Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 963: She can only be my Lingtian woman

Li Yu fell in love with Cui Chenxiang, who had just been crowned with beauty.

Regardless of the consequences, in front of everyone, let Concubine Yi give the marriage!

Nowadays, Concubine Yi is favored by Emperor Wu and is the mother of a country.

It stands to reason that if she made an decree to give her a marriage, the Cui family would have no reason or ability to refuse.

It is not impossible to say that it is a gift of marriage.

"Damn, Li Yu is too shameless. Seeing Chenxiang's face, he said he would marry him? How old is he?"

"Hehe, and Li Yu already has a princess. If the Chenxiang girl is married, she will still be a child."

Both Nalanjun and Ouyang Ke sneered at this.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Yu's food is too ugly.

If the concubine Yi really gave her the marriage, Li Yu would not only pull the Cui family to his side, but also get a little wife.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Moreover, Cui Chenxiang, who had recovered his appearance, showed that the Gu poison was relieved, and his future achievements in martial arts were limitless.

Even if Li Yu didn't say anything, many of the emperor's relatives and relatives who were there already focused their attention on Cui Chenxiang.

This is the second treasure of the Cui family besides Cui Zhuer.

Cui Tuo'er was taken by the crown prince, so this Cui Chenxiang is very hot.

But after Li Yu spoke, Cui Tuere and Ling Tian on the stage spoke at the same time.


Cui Chenxiang's expression also changed, looking at Concubine Yi Gui, all stupid.

"Boldly Ling Tian, ​​what did you just say!?"

Li Yu said angrily.

"I said, I'm not allowed!"

Ling Tian's face was gloomy and he raised his eyes.

He solved Cui Chenxiang's poison, so why did Li Yu marry her?

Cui Chenxiang had entered Taoyuan.

Whether she likes Cui Chenxiang or not, she can only be her own woman in her life.

Outsiders do not want to get involved, and the emperor's relatives and relatives can't!

"Ling Tian, ​​you are looking for death!"

Li Yu was suffocated in his heart. His Royal Prince's Mansion was deflated in front of the East Palace one after another, and it was all given by Ling Tian, ​​who was defeated.

This made him feel ashamed in front of his father, and now he wants to marry Cui Chenxiang and win back a city.

Ling Tian dared to object to anyone who wanted to even this.

In the presence of so many people, this is a slap on his own face.

Immediately yelled, he was about to make a move.

"Emperor concubine, please listen to what the old official said."

At this time, Cui Guogong finally stood up and knelt directly on the ground, "Thanks to the favor of the king of Zhongshan County, but the young girl Chenxiang is dull and unworthy of the posture of the king of Zhongshan County!"

"Niang Niang, Cui Guogong is right. Moreover, although Chenxiang's appearance has recovered, the status of Gu poison in the body is still unknown. If you are evil to the King of Zhongshan, then my Cui family can die without redemption."

At this time, Cui Tuo'er pleaded beside Concubine Yi.


Everyone looked at Concubine Yi, after all, in the entire Changchun Garden now, Concubine Yi had the final say.

However, what surprised Li Yu and the others was that Concubine Yi glanced at Ling Tian below and smiled: "It is reasonable."

"I don't hesitate to give marriage the most in my life. If there is no love between men and women, they will be brought together, which is committing evil."

"So, Yu'er, don't mention it anymore. If you really like this girl Cui Chenxiang, you can chase it by yourself, I can't help you."

"You should change the reward."

Concubine Yi's voice fell, and Cui Guogong, Cui Tuer and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Cui Chenxiang is also a daughter of the Cui family, how can he marry Li Yu and be a child?

Cui Chenxiang's face also recovered, but looking at Ling Tian who was neither humble nor overbearing in front of him, his face blushed with shame.

"Hmph, in that case, the king can't stand the reward."

Li Yu sat down with an angrily snort, his chest rising and falling, almost exploding.

In his eyes, Ling Tian stood there like a thorn in his eyes, he couldn't wait to pinch Ling Tian to death!

He rolled his eyes and looked at Shen Tianlian.

"Shen Tianlian!"

Shen Tianlian stepped forward, half kneeling in front of Li Yu.

"This time you celebrated the birthday of your noble concubine and empress, I can't treat you badly, just say, what do you want? As long as you speak, this king will promise you!"

Everyone looked at each other when they heard this.

In front of Concubine Yi, reward Shen Tianlian.

This is a naked dissatisfaction with Concubine Yi Gui!

The entire Southern Tang Dynasty, probably the Prince Rong Mansion, dared to do so.

Concubine Yi Gui's gentle temper is not enough to get angry, but her complexion is not as good as that.

Prince Rong did not speak either, apparently indulging Li Yu to do this.

Shen Tianlian's eyes moved, and then he took a deep breath and knelt down on the ground, saying: "Shen Tianlian hopes to marry the little princess Li Shishi as his wife. I implore the princess king to agree!"

As soon as Shen Tianlian's words fell, many people fell off their stools.

Marry Master Li?

This Shen Tian Lian's appetite is really such a big deal!

Li Shishi is the jewel in the palm of Prince Rong, and he is extremely talented.

Although he belongs to the current class, he went directly to the Imperial College Supervision and Training Program.

Even though Shen Tianlian is extremely talented, but now, he is neither a member of the family, but also a real Imperial Supervisor Tianjiao.

There is still a gap between the identities of the two.

But if Shen Tianlian really married Master Li, then Shen Tianlian would be directly transformed from a slave in Prince Rong's Mansion and become Prince Rong's grandson-in-law.

This is just soaring into the sky.

Master Li's rank is much higher than that of Cui Chenxiang just now. Under the world, how many family leaders and noble sons of the sect, all want to win the heart of Master Li, and thus rely on Prince Rong's Mansion?

Wang Chong of the Wang family was the most obvious one when he came in.

Now, Shen Tianlian, the number one freshman, even spoke up.

In terms of talent and combat power, Shen Tianlian is indeed the person in this class who is most qualified to say this.

However, as soon as Shen Tianlian finished speaking, Prince Rong's eyes suddenly opened.

A cold color flashed through the eyes.

On the high platform, Li Shishi, who was sitting not far from Concubine Yi, was directly stunned.

Obviously he did not expect that Shen Tianlian would be like this in front of so many people!

Li Yu was even more dumbfounded. When would he think that Shen Tian Lianshi opened his mouth and wanted to marry Master Li?

That's his elder brother Su Wang's baby bumps, how can it mean that you marry when you marry?

Not to mention that he dare not agree, even if he did, he would have to be beaten to death by King Su.

In Changchun Garden, everyone was shocked and speechless.

A familiar voice sounded again.

"I'm not sure!"

Not allowed!

This word has sounded twice in a short period of time.

Moreover, it is from the same person.

However, the first time it was Li Yu, the second time it was Shen Tianlian.

But these two people are not simple characters.

And the person speaking is still standing on the stage, Ling Tian!

"Ling Tian..."

Only then did Li Shishi slow down, looking at the long standing Ling Tian, ​​his heart trembled suddenly.

"Ling Tian, ​​what did you say!?"

Shen Tianlian suddenly turned around and stared at Ling Tian.

If it wasn't for hesitation, he would have shot Ling Tian directly.

"I said, you marry Master Li, I am not allowed!"

Ling Tian raised his eyes and met Shen Tianlian's gaze without fear.

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