“It’s a pity, I was thinking of using dragon materials to make some powerful props.”

Anise said a little frustrated, what kind of magic props can be made with a fantasy species of the level of dragons, using its body as a material.

She was looking forward to it.

Mo Ge shrugged and raised her hand to touch Anice’s blonde hair.

“Okay, okay, sorry sorry, I accidentally overdid it this time, and when I find another dragon next time, I will definitely let my sister do it to the fullest.”

“Ah, I didn’t mean that.”

Anise quickly shook her head.

She put her arm around Mo Ge with a smile on her face, tilted her head on the black prince’s shoulder and said.

“Amo doesn’t need to apologize, you’re so angry because I was hurt, hehe, I’m very happy, Amo likes my sister so much.”

“Isn’t that a matter of course, you’re my sister.”

“…… Yes, I’m your sister.”

Anise hooked the corners of her lips, but at the moment she smiled as if she had some helplessness, as if she was regretting something that could not be reversed.

However, she quickly put away that expression and resumed her original smile.

“In short, the dragon’s magic stone will be handed over to my sister, and I will make the most powerful magic props with it.”

“Hmm… Although I say a little bit of that now, can the magic stone divide me in half? ”

Mo Ge hesitated for a while, and finally asked Anise awkwardly, and the blonde queen who was still full of ambition just now almost fell on the spot.


“Ahem, my side has also been entangled for a long time.”

Mo Ge smiled bitterly helplessly.

Hesitantly, he cut too much, resulting in very few parts of such a large dragon body that could be utilized.

And the magic stone, as the most valuable and intact trophy, will of course attract the pursuit of a certain girl.

[Ita has been pestering me for magic stones recently, and if I don’t give it, I always feel that I will do something bad, and there are many girls around me who study crazy attributes. ] 】

The elven girl in charge of research technology in the courtyard, the seventh seat of the Seven Shadows, submitted an application on the spot after Moge defeated Twalin a few years ago.

Although it was originally rejected by Mo Ge, Mo Ge learned afterwards that this girl even made a decision to take an ultra-thick syringe to collect dragon’s blood when Twalin was sleeping…

And in the past few days, for the material of the dragon, Ita, who always stays at the headquarters to do experiments, even ran to the castle, holding Moge’s long legs all day to ask for materials.

“Master, give me dragon material, okay.”

“I will definitely make super powerful props, so please give it to me.”

“Give it to me~”

“Woo hoo, master please, just a little, just a little~”

In the end, Alpha ran over and dragged the child back, but after returning to the stronghold, he also cried and begged for material.

In the end, even Alpha was impatient, hoping that Moge would give some to the kid a little.

“It was originally the dragon that Ah Mo defeated, I don’t have an opinion on who you want to give the material to, hum~”

“Sister, if you have no opinion, please don’t take out the magic sword with killing intent, you also know Ita.”

“Knowing is knowing, and although I also recognize the child’s enthusiasm as a researcher, but… I always feel very cunning! ”

Anise clenched her small fists, feeling a little jealous for the elf girl’s ability to get along with Moge without a sense of boundaries and no worries.

Mo Ge scratched his head in bewilderment, thinking that women are really not understood by men, even if they read many books on girls’ psychology.

He just read dozens of books that understand women, but every woman in this world is a different book, and it is strange to be able to read it…

At most, it’s all roughly flipped through.


“Got it, I’ll share some material for that kid.”

“Thank you, I’ll ask Ita to write a thousand words of thanks when I come back and send it over.”

“Hehe, then don’t use it… No, yes, I’ll look forward to it.”

Anise changed her tone and said.

Mo Ge also had some expectations, these two geniuses used the power crystallization of the dragon to make what kind of magic props, he can definitely be two completely different styles.

Although Anise always messes around, the magic props she makes are basically stable.

Ita also seems to be very messy, but… In fact, she is just very messy! We will only think about how to maximize the effect, and we will never think about safety or anything.

“Let’s talk about this later, today I was called the palace together, there should be something.”

“Yes, but I can guess it in general.”

“Finally, the father is going to give way.”

Anise only felt very emotional.

On that familiar throne, there will not be many fathers… Well, it doesn’t matter, it’s better to hope that her father will come down quickly, she now wants to see Mo Ge wearing a royal robe and wearing a crown sitting on that gorgeous chair, it must be very handsome!

In front of the king’s study.

“Father, we are here.”

“Father, good afternoon.”

Moge and Anise push the door in.

In the past, there were only the kings and prime ministers’ study, but today there was one more person, and the moment she saw that person, Anise almost jumped three feet tall, and immediately hid behind Mo Ge and covered her hips and shivered.

“You guys are finally here, Anise and Moge.”

“Mother mother, queen mother?! How could you be here, are you still alive?! ”

“Of course I’m still alive, as for why I’m here, I don’t think I need to explain it, there are such major events happening in China one after another, I can’t be at ease in diplomacy, and I returned to China yesterday.”

The woman sitting next to Wang said.

It is clear that he is over forty years old, but as if his youth has eternal, there is no trace of time, and he is even shorter than Aniss, at most one meter six.

The long brown-red hair is tied into three strands, and the face is also very cute, and the baby face of the blonde queen is undoubtedly inherited from this person, plus this physique.

Mother and daughter standing together will definitely be mistaken for sisters… She’s still on her sister’s side.

She is the princess of this kingdom.

The person that Anise fears the most.

If the king punished, Anise would choose the power to escape, but if the princess punished… Even a certain heaven-breaking royal daughter can only obediently lie on the chair, pouting her hips and preparing to be slapped.

She is Sylphine Mez Paretia.

Don’t look at this is a lovely mother, when she was young, she personally charged the battle, a silver gun to establish battle merits, a thief!

“Ahem! Anyway, hurry up and take a seat, I have something important to discuss with you today.”

Offense showed sympathy for Aniss, Mo Ge’s words can escape, but his stupid daughter will definitely not be able to escape the palm of the princess… This king gloated.

He has already reported the various atrocities of Anise some time ago to his wife, and when the meeting is over, he will personally hand the princess a wooden gun with the head removed.

Stupid daughter, you are dead today! Humphhahaha!

“Father, you smile crookedly, image.”

“Oh, cough, in fact, I called you here this time mainly to discuss… About Mo Ge’s accession to the throne.”

“!!!” x2

First more.

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