid has a very good mind. As a result, the combat power is also good, and now they are both freshmen in the Zixiao Academy, ranking fourth."

"Another son..."

Ling Tian took a deep breath and couldn't help feeling deeply.

This Changshan King Li Yu is really powerful, and the following is a man of a country and two prefectures, and they are all young talents of various families.

The combined combat power of these three people, even Ling Tian, ​​would never dare to underestimate it.

Moreover, these three people are likely to be the members of Li Yu's team. With such a luxurious lineup, if he wants to come to this royal hunt, he is bound to win Li Yu again!

"Hehe, I got the news that these three are the main players of my three king brothers in this royal hunt. Although the other two are not Zhouhou Shizi or the prince of the country, they are not much worse than the three of them."

Li Mu looked at Ling Tian and suddenly smiled.

"The King of Changshan deserves to be the winner of previous royal hunts. This strength makes people helpless."

Ling Tian also nodded.

"Hehe, that is! My prince brother doesn’t get wronged every time he loses. The three brothers have the help of Yuwen Guogong Mansion and Ximyian Liangyong Hou Mansion. Li Kan also has the support of Yunhou Mansion. As for this king , But also invited the elder son from Qingqi and Qi states."

"The crown prince wants to win, but it is very difficult."

I don't know why, Li Mu said so suddenly.

Ling Tian suddenly rolled his eyes, thinking about it in his heart.

Good deed, these few of them are too cruel.

However, Li Kan occupies one state, Li Yu and Li Mu each occupy two states, so there are three remaining states in the eight states. Why doesn't the prince look for it?

As if he knew what Ling Tian was thinking, Li Mu smiled and said, "As for the remaining three states, Hou Shizi in Jizhou is still outside and has not returned. Yang Hou Shizi can't go out. As for the Yanzhou Hou... Did not come to Zhongzhou."

"Huh? Yanzhou Hou Shizi? Why didn't he come to Zhongzhou?"

After listening to Li Mu's explanation, Ling Tian also understood that it was not the crown prince that was not working, but that it was really not working.

But this Yanzhou made Ling Tian curious.

It seems that he has never heard of this Yanzhou son, and this is the only one who has not been to Zhongzhou.

It's awesome, don't you give up this Dragon Gate competition?

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