Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 943: Guixu Dojo

Outside the island, the prince and the three princesses had already taken the crowd to fly back a hundred li again, suspended in the air, looking at the huge black thundercloud that suddenly swirled like a funnel vortex, all speechless in shock .

At this time, the entire sea surface roared and vibrated, as if a huge mountain collapsed under the seabed.

Cui Tuer's face was cold, everyone could see it, this might really be a sign of the ruin space, collapse.

If so, it will definitely trigger a tsunami like the sky and the sea.


Sure enough, everyone was still discussing, and they heard another huge earthquake, as if the seabed was shaking the sky, and the sea surface suddenly bulged, and the thunderclouds also madly poured into the sea surface.

Seeing, the shaking tsunami is about to erupt.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound from above the sky, and only a huge golden dragon nail was seen.

Under the golden spike, Li Chongyang exploded, pressing his handprint and directly urging his heart to be pinned on the surface of the sea.


In an instant, a powerful momentum came out, setting off a tall water column like a dragon.

And this, this directly removes the energy that is going to explode, and directly removes it.

After half a cup of tea, the water column slowly fell, as if everything had returned to calm.

"This...this is over?!"

"Yeah, no one came out?!"

"how so?"

For a while, everyone looked at everything in front of them, dumbfounded.

Is the wonderful royal hunt over like this?

The four people on the ninth floor went straight into the space collapse, and none of them came out.

So who is the final winner of this royal hunt?

"Niang, the agarwood is still inside!"

Behind Cui Tuer, Cui Yan was shocked, and she wanted to rush out directly.

"My sister and brother..."

Qin Shaoyang was also stunned there, completely stupid.

He never thought about this result.

It is also unacceptable.

"Don't worry, I don't believe Ling Tian can do nothing at all. Don't forget, this kid's life is beyond imagination!"

Zhang Kaifeng comforted.

"Agarwood, Ling Tian, ​​you must not die..."

Cui Rouer's face was sullen, his fists in his sleeves clenched.

"His, someone! Look at that, after the water column fell, there seemed to be someone!"

At this time, an exclamation sounded, everyone stared at it, and as expected, after the water column fell, there was a figure floating in the air!

The crowd rushed forward, and Li Chongyang, the nearest one, had already seen this person clearly.

"Yun Yang!?"

When the crowd approached a thousand and saw that person's figure clearly, they were all shocked.

What appeared on the surface of the sea was Yunyang entering the Ninth Floor.

At this moment, Yun Yang was wearing a brand-new azure blue gown, the top of his face was no longer, but he looked more handsome than when he was in Yunzhou.

At this time, his eyes were closed, suspended in the air, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in divine light, like a deep sleep.

When Li Chongyang stepped forward, Yun Yang suddenly opened his eyes. In those eyes, a **** light flashed, and then he became clear and clear.

"Farewell to the prince!"

Among the crowd, Zhang Zhaoqin Shaoyang and others were all ashamed when they saw this.

Ling Tian and the three were nowhere to be seen, but Yun Yang himself came out..........

"Uh... this... how is this possible..."

Cui Chenxiang closed her eyes and followed Qin Mingyue into the black well. She never regretted her death.

However, the pain of being ruthlessly strangled by the power of space never came.

Instead, bursts of refreshing peach blossom scent came, and the spirit rippling around made her feel like a spring breeze.

When she slowly opened her eyes, she realized that she was standing on the edge of the pool, and the peach tree that greeted her was an extremely lush peach tree.

Under the peach tree, Qin Mingyue Lingtian stood together and looked at her quietly.

All this came too suddenly, as if going directly from **** to heaven.

"Hehe, sister Chenxiang, welcome to Taoyuan."

Qin Mingyue stepped forward, pulled Cui Chenxiang, and sat down by the pool.

Ling Tian stood aside in a little embarrassment, looking up to Tian in a daze.

Ling Tian didn't know what the origin of the peach pit was, but at least so far, he couldn't think of anything that would ruin the peach garden.

Here, it is absolutely safe.

Even if it is a space storm, there is no alternative.

"Sister, it's unbelievable that you have such a treasure, wow, it's amazing."

Cui Chenxiang looked at Taoyuan, full of curiosity.

Then, she suddenly heard something and looked at Qin Mingyue and said, "Sister, do I know what I shouldn't know, I have seen it, and I shouldn't have seen it."

Cui Chenxiang Bingxue was smart, and immediately thought of the seriousness of this matter.

These secrets are absolutely related to the life of the family, if the royal court knew it, it would be a crime.

"Hehe, you are not afraid of dying for Ling Tian, ​​and you saved the lives of me and Ling Tian, ​​so you are naturally qualified to come here."

"Of course, this seed of crushed soul fruit, I want you to have heard of it."

Qin Mingyue's eyes drooped, and Cui Chenxiang also saw that there was a gray-white seed on the table.

"The seeds of the Sixth-Rank Spirit Medicine Broken Soul Fruit?"

Cui Chenxiang was only slightly surprised, and then smiled: "Of course I know that it is so good, and I am relieved."

Cui Chenxiang picked up the kind, "If I, Cui Chenxiang, expose this secret, I will die immediately."

With that said, Cui Chenxiang was about to swallow it.

"Nothing, that thing, there is no need to eat it."

Ling Tian suddenly turned around and said coldly.

The last time Ji Jiuyou ate this thing, Ling Tian felt awkward.

"It's okay, I still want to eat, otherwise, I feel uneasy. Moreover, for me, this thing is nothing to eat."

However, Cui Chenxiang shook his head and swallowed the broken soul fruit directly.

"Hehe, sister, don't blame sister..."

Qin Mingyue smiled faintly, but there was no such compassionate expression on Ling Tian's face.

Ling Tian is kind, she won't.


At this moment, Ling Tian raised his head and looked at the night sky, a ray of light came out from the gap.

"Sister, do you... know where this passage leads?"

Qin Mingyue looked at Cui Chenxiang and asked.

Ling Tian heard the sound and looked over.

Judging from the behavior of Cui Chenxiang, it really seemed to know, otherwise how could he know that this well leads to other places, and, on this ninth floor, Cui Chenxiang was very strange.

"I...do know."

Cui Chenxiang pursed his lips, "As of now, I have nothing to say. What we are about to arrive is one of the legendary Twelve Dojo secret realms, the Donghai Guixu Dojo!"

"What, go to the market dojo!?"

Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue were shocked when they heard this.

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