Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 945: The Dojo

Ling Tian and Cui Chenxiang also looked up and found that the originally dark sky was already bright, and what appeared before the three of them was a scene very similar to the original Juntian Dojo.

In the whole space, although the aura is full, there are five huge holes in the sky, which seem to be cracked by someone's hands.

Obviously, the secret realm of the dojo above the four seas is also broken.

Moreover, like Juntian Taoist Temple, they are all destroyed under the same power.

There are mountains and plains, and although there are dense jungles, there is hard solidified lava on the ground.


The space shook, and the peach core should have fallen to the ground.

"Let's go out and see what secrets this Guixu dojo holds."

Ling Tian took a deep breath, and was the first to get rid of Taoyuan.

Qin Mingyue and Cui Chenxiang looked at each other behind them, and walked out holding hands.


The figure landed, Ling Tian walked out of Taoyuan.

He found that at this time, he was on a hill that seemed to be flattened by something.

And not far in front of him, there is a table made of jade.

This table is very similar to the one found in Juntian Taoist Temple.

It's just that the one in Juntian Taoist Temple is wrapped by a giant mountain.

Ok? Could it be that this so-called Mid-Levels was flattened by Cui Guogong or Ling Guogong at that time?

There was a flash of inspiration in Ling Tian's heart, and it was not impossible.

But if this is true, then the strength of the two at the time is beyond imagination.

At this time, on the stone platform, the resistance that should have been placed on the seal was now empty.

Thinking about it, it was really taken away.

However, under the Jade Terrace at this time, there was a golden cheat book scattered there.

Ling Tian stretched out his sword qi, but also raised his eyebrows.

"Sanyang Real Fire Slash!"

This turned out to be a secret method of sword tricks!

And on the title page, there are five stars drawn impressively!

Obviously, this sword technique is much stronger than the purple three-star martial arts in the purple gold treasure chest!

And this kind of mark is unique to Zhongxiaozong, I think it came from that side, through this unfinished passage, just like the two Zhongxiao orders.

But in any case, the power of these Three Yang Real Fire Slash was far beyond Ling Tian's current secret martial arts, and even only exhausted all the pure Yang fingers could be compared.

But it was not the time to study this sword move, Ling Tian put away the secret book and began to search the entire platform, trying to find out what was left.

"Sister Chenxiang, the elder sister still doesn't understand. According to what you said, every secret realm has a top-level spirit treasure, but why do we only know the Heavenly Devil Cauldron?"

When Qin Mingyue and Cui Chenxiang walked out, the former couldn't help asking again.

"This... according to the law, it should be there. But Wang Ting has searched for the dojo in the eight states, and found no trace of Lingbao." Cui Chenxiang shrugged.

"Didn't Emperor Wu ever doubt it?"

"Of course there are doubts, but I heard from my father that there are interactions among top spirit treasures. If they are born, they will definitely not hide from the Emperor Wu’s Celestial Demon Cauldron. Therefore, at least for now, apart from the Celestial Demon Cauldron, there should be no second nine in Nantang. Level spirit treasure. Of course, it might really exist, but it’s just not born or born a long time ago, and then it’s not impossible to be taken away from this world. Because of the special nature of the dragon and phoenix seal, only when they become one, Only in order to become a top spirit treasure, it was not discovered by Emperor Wu."

After Qin Mingyue listened, she nodded slowly, "So that's it, it makes sense."

Ling Tian did not speak on the side. This Cui Chenxiang was really accurate. The Four Elephant Pagodas that were born in Juntian Taoyuan were not influenced by the Heavenly Demon Cauldron because they were in the Taoyuan.

However, he would have to be more careful in the future, he also knew that there was a reaction among the top spirit treasures.

After searching for a while, nothing was found on the entire mountainside except for the two octahedral stones on the jade platform.

Of course, these two stones are the most precious things in this dojo, but Cui Guogong and Ling Guogong didn't know the secret of this thing.

Ling Tian put it away, did not say anything, nor did he look anxiously.

"Girl Chenxiang, I take the liberty to ask, you don't have to answer me."

Ling Tian suddenly looked at Cui Chenxiang and said solemnly, "Do you know where the phoenix seal of the Cui family is?!"

Only when the dragon and phoenix seals are united can they become one, and the four elephant towers are full of secrets. If you want to come to this dragon and phoenix seal, there will be no difference.

At the very least, the dragon-like figure was derived from this dragon seal, so what would be recorded on the other phoenix seal?

This is related to the secret book of the year, Ling Tian wants to know.


Cui Chenxiang bit her lip and said anxiously: "Ling Tian, ​​it's not that I didn't tell you, but... it's because of our Cui family. I really don't know where the phoenix seal is... this dragon and phoenix seal is my Cui family. Only a few people know that it’s top secret, but we are also looking for where this phoenix seal is. Of course, maybe my father didn’t tell me.”

"Well, I believe you. But, the purpose of your father giving you the token..."

"My father's main purpose, of course, is for the king's sword. After all, this dojo has the existence of the king's sword. Among the five great families, it is not a secret. By the way, see if there is any clue to the dragon and phoenix seal, because my father I even suspect that the ancestor might have not brought out the Phoenix Seal out of caution, although I think this is impossible...

Cui Chenxiang's forehead was sweaty.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't embarrass Sister Chenxiang. She can tell you about Longhuang Yin, so there is no need to hide anything."

Qin Mingyue dried Cui Chenxiang's sweat.

"Well, I understand. Girl Chenxiang, I offended."

Ling Tian bowed to Cui Chenxiang, "I owe you this to Ling Tian. Without you, I would never see the bright moon again."

"This is what I should do."

Cui Chenxiang was a little flustered, touched his face, and suddenly his complexion changed, and he quickly covered it with a veil, "Sorry, my ugliness scared you."

Qin Mingyue looked at Cui Chenxiang's appearance, secretly regretting in her heart, but didn't say anything.

Anyone should have low self-esteem.


At this moment, within the dark wellhead next to Yutai, there was a loud thunderbolt. The next moment, a dark ball of light flashing with endless thunder light burst out of the well!

"This is, that black thundercloud!"

The three were shocked, and then Ling Tian exclaimed and hurried to catch up.

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