Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 923: The Eighth Order

This is Yuwentai!

It is recognized that the first person to enter the royal hunt with the strongest combat power.

But now, in front of Ling Tian, ​​squashed? !

Although Yu Wentai didn't use his full strength, Ling Tian was also blown into flight.

However, these results were simply unacceptable to Yuwentai.

Logically, this time, Ling Tian should be directly wiped out and killed on the spot.

However, Ling Tian didn't seem to be a serious problem, he was equal to resisting Yuwentai's punch!

Lingtian, the dark horse of the East Palace team, has caused a lot of noise in Chang'an City in the past few months. Now it seems that it is really so powerful?

For a moment, everyone looked at Ling Tian who had stood up straight from a distance and walked back step by step, and they all whispered again and again.

It's incredible.

"Damn it! I don't believe you can stop my second move!"

Listening to the discussion around him, Yu Wentai became more and more uproarious. On his huge face, there was also a look of shame. He immediately pulled out the giant spirit wolf from behind and was about to kill Ling Tian.

"Yuwen, don't be impatient!"

However, at this moment, the eldest son Liu Xiu suddenly flew over and stopped Yu Wentai.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to kill this reckless guy!"

Yuwentai has reached the brink of outbreak.

"Yuwen, calm down! Now that the distance to the core remains is about to be opened, what we have to do is to preserve our strength. Now that you are entangled with Ling Tian here, don't you make others proud? Don’t forget, you are the whole team. The strongest, you must focus on the overall situation and don't act rashly!"

"As for that Lingtian, he entered the ruins in a while. It's not too late for us to kill. Don't you have to be anxious at this moment?"

Liu Xiu's face sank, and he said: "I also remind you that I am the captain of the team designated by the county king. Here, you have to listen to me!"


Yuwentai's face was savage, and, across Liu Xiu, he couldn't wait to swallow Ling Tiansheng in the distance.

But Liu Xiu was indeed the captain appointed by King Changshan.

He cannot defy.

"Okay! I'll listen to you this time!"

"Very good!"

Liu Xiu nodded with satisfaction. However, he turned around and looked at Ling Tian who was also glaring at him. He smiled sensibly, "Ling Tian, ​​don't let us see you in the ruins, otherwise, he would be a god. , Can't save you!"

"Damn, why are you hanging so much?"

Ling Tian was speaking, but Qin Shaoyang and others were not angry anymore.

But at this moment, anomalies suddenly occurred.

A relic shrouded in a vast starry sky in the distance, every star bloomed with its dazzling brilliance, especially the most dazzling one, it was as vast as the moon, and it was huge for several laps, as if it could be picked up by a hand.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining seals on the relics of the sect became weak and unstable.

"The seal is broken!"

Exclamations broke out, and all the warriors of the team looked at the ruins one after another, and their eyes were full of fire.

After coming to this royal hunt for such a long time, and having reached this core relic after nine deaths, they were finally able to make the last fight at this time. How could they not be excited.

Moreover, the relics of this sect were opened, and the pure and ancient spiritual energy within it escaped, which made people extraordinarily refreshing.

Among them, there is definitely a treasure!

However, just when all these people wanted to rush into the ruins immediately, the sky suddenly shook like a huge force, tearing the sky away, giving it a mighty weight.

Let everyone stop their movements and look at the sky in horror.

This kind of momentum is as terrifying as the doomsday!


Suddenly, there was another huge tremor in the sky. Amid the deafening noise, all the warriors had seen it. In the sky, something seemed to be drilled through a hole, a golden sharp corner, from the hole, Got out.

Its size is shocking.

"What is this?!"

Rao was Ling Tian, ​​looking at the golden horn, he was also surprised.

This thing, it looks like a breath of Lingbao,

But Ling Tian hadn't heard of such a powerful Lingbao.

"Damn it, isn't this something shaking your head to break through this ruin and come in? Are we going to suffer?"

Qin Shaoyang exclaimed.

"Impossible, what level of monster beast this must be, can it be so powerful?"

Zhang Zhao shook his head.

"Oh, it's not the imperial vein spirit treasure of the clan man's mansion, isn't it?!"

At this moment, Cui Chenxiang was surprised.

"What? Dragon Punishment Nail? Is it really a Lingbao?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"Yes, the Eight Dragon Punishment Heart Nails are the exclusive spirit treasure of Zongren Mansion and the ultimate treasure of the Li family's imperial punishment. It ranks the eighth rank of Lingbao and is extremely powerful. I didn't expect that we can still see it today. Haven't appeared in the eyes of the world several times!"

Cui Chenxiang focused his head.

"Hey, Tier 8 Lingbao, too powerful, isn't it?!"

Qin Shaoyang was speechless.

Ling Tian couldn't help swallowing, it was the first time he had experienced this scene where the eighth-tier spirit treasure was full of momentum.

"In that case, the clan mansion used this treasure, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Lei frowned and asked.

But the next moment, in the sky, there was an extremely coercive voice,

Resound throughout the entire space.

"The king, Li Chongyang, was ordered to preside over this royal hunt. Now he uses the treasure to punish the heart nails, break the barrier, and send the hunting gold order. You can write your identity into it. In the moment of crisis, activate the token. Break the barrier and return to the sea from space!"

This person’s speech was extremely fast, as if he was in a hurry. In the next moment, the golden horns were pulled out, and hundreds of light spots flew in from the healing hole, and rustled on the heads of the warriors. Sui falls.

All the warriors, when they received the golden light spot, found that it was indeed a token, entered their identities into it with divine consciousness, and the token burst into light.

Ling Tian looked at the token in his hand thoughtfully.

He found that in this token, a formation was placed, which could track the trajectory of the holder.

However, I want to come to the clan mansion, I want to keep abreast of the situation inside.

However, in a nutshell, Ling Tian kept an eye on it.

The hole in the sky has completely disappeared.

The warrior who got the token didn't want to wait anymore and rushed directly into the ruins.


Qin An, Pei Yue, Liu Xiu and Marxist Lenin also stopped staying and quickly fleeed away.

Not long after, Ouyang Ke and others from the Prince Chun's Mansion also followed suit.

Then Yu Wentai looked at Ling Tian coldly and said, "Ling Tian, ​​I will make you worse off than death!"

After all, Na Yuwentai rushed towards the ruins.

"My God, let's set off quickly, the treasures that are extraordinary this time, but they will be boarded first by others."

Qin Shaoyang said anxiously.

"Don't worry, take a look and talk."

Ling Tian waved his hand.

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