Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 907: Qing Hou Shizi teamed up?

However, the next moment, Ling Tian had a warning sign, and he felt that in the depths of the tunnel behind him, another breath appeared, and he had already come towards him!

No way!

The corner of the corridor was narrow, he could hide from Lin Feifan, but he could never avoid the person behind him.

Moreover, this person's breath is equally obscure, obviously a strong person.

The entire corridor was no more than one foot wide, and Ling Tian couldn't escape it anyway.

Helpless, Ling Tian could only choose to show up.

In the main hall, Lin Feifan just wanted to collect the dust-cleaning water, but the next moment, he suddenly turned around and blasted directly behind him with a punch!

This fist is shaped like a black owl, covering a small area, but it is extremely fast and powerful.

Wherever he went, the whole hall began to tremble slightly.

But the next moment, from the darkness of the tunnel, a sword aura also flew out, that sword aura was like water like a star, rushing into the hall with a powerful sword intent!


The moment the swords and fists were fighting each other, a loud noise suddenly echoed in this vast hall. In the high-frequency shock of the horrible loud noise, small cracks cracked one after another on the wall, which was shocking.


Lin Zhuoran was surprised by the stone pillar. He didn't expect that the other party could actually take his punch!

The sword intent of the opponent's sword is absolutely no longer under his sword intent, and this sword technique is also very exquisite, so that it can resist his punch, otherwise the opponent will die with the punch just now.

"Qin Yuan?"

However, when Lin Zhuoran looked at the figure walking out of the tunnel, his voice changed, as if he was surprised.

Ling Tian's footsteps stopped, and his heart was shocked.

He almost forgot that he changed his appearance to the previous leader of the Prince Fruit Mansion team, but he never thought that he would meet Lin Zhuoran here.

But Ling Tian's mind was so extraordinary, he immediately concealed all his thoughts and said, "Yeah."

He didn't reveal anything, he was sure to kill Lin Zhuoran, but he didn't know what killer or life-saving skills he had in his hand, and the opponent was too close to the dust-cleaning water. Ling Tian was afraid of an accident, so he didn't choose to do it directly.

It would be better to act in a play.

Moreover, the guy behind him still doesn't know who it is.

If he is also a member of Prince Guo's Mansion, it would be a little troublesome.

This Lin Feifan and his ilk is definitely not as weak as imagined.

Ling Tian didn't dare to be careless at this time. In order to prevent the boat from overturning in the gutter, all previous efforts have been lost.

"Didn't you avoid the sand world with Yun Yang and head south? Why did you come here? What about the others?"

Lin Zhuoran asked.

Ling Tian rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice, "We have encountered an accident, and everyone else is dead!"

"Accident, what's the accident?"

"We met from the East Palace, Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian raised his eyes to Lin Zhuoran.

Such a deception, of course, tested Ling Tian's own determination.

"Ling Tian? It's that guy! What about Yun Yang? Is he dead too?"

"Yun Yang left after you left. We can't catch up with him."

Ling Tian started to make a fool of himself, anyway, it seemed that Lin Zhuoran was also separated from the group of people first.

"He's gone? Hehe, it seems he is selfish too"

Lin Zhuoran sneered, but the next moment he suddenly said coldly, "No, Qin Yuan, after you are a general of the Prince Guo’s mansion, although I am not familiar with you, you did not use such a sword technique before, and you never It will be so strong!"

Ling Tian's breathing was stagnant, but he still said, "Hehe, Young Master Lin is suspicious, who can enter the home team, who has no point to hide? I, Qin Yuan, is really as weak as you think?"


Lin Zhuoran was still hesitating, but at this moment, footsteps could be heard in the corridor behind.

That person may have also sensed that there are two auras in the hall, so he no longer chooses to hide the aura.

The expressions of Lin Zhuoran and Ling Tian changed at the same time.

Of course, the former is true, but Ling Tian is pretending.

But so close, Ling Tian also felt the power of that breath, definitely not under Lin Zhuoran!

Especially Lin Zhuoran, he was able to conclude that someone who came like him was definitely a master at the Prince's Mansion.

sand! sand!

At this moment, Ruoyouruowu's footsteps rang again, and the distance was obviously much closer.

"Hehe, who am I? It turns out to be Ouyang Ke, the youngest son of the Qing Hou of the Prince Chun's Mansion!"

When the figure emerged from the tunnel, Lin Zhuoran immediately recognized it.

Ouyang Ke? !

Ling Tian turned around and saw the figure who came out clearly, and saw that he was holding a dark red whip in his hand, a black armor, and the white and handsome face, even chic and domineering.

Ling Tian's gaze fell on the whip in this person's hand. You must know that in this world, swords are the most commonly used weapons, followed by long weapons such as spears, sticks, and halberds. The people who practice whips are quite at least.

And this Ouyang Ke's whip looks good, and it is definitely the top one among the super quality tools.

If he was given a whip, even the Demon King would have to be covered in flesh and blood.

"Haha, Brother Lin, since all the people here are acquaintances, there is no need to cover up, right? Is it possible that you want to kill me too?"

Na Ouyang Ke glanced at the jade bowl in the center of the hall and the corpses on the ground, and suddenly smiled.

"Haha, Brother Ouyang joked, I will not move the people from Prince Chun's Mansion. Besides, our common enemy is those from Prince Rong's Mansion."

Lin Zhuoran also took off the hat and smiled. But the smile makes people look uncomfortable and looks fake.

"It makes sense."

Then Ouyang Ke nodded, wondering if it was OK.

His gaze was always paying attention to Lin Zhuoran and Ling Tian, ​​obviously, he was also very jealous.

Lin Zhuoran turned around and took out the dust-cleaning water in the bowl. Without even looking at Ling Tian, ​​he put it away.

This made Ling Tian's eyes a touch of murderous intent.

However, it is not the time yet.

Although Ouyang Ke was from the Prince Chun's Mansion, he was not sure of the other party's intentions, and Ling Tian had not yet figured out the methods used by the two of them.

Anyway, people are here, and no one wants to take away the water to cleanse the dust!

"Shizi Ouyang, we won't bother you. Qin Yuan, let's go!"

Lin Zhuoran greeted after collecting the water to clean the dust, then turned around and left.

"and many more!"

Just as he was about to leave, Ouyang Ke suddenly spoke and stopped the two of them.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall became tense, not only Ling Tian but also Lin Zhuoran's expression changed.

Is this Ouyang Ke going to shoot Lin Zhuoran, that would be great.

Ling Tian thought.

"What's the matter."

Lin Zhuoran turned around.

Ouyang Ke smiled and said, "Brother Lin, don’t be surprised. I don’t know how to make alchemy. Although this dust-cleaning water is good, I don’t care. I call you because of the size of the underground palace, which is definitely the remains of the big sect. There are still treasures, how about we wait to join forces?"

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