“Huh? What happened? What am I doing? His Royal Highness Mo Ge? ”

Euphelia, who was wearing light blue pajamas, looked around blankly, always feeling as if she had forgotten something very serious, why was she here?

It wasn’t until she looked at the black prince on the bed that she remembered that she had come to bed.

After dealing with the tasks explained by Moge during the day, Euphelia listened to the troubles of the local people, and all of them lived up to the name of genius.

These days, the residents of the territory have subconsciously regarded Euphelia as Moge’s fiancée.

The daytime task has been completed, and now it is time to complete the night task, so the girl came to Moge’s dormitory with ninety-nine points of nervousness and a feeling of anticipation.

But she now has a subtle sense of discord, as if she forgot something.

“Your Highness, what’s wrong with you? It’s a lot of sweat.”

“Ahem, no, nothing.”

Mo Ge smiled and shook his head at Euphelia, and then quietly opened the storage space and cleaned up all the props such as handcuffs, whips, candles, etc.

[Hiss! What a risk! Almost lost the image, go back and add food to C.C. 】

Just now, Mo Ge and Yelan were taking a torture class, or a practical teaching based on the female spy herself, although Mo Ge was a little reluctant at first, but then the screw that seemed to be rational was slightly loosened.

Mo Ge now thought about it, he seemed to have accidentally invested it, almost awakened some new attribute, and was so focused that he didn’t even notice that Emphelia opened the door.

And then there’s the big social death scene.

The silver-haired Qianjin saw that for a good girl like her living in a greenhouse, it was too advanced, and immediately cracked the petrification.

Fortunately, Moge saved everything in time.

He knew that even an explanation of the situation at that time was useless, so he simply activated the Geass ability, so that Euphelia forgot the scene he had just seen.

As for a certain torture class textbook, Yelan classmate was also listened to by outsiders for the first time, and at this moment he was already flashing.

Mo Ge is now very glad that he got Geass from the witch, otherwise his reputation would really be lost.

[It’s better to know some things in this world, it shouldn’t be my fault, after all, Prince Ben is also reluctant to do this, uh-huh, Yelan, you owe a lot of favors this time, and you must help me do ten tasks for free to pay off. ] 】

Although taking advantage is their own.

But it’s not my fault.

Mo Ge finished defending himself in his heart.

“Is it? I always feel like I forgot something.”

“Eh, it’s Euphie, you’re too tired today, don’t care, hurry up and rest.”

“…… It’s just that little bit of work is so tired, I’m really too far behind.”

Euphelia blamed herself for her lack of ability, this serious and guilty look, Mo Ge inevitably gave birth to a little guilt, so…

He decided to be gentle tonight.

At this moment, the stars are hanging high in the sky, and the moonlight is clear, which is a good weather for moon and star-watching, but the two of them completely closed the curtains without leaving a trace of starlight.

The silver-haired girl’s cheeks were red, and the completely uncontrollable heartbeat could be heard clearly by Mo Ge, but even so, Euphie was still clumsily and hard to persist.

“Don’t force yourself, although I quench my thirst, I understand the truth that strong melons are not sweet.”

“No, it’s okay Your Highness, I can.”

“yes, then, okay.”

It was already ready to awaken, not a disgusted and resistant expression, Mo Ge after discovering this, Wei Wei bowed, since this is the case, then he should respond well.

A few hours later.

The silver-haired girl snuggled in the arms of the black-haired teenager.

Euphelia had fallen into a dream, the corners of her lips slightly upturned but her brows slightly wrinkled, as if she had a sweet and painful dream

“It’s really endearing.”

Mo Ge licked the corner of his lower lip, the pair of purple pupils that shone slightly under the dark light, releasing a noble and mysterious light, the black prince at this moment was like a magical nobleman.

If it is a girl with a weak heart, I am afraid that it can sink at a glance, the black prince gently combed Euphelia’s messy silver hair, and then closed his eyes to rest.


A few more days passed after that.

This worst territory of the kingdom in the past has changed drastically.

The potholed dirt roads were smoothed and sturdy, new shops were built on both sides of the streets, merchants even came from neighboring countries to trade, and a white fountain was built in the center of the town.

The most important thing is that the eyes of the residents have no cloudiness and desolation in their eyes, they already have light in their eyes, and they can also show a smile on their faces.

Anyone can tell that this is a town of hope that is about to become prosperous.

“Well, this progress is so-so.”

“Your Highness, my side has also dealt with it.”

Euphelia looked at Mo Ge with admiration, this person was indeed proud.

Yesterday, Offense came to Weifu for a private visit, and he was still sitting on Anice’s flying props… At that time, the scene almost didn’t make Mo Ge laugh out loud and rode a broom to fly from the other side of the sky, is this planning to switch to horse monkey soju?

He also thinks that his microserver private visit has not been discovered by anyone, and Offense wants to see what Moge has transformed this territory into.

At first, he thought he was flying in the wrong place, looked at the map and compared the old for a long time, and finally he was unbelievably sure that he was not flying wrong.

Austral: “How exactly did you do it?” Actually, so easily… Kaba! ”

Mo Ge: “Even if Father asks me so, I can’t understand why the previous nobles couldn’t do it, it’s obviously such an easy and simple little thing.”

Austral: “…”

At that time, His Majesty’s jaw was dislocated because of excessive surprise, and he thought that even Moge would take a long time, but after witnessing the world’s difference with his own eyes.

Austern is already convinced.

This child of his own undoubtedly has the talent of a king, no, it should be said that he is a natural king! It is even unreasonable for him not to give the throne himself.

He also went to the third prince Argard to see, can only be said that there is nothing in general, after all, he has chosen a prosperous and peaceful territory, even if he wants to change anything, he can’t start.

Finally, the king flew away on a broomstick, saying that he was going back to prepare for the change in the order of succession, and even thought that he might consider abdicating directly.

16th more.

Never written so many words in a day… This does not have to reward the author well?

There are 4 more, about to start slaying the dragon! You guys said I should write a painted pear coat.

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